Putin played TRUMP

It’s the Trump claim that Putin would not invade Ukraine if Trump was still the US resident.

Do you think it had nothing to do with Putin’s belief that he has a NATO busting weapon that NATO cannot defend against.

Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.​
Liberal logic 101 a weak anti military president = a strong military president
Liberal logic 101 a weak anti military president = a strong military president

Why doesn’t Trump still have his special relationship with Vladimir Putin, get on Trump Force One fly into Moscow, meet with Putin and tell him to stop this shit.
It’s the Trump claim that Putin would not invade Ukraine if Trump was still the US president.

Do you think it had nothing to do with Putin’s belief that he has a NATO busting weapon that NATO cannot defend against?
Notice one of the first things Putin did in invading Ukraine, is saying that he put his nuclear forces (those unstoppable hypersonic cruise missiles) on high alert.


Putin and his pet
Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.​
There's more to it than that. It seems Putin was planning this for a while. Putin got Trump to withdraw from the INF (intermediate range missile) treaty, that prohibited the entire class of missile, likely to be used is a tactical nuclear strike.

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty, formally the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles;

The INF Treaty banned all of the two nations' land-based ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and missile launchers with ranges of 500–1,000 kilometers (310–620 mi) (short medium-range) and 1,000–5,500 km (620–3,420 mi) (intermediate-range).
By May 1991, the nations had eliminated 2,692 missiles,

Trumps gift to Putin, was withdrawal from the treaty, letting Putin create his new hypersonic cruise missiles.

Less than one year after President Donald Trump informally announced that the United States would withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the State Department announced on Aug. 2 that the move was officially complete.

Signed in 1987, the INF Treaty led to the elimination of 2,692 U.S. and Soviet nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. Since 2014, the United States has accused Russia of violating the treaty by testing, possessing, and fielding an illegal ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM), known as the 9M729.

Trump untied Putin's hands, and Putin developed hypersonic cruise missiles that would have violated the INF treaty, except Trump did Putin a favor, by the US ending the treaty.
Just because Trump is no longer relevant on the world stage doesn’t mean his propaganda machine and bullshit need not be refuted.
But he is still relevant on the world stage. The world knows he may be president again. The cottage industry of people trying g to harm, corrupt, and even help take over Ukraine has direct ties to the criminal Trump and his campaigns. They aren't going anywhere. Putin is gearing up for another astounding propaganda victory in trying to get him elected again.
So Russia has a new hypersonic missile which will let them...what, kill apartment buildings even faster?
No, Russia has a new hypersonic missile that would have been BANNED, if Trump didn't withdraw from the INF that completely eliminated the entire class of missile. But now Putin can not just legally make his new hypersonic missile, but do so in large quantity, and before the US could develop or deploy any missiles to counter them.

Trump gave away the missile advantage of those that could target NATO nations to Putin.
Biden abandoned our allies in Afghanistan and our weapons and turned tail and ran. Putin was camped on the border of Ukraine for a year and Biden did nothing. Putin invaded Ukraine and Biden did nothing. More illegal criminal aliens flooded the U.S. than Russians in Ukraine and Biden did nothing. Inflation is higher than it has been in a half century and energy prices are out of sight and Biden did nothing. Now lefties want to blame the former president? You gotta be kidding.
Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.

On December 24, 2021, Putin said that a salvo of Tsirkon had been test-fired “successfully and faultlessly.” The characteristics of the Tsirkon are secret.

The state trials of the Tsirkon missile from a surface warship are coming to an end. The missile has been developed and produced by the NPO Mashinostroeniya Enterprise integrated into the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV).

It was widely known putin rejoiced and became incontinent when he was gifted a fool as his opposition. Trump protected him and virtually annointed his efforts to take the world.
He never anticipated his brain dead supporters would rush to follow their political suicide leader to reunite with their real motherland, Russia. How patriotic of them.
It’s the Trump claim that Putin would not invade Ukraine if Trump was still the US president.

Do you think it had nothing to do with Putin’s belief that he has a NATO busting weapon that NATO cannot defend against?
Are you fucking serious...

What have learnt in the last few weeks? Russians lie about how god there weapons are...

Thanks for playing, please come again... This is a fucking joke..
Trump untied Putin's hands, and Putin developed hypersonic cruise missiles
Thanks for that! And just think how gleeful Vladimir Putin must’ve been to see the United States Capitol being attacked on January 6 by the red hat Trump flagged anti-democratic mob. Just think how much Vladimir Putin helped Trump turn the nation PUTIN wants to destroy into a potential racially tinged Civil War, if Trump had been able to convince Mike Pence to throw out the votes in six states where a large number of minority voters including BLM who chose Donald J Trump to be replaced by Joe Biden in the White House. Just think as we know now Vladimir Putin was planning this invasion while having the benefit of Trump’s BIG LIE having successfully delayed or overturn the inauguration of Biden on January 20. Just think how more emboldened Putin might’ve been if 2021 was filled with a constitutional crisis like we have not seen since the American Civil War. It’s all related. It’s all related to the friendship between Putin and Trump for over a decade.
What have learnt in the last few weeks? Russians lie about how god there weapons are...

Yes, and Putin surely believes all the lies he likes to hear whether it’s from intelligence agents or weapons manufacturers. And in Russia you can’t tell the dictator a weapon system you designed doesn’t work. So they lie, of course. And then Putin makes bad decisions based on a bad army and bad weapons and bad intelligence about Ukraine and the west. Of Course that’s not going to excuse Putin for committing war crimes.
Putin waited for these. It had nothing to do with Biden.

On August 24, 2021, a contract was signed at the Army 2021 international military and technical forum on the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian Defense Ministry.

If Trump didn't withdraw from the INF treaty, each and every one of Putin's new super missiles would have been banned.

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