Putin Says he Will Nuke the World.

¿Computerized Numerical Control?

I am an answer of the universe to this what had happened before me - everyone is. Nobody here is able to live in a world without Stalin and Hitler. And we all together made "a Putin". Are we all liars or only a bad answer?

I fear somehow it is better to be a dog in Japan than to be a "Japs" in the murderous USA. The Japanese seem to be able to have compassion with a suffering dog full of hope while US-Americans seem to think compassion, wrongdoing and empty phrases are the same.

More Excuses. In China Japenese had contests to see how many they could kill with 1 sword stroke or jab.

Maybe you should read about Nanking. Such nice assholes. Kinda like the Waffen SS
If it was Kim Jong-un in North Korea ...

It was by the way also a problem that the highest representative of the western world - the president of the United States of America - spoke with this brutal murderous criminal in the third generation of brutal murderous criminal traitors of Korea. Ein scharfer Arschflugkörper hätt's auch getan. Ah sorry: To send a cruise missile into his ass had been also enough.
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More Excuses.

Sorry that we invaded the Ukraine in ... one moment ... history books are thick ... 1941 ... I guess this had been 1941. So sorry dear Ukrainians. Damn - nobody listens there. I will later try to excuse myselve for what I did not do.

In China Japenese had contests to see how many they could kill with 1 sword stroke or jab.

Everyone has a very special form of humor.

Maybe you should read about Nanking. Such nice assholes. Kinda like the Waffen SS

Ever heard the name "John Rabe" - also called "the good Nazi from Nanking"? I heard he saved about 100,000 Chinese while your father saved the planet by murdering - ah sorry "killing" - Japs.

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beautress said:
Newsweek ran this strange article that says Putin is now going to "Nuke the World" according to Newsweek Magazine online. Do think he is serious? I just heard Democrat friends in the Middle East who are oil-rich are not taking Biden's phone calls that would just be pleas for foreign oil and gas, while he can destroy America. Gee. We'll be so miserable, Biden's crapshoot is to pay foreigners for oil and starve America's oil business. I don't get it. Do you?

Putin Threatens to Nuke the World | Opinion
If it was Kim Jong-un in North Korea making the claim and had the nukes, I would believe it. Anyone that puts offending relatives in front of a cannon and blows them to pieces, isn't dealing with a full deck. Putin on the other hand, is just using hyperbole in the hopes of getting the west to back off of his military campaign.

I don't know, Lucky Duck. Putin's missile fire has already hit three different nuclear power plants in the Ukraine. He's already flirted with nuking a neighbor. Two million of them have already been accepted in Poland for finding farms and homes someplace else. Long live Poland, and bless the family and man I met in 2006 who explained how workers in Poland had been treated by Russia. He turned treatment of workers around with his "solidarity." I heard him speak in Polish, and line by line, an interpreter told an Alumni association members and those from the American Historical Society in our language what he said. He created a better life for the workers in Poland by hustling his country's mean handlers into a corner, and he basically taught the world a lesson about having the courage of one's convictions tends to win over insane abusers. I don't know why he picked me, but after the speech was over, he told me of his family and his determination to make life better for his children, and unlike his speech in Polish, he told me in English, my native language. I am forever enchanted by those who put other people first. In his battle with overlords, he was putting the Polish nation first because of all that had been required of them who were no strangers to hard work for almost nothing an hour.

What was pleasing to hear and well-understood by fiber artist and seamstress me, was the Polish way that Lech Walesca spoke to me--they are putting the crisis of the Ukrainian people first by offering them shelter and acquainting them with opportunities of hope, Just like their former President, Lech Walesca taught them to put others in crisis first.

God bless Poland, their history of doing right to the common man, and Lech Walesca's dear family including him. A good leader teaches his people lovingkindness to those who are down and out until they have a better world by leaders who truly, truly care about others whom they put first. Did it teach his oppressors a lesson?

