Putin summons trump to Helsinki

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What a bizarre piece of nonsense. Let's see:

* Trump officially approved a sizable arms sale to Ukraine, which of course has outraged Putin and has been condemned by Russian and pro-Russian news outlets. Trump signaled the approval weeks ago. Obama, on the other hand, repeatedly refused to sell arms to Ukraine.

* How quickly liberals forget about Obama's infamous promise to Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, caught on video in March 2012, that he could be more "flexible" with Russia "after my election" (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...ibility-after-election-idUSBRE82P0JI20120326; Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’).

How quickly liberals also forget that it was Obama who threw away America's missile defense option to get a one-sided nuke deal with Russia, which, coincidentally enough, Obama did after the 2012 presidential election (Romney: Obama stopped missile defense shield 'as a gift to Russia').

How quickly liberals forget that they mocked Mitt Romney in 2012 for warning that Russia was our biggest threat. Remember that, liberals? Remember how Obama scoffed at that notion?

* Trump has condemned Russia's conduct in Syria as a "humanitarian disgrace":

TRUMP: I will say, what Russia and what Iran and what Syria have done recently is a humanitarian disgrace. I will tell you that.​

We're there for one reason: We're there to get ISIS and get rid of ISIS and go home. We're not there for any other reason. And we've largely accomplished our goal.​

But what those three countries have done to people over the last short period of time is a disgrace.​

* Trump continues to be harshly critical of the Iran nuclear deal, and in fact a few months ago, he decertified the deal and asked Congress to define new, more realistic trigger points for cancelling the deal altogether. But Russia strongly supports the Iran nuclear deal and has condemned Trump's actions on the matter. (So we see that it is American liberals who are in agreement with Putin.)

* Trump has imposed higher tariffs on steel and aluminum. When Trump announced his decision, Russia's two top steel companies saw their share prices drop, and one Russian minister said the higher tariff would do "some damage" to Russia.MarketWatch observes that Russia will be among the eight nations hit the hardest by Trump's hike in steel tariffs

By the way, the AFL-CIO, the federation of America's labor unions, has praised Trump's increase in steel tariffs:

For years, we have called attention to the predatory practices of some steel exporting countries. Such practices hurt working people and cheat companies that produce in the U.S. We applaud the administration's efforts today to fix this problem. Effective enforcement of trade laws, including section 232, is critical to leveling the playing field and ensuring that U.S. steel producers and their employees have a fair shot in the global economy. Secretary Ross, Ambassador Lighthizer and Director Navarro have rightly advocated for these actions despite opposition from the Wall Street wing of the administration. This is a great first step toward addressing trade cheating, and we will continue to work with the administration on rewriting trade rules to benefit working people. (Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Good for Working People | AFL-CIO)​

U.S. Steel has also praised President Trump's hike in steel tariffs and has applauded his earlier tariff hikes on washing machines and solar panels:

We are pleased to see the President's action on products critical to American manufacturing and energy production. We are hopeful the President will similarly use his authority to establish a broad Section 232 remedy targeting steel imports that threaten U.S. national security by undermining our industry, economic competitiveness and the industrial foundation on which our manufacturing sector rests [this is exactly what Trump is doing by raising steel tariffs]. We believe broad and decisive action against the multitude of foreign producers is fundamental to protecting our national security and American jobs.”​

* Trump continues to enforce every sanction on Russia that he inherited from Obama. In fact, Trump just extended those sanctions for another year.

* Trump has authorized the conducting of expanded U.S. military exercises in Europe, which has drawn sharp criticism from the Russian government.

* Yes, Trump has not enforced the latest round of Russian sanctions passed by Congress. He feels they are too broad and that the current sanctions are enough. However, Trump is now working on new Russian sanctions, given recent events:

Senior White House officials say the Trump administration is looking at additional sanctions against Russia and is on guard for possible meddling in November’s congressional elections.​

Republicans and Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump for not imposing Congress-approved sanctions over 2016 election interference.​

The officials said Wednesday the sanctions process moves slowly for legal reasons and cannot react to bad headlines and criticism.​

“The process on sanctions is long. It’s arduous. It’s not pretty. But when the evidence is there and we’re ready, we go ahead with the sanctions,” the official said.​

Liberals who still dare to attack Trump for not imposing enough sanctions on Russia need to tell us what they said when Obama and his administration were virtually mute when Iran was butchering protesters in the streets and when Obama proceeded to give Iran $150 billion in sanctions relief as part of his disastrous Iran nuclear deal and then added insult to injury by paying ransom money to get Iran to release the American hostages it was holding (instead of insisting on their release as part of the nuke deal).

* Trump's State Department, at his urging and with his approval, has diverted billions of dollars in arms sales away from Russia by persuading potential buyers not to buy Russian arms:

Our discussions, our diplomatic engagements, are sensitive and we don’t talk about them publicly, but we did brief Congress yesterday because it’s important, of course, to keep them updated. I can say publicly, though, that the results of our engagement and our demarches globally, we have been able to turn off potential deals that equal several billion dollars. And that is real success, it’s real money, and it’s real revenue that is not going to the Kremlin and is not going to Russia as part of the intent of this law and the intent of this administration, to remind Russia and remind the Russian Government of the costs of its malign activity, specifically with regard to Ukraine.​

* In response to Putin's bizarre and provocative press conference a few months sago where he bragged about "invincible" nuclear weapons that could hit America, Trump immediately directed his administration to issue several clear condemnations, starting with his press secretary, Sarah Sanders, speaking in his name to condemn Putin's provocative posturing. That's a lot more than Obama did during the 2009 pro-democracy protests in Iran.

A free Iran would be one of the most momentous events in the past 20 years. Yet, rather than tighten economic sanctions and undermine the regime, Democrats did everything they could to strengthen it. This includes the Obama administration ignoring the uprisings of 2009, releasing Iranian spies, slow-walking and shutting down investigations into Iranian criminality, and paying ransoms. These are political decisions made by a party that seeks to regain power here in the United States.​

If the Russians were really "all for Trump," why did they provide so much dirt on Trump for the Steele dossier? Why did they pay for at least one anti-Trump rally?

Just because Trump has made genuine efforts to improve relations with Russia does not mean he is pro-Putin or pro-Russian. Trump has made it very clear that he is quite willing to condemn Russian misconduct and that he is willing to take actions that anger Russia if he feels they are needed, such as his approval of arms sales to Ukraine, his imposition of higher steel tariffs, and his decertification of the Iran nuclear deal.
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