Putin Says he Will Nuke the World.

Of course you would. That only strengthens my point.
I believed your point was to the effect "would you invest in oil production under this admin" as if oil companies are not doing that...I simply pointed out that investments have increased...

Was your point something else?

And? What for helps this?
That was not coherent. Try again to insult me.

I attacked all US-Americans. Not only you. What is your concrtete problem? You will lose some of your soldiers in Europe and Europe. So what? Do you think you will like to get your possessions in Europe back if Europe will be a nuclear hell?
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Iran has a lot of oil? ... Interesting. Would they be ready to help Germany if we will not get or do not like to get Russian oil any longer? How reliable is the Iran in such a business? ...
Far as I know...Iran hasn't caused the last 2 or 3 significant oil price fluctuations.....that would be Russia now...and Russia and Saudi Arabia a year or so ago......why not give Iran a try...
What means this what you say here?
Should I have said "money talks?" The Iran people aren't as religious as you think. They love wealth. They are well aware there are in the world people who want more than their fair share of their inheritance of black gold wealth underneath their desert. Money is more fun than fighting unimportant battles. Iranians are NOT stupid as you think.

How did it work out for you last time

So you feel well that you and/or your allied Brits bombed down a harmless city which had been ful of refugees in Germany in world war 2 - what had been a very heavy war crime of the allies in world war 2. And what exactly do you like to say with this? That it is better for "the Germans"="The Nazis" to fight together with "the Russians"="the Soviets" against the "the Capitalists"="the USA"? Is it not high treason what you do here from an US-American point of view? Or are you even a Soviet on your own, who plays only to be a nationalistic US-American?
So you feel well that you and/or your allied Brits bombed down a harmless city which had been ful of refugees in Germanyy in world war 2 - what had been a very heavy war crime of the allies in woeld war 2. And what exactly do you like to say with this? That it is better for "the Germans"="The Nazis" to fight together with "the Russians"="the Soviets" against the "the Capitalists"="the USA"? Is it not high treason what you do here from an US-American point of view?
Again...........you defend that POS HITLER.......

You declared a War on us.................YOU FUCKED UP.......

And even after we kept you from being Stalin's bitches you are still an ARROGANT country who refuse to Honor your word........The only reason you exist as a WHOLE COUNTRY TODAY IS BECAUSE OF THE GREATEST GENERATION of the world.
Should I have said "money talks?"

Money is doing what?

The Iran people aren't as religious as you think.

I know this. They are normally religious but not fanatics. The Iranians are very nice people. I never met any others. But since a longer time I met no one from the Iran anymore.

They love wealth. They are well aware there are in the world people who want more than their fair share of their inheritance of black gold wealth underneath their desert. Money is more fun than fighting unimportant battles. Iranians are NOT stupid as you think.

So you think they will not sell oil to us Germans because Putin otherwise could nuke their country. ... hmm ... sounds plausible and so it was indeed not a good idea from me to try to bring them in danger. We will have to take a look for other solutions if we like to avoid an economical catastrophe in Germany with heavy effects on whole Europe and some side effects for the USA.
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Again...........you defend that POS HITLER.......

You declared a War on us.................YOU FUCKED UP.......

And even after we kept you from being Stalin's bitches

"You" had been an ally of Stalin in world war 2 and "you" sold a big part of Europe to the Soviets. And part of you strategy in the cold war had been to nuke a little town in the center of Germany and to create a nuclear hell here to stop the Soviets if they had tried to attack the western states of Europe.

you are still an ARROGANT country who refuse to Honor your word........The only reason you exist as a WHOLE COUNTRY TODAY IS BECAUSE OF THE GREATEST GENERATION of the world.

The reason why Germans "exist" is much more complex - what's somehow anyway the wrong word for this what we are really doing because no German is a German and only all together we are Germans - or shorter: We are only Germans for your enemies - our friends know us better.

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You was an ally of Staloin won wrod ar 2 and you sold a big part of Eirpe the Soviets. And part of you strategy in the cold war had been to nuke a nuke a little toen in the center of Germany to vertae a rsoscoispdtzeoein ehle herre and to stipionthei way the Societs of they had tried to attack the western states of Europe.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend............guess you never heard that huh?

Hitler made a pact to divide up POLAND with Russia........Guess you forgot that.......huh?

That invasion started WWII
Anton, I am so amazed. I merely quoted Newsweek. They're on your side, remember their 2016 day-after-election headline, "Madame President!!!!" Now you're calling them on their words "bullshit points?" Gloria Halleujah! & My deepest thanks, AntonToo. *sigh*
Bullshit is not on my side.

This particular OPINION piece writer has a knack for sensationalism.

See his other creatively EXPLOSIVE content:
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They never tried anyone way but their way…

What's nonsense. "The Oligarchs" (=very few superrich people) and "the unimportant rest" are a result of capitalism in Russia. And Putin is also a result of a nearly broken down democracy.

Russia has always been the enemy

Not so for us Germans. We have astonishingly good relations to many Russians - and many Russians do not like Putins war.

since the fall of the Soviet Union and was our enemy when they were the Soviet Union, so let be clear they never tried the American way…

"The American way" is an empty phrase which means everything and nothing. Putin lived the "American dream" and is now the most rich man of the world and president of Russia. "Trump" and "Putin" are not a big difference - but the US-American democracy and the republic USA kept stable and survived Trump - and will hopefully be able to survive the empirial attacks of Trump also in 2024. The USA before Donald Trump had been "the democracy" - now is not clear any longer what the way of the USA will be.
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No! The enemy of my enemy is also able to be my enemy.
Patton wanted to end that problem. FDR was an IDIOT.

And it matters not...............Germany declared War and now you whine about losing it. You don't speak for Germany.

Most I've ever known DETESTED HITLER.

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