Putin summons trump to Helsinki

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He’s going to order him to rig the elections for Republicans again, and there is nothing you can do about it.
lets hope it involves rounding up and deporting all the leftist scum from our countries
I wonder how many training exercises Trump will cancel to make Putin happy.
It seems the Left is getting really tired of all the success Trump is having that they have to yet again resort to Russia, Russia, Russia. Maybe bring back Stormy Daniels? Have anything else? Didn't think so.

Even CNN, and MSNBC has tired or Russia, Russia, Russia.
He’s going to order him to rig the elections for Republicans again, and there is nothing you can do about it.
How did Putin getting snowflakes to organize and march for Russia via social media manipulation and paying willing liberal groups to spread racial division and violence 'rig the elections for Trump' again?

How was it NOT 'election interference / manipulation' when Hillary / the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, colluded / paid foreign spies and Russians to obtain an unverified document she used illegally in an election and a document the FBI illegally used to get warrants to spy on Trump and his team ?



I lost count of how many times Putin 'summoned' Obama during his Presidency... :p
Personal dialogue is usually better than reactionary posturing through 'twits' and newspaper headlines... Y'all continue with the 'puppet' narrative all you want while the adults deal with the geopolitical intricacies... lol I commend Trump's willingness to disassociate his personal 'comfort level' with 'Mullergate' and deal, despite it all, with Russia head on & in person!
summit - yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ... uh huh, surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre .... anything you say goldilocks, then summit it is.

Any guess as to what Putin will order trump to do this time?

Uncle Pooty and President Trump will be discussing US RF relations.

The President should bring Mueller along, I'm sure that if Mueller wants to know about Russian collusion, no one know more than Pooty.
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