Putin threatening to shoot down US planes anywhere over Syria. The TRUMP/PUTIN collusion? Really?

USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.
USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.
16 years in Afghanistan and absolutely nothing to show for it.
USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.

What the sheeple do not realize is that USA.INC only cares about spreading (snicker) "democracy" when a country has resources that this massive terroristic organization covets......or a leader gets in that they can't control.
USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.
16 years in Afghanistan and absolutely nothing to show for it.

Have you seen the movie 'War Machine?' It's on Netflix. Definitely worth checking out. We have no business still being in Afghanistan.
USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.
16 years in Afghanistan and absolutely nothing to show for it.

The CIA got the heroin pipeline started again and they have their eyes on a trillion in lithium but the bill for this venture was put on our tab. Both Bush presidents, Clinton and Barrypuppet should be swinging from lamp-posts in downtown D.C.
The US lead coalition doesn't have the monopoly in shooting down planes.

Everybody can be a bully.

The sooner NATO and the coalition understands that ,the better it will be.
USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.

What the sheeple do not realize is that USA.INC only cares about spreading (snicker) "democracy" when a country has resources that this massive terroristic organization covets......or a leader gets in that they can't control.

Oh yeah, it's all about installing those Puppet Regimes. As soon as a leader doesn't go along with what the Western Globalist Elites want, they're immediately targeted for death. I mean, Assad is a Western-educated secular leader. But he wasn't going along. Therefore they declared 'Regime Change' on him.

They want their Puppet in there. And they'll do anything to make that happen. That includes funding & arming brutal murderers like ISIS. And the evidence is out there on that. Wikileaks showed that Obama and Clinton were well aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'allies' were supporting ISIS in Syria. But they kept it a secret from the American People. It's just another bloody mess. We need to end this Permanent War agenda. It's time.
USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.
16 years in Afghanistan and absolutely nothing to show for it.

Have you seen the movie 'War Machine?' It's on Netflix. Definitely worth checking out. We have no business still being in Afghanistan.

Haven't seen it but I will check it out for sure...always looking for new documentaries to download. Have you watched "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's trick"? It's on youtube for free. I plugged that documentary when I was interviewed by John B. Wells and his show "Caravan To Midnight" back in March. It's very powerful...long, but the time flies by. We have no business being in the Middle East at all but I have no doubt that you are familiar with PNAC and the CFR papers and Zbigniew Brzenzski's books about the globalist plan to take it over.....I mean , they put it right in our faces.
USA.INC has no business being in Syria to begin with. ISIS is a CIA, Mossad, Saudi intel and MI5 creation.

But that is what USA.INC does, it topples countries that they don't control and then install a puppet and a central bank.

Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.

What the sheeple do not realize is that USA.INC only cares about spreading (snicker) "democracy" when a country has resources that this massive terroristic organization covets......or a leader gets in that they can't control.

Oh yeah, it's all about installing those Puppet Regimes. As soon as a leader doesn't go along with what the Western Globalist Elites want, they're immediately targeted for death. I mean, Assad is a Western-educated secular leader. But he wasn't going along. Therefore they declared 'Regime Change' on him.

They want their Puppet in there. And they'll do anything to make that happen. That includes funding & arming brutal murderers like ISIS. And the evidence is out there on that. Wikileaks showed that Obama and Clinton were well aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'allies' were supporting ISIS in Syria. But they kept it a secret from the American People. It's just another bloody mess. We need to end this Permanent War agenda. It's time.

Indeed....man, I could talk to you for hours...you have really done your homework.....it gives me hope when I run across those like you.
How is shooting down a single Syrian jet worse than sixty missiles striking a Syrian airbase? Just destroy all their jets on the ground then.

