'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Of course critics will call this a conspiracy, a witch hunt, "fake news" and just liberals being sore losers, right?

Now it makes sense why the House GOP was so hush, hush about Trump, wanting to gut ethics, playing partisan politics and everything else. No wonder they wanted to cover up his taxes.

The swamp just got even more mucky, if that was even possible.
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



This sounds serious!
"I was joking" is a common defense mechanism upon someone jamming their foot into their mouth.
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



This sounds serious!
Remember, John Dean, the White House counsel served time for his bad advice to Nixon. Then he turned on the entire Nixon Administration.

Flynn told the White House Counsel that he was a double agent. Flynn was made National Security Advisor anyway. Flynn's lawyer said Flynn had a "story to tell" and that was why he asked for immunity. But immunity was denied.

I don't know who the current White House Counsel is, but you can bet, his name will soon become a household word as soon as Trump throws him under the Bus and Trump will throw him under the bus.
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



This sounds serious!
Remember, John Dean, the White House counsel served time for his bad advice to Nixon. Then he turned on the entire Nixon Administration.

Flynn told the White House Counsel that he was a double agent. Flynn was made National Security Advisor anyway. Flynn's lawyer said Flynn had a "story to tell" and that was why he asked for immunity. But immunity was denied.

I don't know who the current White House Counsel is, but you can bet, his name will soon become a household word as soon as Trump throws him under the Bus and Trump will throw him under the bus.

I agree! I believe Don McGahn is the current White House counsel.
Funny, it was just pointed out that making a known double agent the National Security advisor and giving him access to Top Secret information. Basically the entire intelligence availible in the United States. And that would be the biggest political story in US History as far as intelligence compromise, but with this administration, on this night, it's the third biggest story.
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



This sounds serious!
Remember, John Dean, the White House counsel served time for his bad advice to Nixon. Then he turned on the entire Nixon Administration.

Flynn told the White House Counsel that he was a double agent. Flynn was made National Security Advisor anyway. Flynn's lawyer said Flynn had a "story to tell" and that was why he asked for immunity. But immunity was denied.

I don't know who the current White House Counsel is, but you can bet, his name will soon become a household word as soon as Trump throws him under the Bus and Trump will throw him under the bus.

I agree! I believe Don McGahn is the current White House counsel.
Don McGahn. Hmmm. I don't need to learn it. Everyone will be saying it. Especially Trump. Who will say it's all Don's fault.

Worse for Trump. When he starts throwing the people who work for him under the Bus, lost will be any sense of loyalty.
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



Drain the Swamp. Take names and eradicate these vermin from the GOP and any future political career.
Of course critics will call this a conspiracy, a witch hunt, "fake news" and just liberals being sore losers, right?

Now it makes sense why the House GOP was so hush, hush about Trump, wanting to gut ethics, playing partisan politics and everything else. No wonder they wanted to cover up his taxes.

The swamp just got even more mucky, if that was even possible.

no; unlike you morons who only rely on your Hive to tell you what to say, think, and do, most of us already knew many of the GOP establishment are traitors and just as vile and repulsive as the Obama/Hillary crime syndicate is. Of course, most of you Reflatulents are happy being establishment tools; it's too much effort for you poorly educated types to attempt independent thought.
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



Drain the Swamp. Take names and eradicate these vermin from the GOP and any future political career.
Who in the GOP isn't vermin?
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



Drain the Swamp. Take names and eradicate these vermin from the GOP and any future political career.
Who in the GOP isn't vermin?

Far more than exist in the Democratic Party. That is a fact.
House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump

WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.

Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser. The job gave Mr. Flynn access to the president and nearly every secret held by American intelligence agencies.

News had just broken the day before in The Washington Postthat Russian government hackers had penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee, prompting McCarthy to shift the conversation from Russian meddling in Europe to events closer to home.

Some of the lawmakers laughed at McCarthy’s comment. Then McCarthy quickly added: “Swear to God.”

Ryan instructed his Republican lieutenants to keep the conversation private, saying: “No leaks. . . . This is how we know we’re a real family here.”
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



Drain the Swamp. Take names and eradicate these vermin from the GOP and any future political career.
Who in the GOP isn't vermin?

Far more than exist in the Democratic Party. That is a fact.
I don't see Democrats colluding with the Russians. Practicing voter suppression. Being anti gay, andi Hispanic, anti Muslim and anti black. But to Republicans, those are the reasons they are Republican.
House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump

WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.

Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser. The job gave Mr. Flynn access to the president and nearly every secret held by American intelligence agencies.

News had just broken the day before in The Washington Postthat Russian government hackers had penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee, prompting McCarthy to shift the conversation from Russian meddling in Europe to events closer to home.

Some of the lawmakers laughed at McCarthy’s comment. Then McCarthy quickly added: “Swear to God.”

Ryan instructed his Republican lieutenants to keep the conversation private, saying: “No leaks. . . . This is how we know we’re a real family here.”

This administration and Congress isn't playing chess. They're not even playing checkers. They're playing Minesweeper.
House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump

WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.

Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser. The job gave Mr. Flynn access to the president and nearly every secret held by American intelligence agencies.

News had just broken the day before in The Washington Postthat Russian government hackers had penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee, prompting McCarthy to shift the conversation from Russian meddling in Europe to events closer to home.

Some of the lawmakers laughed at McCarthy’s comment. Then McCarthy quickly added: “Swear to God.”

Ryan instructed his Republican lieutenants to keep the conversation private, saying: “No leaks. . . . This is how we know we’re a real family here.”

This administration and Congress isn't playing chess. They're not even playing checkers. They're playing Minesweeper.
Trump has known Flynn a little over a year and he protects him more than people he has known for decades.
'Putin pays Trump,' said Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in private meeting during primaries

Republican leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, said that "Putin pays Trump," in a recording from June 2016 published by The Washington Post.

In the tape, Mr McCarthy, then the most senior Republican in the house of representatives, states that Donald Trump - then a candidate in the primaries - was funded by the Russian president.

Paul Ryan, the house speaker, told those gathered not to leak the remarks.

When representatives for Mr McCarthy were contacted by The Washington Post, they initially denied the remarks were ever made. When The Post informed them they had obtained the tapes, the spokesperson then insisted it was a joke.



This sounds serious!
Remember, John Dean, the White House counsel served time for his bad advice to Nixon. Then he turned on the entire Nixon Administration.

Flynn told the White House Counsel that he was a double agent. Flynn was made National Security Advisor anyway. Flynn's lawyer said Flynn had a "story to tell" and that was why he asked for immunity. But immunity was denied.

I don't know who the current White House Counsel is, but you can bet, his name will soon become a household word as soon as Trump throws him under the Bus and Trump will throw him under the bus.
It's Don McGahn, longtime Republican flack, attorney for one of those alphabet Republican orgs, like the RNC. He was FEC head under Shrub, presiding when it was exposed that voting machine maker Diebold had a CEO who was also one of Dubya's 'Rangers' - someone who raised more than $100k for Bush's campaign.

Diebold's Political Machine

He does have one saving grace:

McGahn owns 30 guitars and plays a Gibson Les Paul in Scott's New Band, an '80s cover band that performs in Ocean City, Maryland.​
I don't see Democrats colluding with the Russians. Practicing voter suppression. Being anti gay, andi Hispanic, anti Muslim and anti black. .

They don't usually report on such topics at High Times or Daily Kos. Have you considered reading something with news in it?

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