Putin summons trump to Helsinki

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He will direct Trump to help keep oil prices above $60 a barrel, and to stay out of Syria and Ukraine while he slaughters civilians.

Yeah, that is why Trump's energy policy has been to MAXIMIZE U.S. domestic, fossil fuel output which increases worldwide supply. You do know about supply and demand, right?
You do know the price of oil has soared since Trump took office, right?

It was $53 when he started. Putin needs oil above $60 to keep his country out of recession.

Try to keep up.
3.80 a gallon in 2011. Try to keep up.
See? One of the well groomed trumpanzees...ready to commit all sorts of atrocities for their orange leader.
Law and order. Get use to it.
Sieg Heil!
Get a job!
You would be very surprised to learn what my job is.
You arrange Hillary's shoe closet?
Your occupation is obviously masturbating in public.
You do know the price of oil has soared since Trump took office, right?

It was below $60 when he started. Putin needs oil above $60 to keep his country out of recession.

Try to keep up.
Look to Saudi Arabia, OPEC, and Iran, and then maybe get back to me after you educate yourself. Without Trump's energy policy, oil would be a lot higher than it is now.

An great economy is also increasing Demand for oil. Thanks Trump!
He will direct Trump to help keep oil prices above $60 a barrel, and to stay out of Syria and Ukraine while he slaughters civilians.

Yeah, that is why Trump's energy policy has been to MAXIMIZE U.S. domestic, fossil fuel output which increases worldwide supply. You do know about supply and demand, right?
You do know the price of oil has soared since Trump took office, right?

It was $53 when he started. Putin needs oil above $60 to keep his country out of recession.

Try to keep up.
3.80 a gallon in 2011. Try to keep up.
$53 a barrel on January 20, 2017.

$73 today.

Putin is pleased.

All caught up now?
You do know the price of oil has soared since Trump took office, right?

It was below $60 when he started. Putin needs oil above $60 to keep his country out of recession.

Try to keep up.
Look to Saudi Arabia, OPEC, and Iran, and then maybe get back to me after you educate yourself. Without Trump's energy policy, oil would be a lot higher than it is now.

An great economy is also increasing Demand for oil. Thanks Trump!
You almost put together a coherent sentence somewhere in there.

Keep trying.
A 37 percent increase in the price of oil since Trump took office.

Thanks Trump!
What the hell do lefties want these days? A couple of years ago they were annoying most Americans by parading down the street with the Russian hammer/sickle flag and shouting "better red than dead. Student Bill Clinton caught the eye of the KGB when he was demonstrating against his own Country in England and won on a free KGB sponsored trip to Russia. Hillary paved the way for Russia to obtain uranium sites but the crazy angry left blames President Trump. It seems as if the left is drumming up support among the crazies for a shooting war with the 2nd most prolific nuclear power in the freaking world. How smart is that?
Any guess as to what Putin will order trump to do this time?

Good grief. And the hits just keep on coming.

Just goes to show what ignorant biased idiots sound like.

Not to mention, no link, therefore, who knows what he is even talking about. How on Earth could Putin summon Trump to Finland?

He couldn't No one could.

You know the OP and the rest of the lefty loons on this board have to say shit like that. Its all they can do.

They just can't stand the fact that Trump is doing a great job and the Blue Wave ain't coming. LOL

2020 is looking good for Trump as well and all they have are a bunch of old retreads.

You know. Hitlery, Biden and Sanders. Those three couldn't win a contest if they were the only three contestants.

I have to LMAO at all the lamo threads on this board.
It's so sad Democrats and Neocon Republicans are pushing for another Cold War with Russia. Americans and Russians have so much in common. Russia shouldn't be an enemy. Trump should meet and speak with Putin. We don't need another Cold War, or God forbid, WWIII.
Both countries are run as dictatorships so yeah, a lot in common.
Any guess as to what Putin will order trump to do this time?

Trump - "See My Exellency, I told our allies that they can go suck a doughnut and I saluted the North Korean general, pretty cool huh?"
Putin - "Ok thait's enough blowjob now go wipe cheen and seet down. New aurders, I want you speet een Aungela Merkel's face and call her Nazi."
Trump - "But I'm a Nazi, how is that going to ..."
Putin - "I don't remember ausking your opinion deepsheet, pee tape already transferred to USB steek, I give word and you drinking whore peess on news aul over world."
Trump - "Ok yes no need for that Mein Fuhrer, I mean Mr. Emperor. So how did you like me ripping young children away from their mothers and watching them cry and cry on tv."
Putin - "Yes guud, you give hope of being vassal dictator someday. I'm steel vaiting on US Gestapo execution squads, don't deesappoint me my Yellow Rain Babushka."
Personal dialogue is usually better than reactionary posturing through 'twits' and newspaper headlines... Y'all continue with the 'puppet' narrative all you want while the adults deal with the geopolitical intricacies... lol I commend Trump's willingness to disassociate his personal 'comfort level' with 'Mullergate' and deal, despite it all, with Russia head on & in person!
A true Trumpian word salad.
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