Et, voila.
Yup, it's all about installing Puppet Regimes and plundering resources. It's so shocking so few Americans understand what's going on with all these invasions. Most actually believe it's about 'Freedom & Democracy.' I mean, most really do believe it's perfectly justifiable to invade a country, shoot down its aircraft, and then claim 'Self Defense.' It's collective insanity. It's the result of years & years of Government/Corporate Media Warmonger brainwashing. It's sad.

It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.
16 years in Afghanistan and absolutely nothing to show for it.

Have you seen the movie 'War Machine?' It's on Netflix. Definitely worth checking out. We have no business still being in Afghanistan.

Haven't seen it but I will check it out for sure...always looking for new documentaries to download. Have you watched "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's trick"? It's on youtube for free. I plugged that documentary when I was interviewed by John B. Wells and his show "Caravan To Midnight" back in March. It's very powerful...long, but the time flies by. We have no business being in the Middle East at all but I have no doubt that you are familiar with PNAC and the CFR papers and Zbigniew Brzenzski's books about the globalist plan to take it over.....I mean , they put it right in our faces.

Yeah, great stuff. 'War Machine' isn't a Documentary, but it's a real good movie. Brad Pitt's great in it. It's based on a true story. 16yrs is way too long. We need to leave Afghanistan. Period, end of story.
Colluding to destroy US warplanes?

Dems are so utterly full of shit, it would be laughable if it wasn't so morally bankrupt.

Russia warns U.S. not to hit Syrian government troops: Ifax

The downing of a Syrian government warplane by the United States is a step toward a dangerous escalation, and Moscow is warning Washington not to use force against Syrian government troops, a senior Russian diplomat told Interfax news agency on Monday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also told the agency that a set of new U.S. sanctions that can be imposed on Russia will lead Moscow to retaliate.

good for him.:thup:Its high time a country took a stand against a nation with the most corrupt government in the world who is always starting wars with other countries murdering innocent civilains.
go Putin.:thup:
everything you claim the USA does is DONE BY PUTIN and Russia, only 10 times worse? Putin deserves no praise, EVER! He's a murderer.
has the president spoken out on this?

just SILENCE from mr tough guy?

what the heck?
Colluding to destroy US warplanes?

Dems are so utterly full of shit, it would be laughable if it wasn't so morally bankrupt.

Russia warns U.S. not to hit Syrian government troops: Ifax

The downing of a Syrian government warplane by the United States is a step toward a dangerous escalation, and Moscow is warning Washington not to use force against Syrian government troops, a senior Russian diplomat told Interfax news agency on Monday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also told the agency that a set of new U.S. sanctions that can be imposed on Russia will lead Moscow to retaliate.
Just smokescreen to cover the Trump/Russian connection.
there you have it. any lie, any.
Just how do you know its a lie- prove it
It's always good to come across those that are "awake"...there are some on here that know the things we do. Just gotta keep forging ahead.

Yeah it's tough. Most Americans are so propagandized on supporting Permanent War. They're all-in on their Government meddling in every nations' internal affairs. It is about the years & years of brainwashing.
16 years in Afghanistan and absolutely nothing to show for it.

Have you seen the movie 'War Machine?' It's on Netflix. Definitely worth checking out. We have no business still being in Afghanistan.

Haven't seen it but I will check it out for sure...always looking for new documentaries to download. Have you watched "JFK To 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's trick"? It's on youtube for free. I plugged that documentary when I was interviewed by John B. Wells and his show "Caravan To Midnight" back in March. It's very powerful...long, but the time flies by. We have no business being in the Middle East at all but I have no doubt that you are familiar with PNAC and the CFR papers and Zbigniew Brzenzski's books about the globalist plan to take it over.....I mean , they put it right in our faces.

Yeah, great stuff. 'War Machine' isn't a Documentary, but it's a real good movie. Brad Pitt's great in it. It's based on a true story. 16yrs is way too long. We need to leave Afghanistan. Period, end of story.

I will definitely check it out...every now and then Hollywood will put something out to tell how things really are. Take the X-Files for instance. The first and last episodes of the last season was "spot on" on so many levels. Now those two episodes are not as available as they once were.
Colluding to destroy US warplanes?