We will know if Russia ends its leadership that bombs a 20-foot hole where a maternity hospital used to be but is now a windowless edifice around that hole. Last night's footage showed a pregnant woman on a rolling table with half her baby trying to get out of the hole shrapnel left of its mother's belly. Russia must act to stop the madness of a war created by a fantasy of a madman controlling Europe because he got rid of the Ukraine first because he put them last, but their hidden nuke intelligence first. And that's what I think of this rotten apple of a war.
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This should alarm climate change cultists.

Kamala said the freedom convoy was causing climate change….how about a nuclear war?

The green people should be protesting this.

They're actually in favor of a "small" nuclear war. A "little bit" of nuclear winter to reverse climate change. These people are fucking insane.

Sorry that we invaded the Ukraine in ... one moment ... history books are thick ... 1941 ... I guess this had been 1941. So sorry dear Ukrainians. Damn - nobody listens there. I will later try to excuse myselve for what I did not do.

Everyone has a very special form of humor.

Ever heard the name "John Rabe" - also called "the good Nazi from Nanking"? I heard he saved about 100,000 Chinese while your father saved the planet by murdering - ah sorry "killing" - Japs.

So now your lame butt who brought up Hitler and the past is now saying why did I do that.

You are a special kind of Stupid
Sorry that we invaded the Ukraine in ... one moment ... history books are thick ... 1941 ... I guess this had been 1941. So sorry dear Ukrainians. Damn - nobody listens there. I will later try to excuse myselve for what I did not do.

Everyone has a very special form of humor.

Ever heard the name "John Rabe" - also called "the good Nazi from Nanking"? I heard he saved about 100,000 Chinese while your father saved the planet by murdering - ah sorry "killing" - Japs.

You need a better translator.
Biden had his chance to help American oil businesses, but because his party and he hates the American business community with such hatred as that once placed on Satan's shoulders, destroying oil wealth of America is #1 on the deep state's agenda. Crazy mad AOC with the red-stained dress hates American oil, Nancy Pelosi likes her powerful chair more than helping oil people help the USA, Hillary Clinton is a communist despot, created by Academia who thought she was "cute" by carrying around an AKA to take out the administration building at Yale Law School. 50 years later, she's still their baby girl. Just go figure that. She is the main person in the deep state who tells Biden what he must say. She was also Barack's Brain Trust. This country is in hell because of Hillary's Shadow President in 3 administration--those of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and now, Sick Joe Biden. What would America do without Hillary, the eraser of everybody but communists.
Carrying around an AKA? Also Known As?
Anton, I am so amazed. I merely quoted Newsweek. They're on your side, remember their 2016 day-after-election headline, "Madame President!!!!" Now you're calling them on their words "bullshit points?" Gloria Halleujah! & My deepest thanks, AntonToo. *sigh*
I knew Gloria Halleluiah! She and I went to different schools together. Her mother and my mother were both mothers.
Carrying around an AKA? Also Known As?
I corrected it to be an AK-47 yesterday. My computer is acting really funny. It takes me an hour to do one post, and I'm in a lot of pain which means after that much time, I have to take a nap, only to find an error that makes my entire post look silly. Thank you for picking up on an error that was overlooked or occurred by my monitored computer that may have been hacked by my thinking something important was desirable by the sellers of my new computer, but on looking them up, it appears the only effect I can find is a slow computer intentionally targeted. I try not to be paranoid Admiral, but I am a 20-year acquaintance with dirty players in the deep state. They don't like me. And I can take what they dish out because I come from a military family who've served in every war this nation has encountered since landing at Plymouth Rock on its last voyage that landed in the new world. Not to mention their detractors who punished them with hatchets and arrows. :dunno:
The "savvy genius" is either doing the Saddam Shuffle or the Muammar Mambo, but either way, his terpsichore ain't gonna get him on Dancing with the Stars - even if it's the next schlock-tv show Trump hosts.

5900 nuclear weapons buy him the space, and time he needs to rid Ukraine of globohomo.

The demons on the other side of the fence can only seethe at this point.
5900 nuclear weapons buy him the space, and time he needs to rid Ukraine of globohomo.

The demons on the other side of the fence can only seethe at this point.
The "savvy genius" is succeeding in destroying Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, but he is strengthening NATO.

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