Dems are so utterly full of shit, it would be laughable if it wasn't so morally bankrupt.

Russia warns U.S. not to hit Syrian government troops: Ifax

The downing of a Syrian government warplane by the United States is a step toward a dangerous escalation, and Moscow is warning Washington not to use force against Syrian government troops, a senior Russian diplomat told Interfax news agency on Monday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also told the agency that a set of new U.S. sanctions that can be imposed on Russia will lead Moscow to retaliate.

good for him.:thup:Its high time a country took a stand against a nation with the most corrupt government in the world who is always starting wars with other countries murdering innocent civilains.
go Putin.:thup:
everything you claim the USA does is DONE BY PUTIN and Russia, only 10 times worse? Putin deserves no praise, EVER! He's a murderer.

Actually, incredibly factually inaccurate. No other nation on earth invades and kills more than the US does. To believe otherwise, makes you a completely brainwashed American Warmonger.
Colluding to destroy US warplanes?

Dems are so utterly full of shit, it would be laughable if it wasn't so morally bankrupt.

Russia warns U.S. not to hit Syrian government troops: Ifax

The downing of a Syrian government warplane by the United States is a step toward a dangerous escalation, and Moscow is warning Washington not to use force against Syrian government troops, a senior Russian diplomat told Interfax news agency on Monday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also told the agency that a set of new U.S. sanctions that can be imposed on Russia will lead Moscow to retaliate.
Just smokescreen to cover the Trump/Russian connection.

Simply astounding how stupid some of you jackasses are. That comment is something I'd expect to hear out of a mentally challenged 15 year old.

How embarrassing for you and what ever dumbass agreed with you.
Colluding to destroy US warplanes?

Dems are so utterly full of shit, it would be laughable if it wasn't so morally bankrupt.

Russia warns U.S. not to hit Syrian government troops: Ifax

The downing of a Syrian government warplane by the United States is a step toward a dangerous escalation, and Moscow is warning Washington not to use force against Syrian government troops, a senior Russian diplomat told Interfax news agency on Monday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also told the agency that a set of new U.S. sanctions that can be imposed on Russia will lead Moscow to retaliate.

Did it ever occur to you that Putin Trump both are in trouble in their own countries--and they're putting on a show right now to alievate the tension resulting in Russian hacks of DNC databases? And are possibly in collusion together for this show?

I think Putin has realized the blow-back of what he did, launching them back into a cold war with the United States by backing & helping his preferred candidate in this race. So out comes the talk to convince people like you that there was nothing going on between them when we have proof that there is.
Trump reportedly revealed highly classified information to the Russians last week that the US hasn't even 'shared with our own allies'
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him
Derp Derp Derp we go
Gently down the stream
Colluding to destroy US warplanes?

Dems are so utterly full of shit, it would be laughable if it wasn't so morally bankrupt.

Russia warns U.S. not to hit Syrian government troops: Ifax

The downing of a Syrian government warplane by the United States is a step toward a dangerous escalation, and Moscow is warning Washington not to use force against Syrian government troops, a senior Russian diplomat told Interfax news agency on Monday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also told the agency that a set of new U.S. sanctions that can be imposed on Russia will lead Moscow to retaliate.
Why would our President keep colluding?

He is already President
Colluding to destroy US warplanes?

Dems are so utterly full of shit, it would be laughable if it wasn't so morally bankrupt.

Russia warns U.S. not to hit Syrian government troops: Ifax

The downing of a Syrian government warplane by the United States is a step toward a dangerous escalation, and Moscow is warning Washington not to use force against Syrian government troops, a senior Russian diplomat told Interfax news agency on Monday.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also told the agency that a set of new U.S. sanctions that can be imposed on Russia will lead Moscow to retaliate.

good for him.:thup:Its high time a country took a stand against a nation with the most corrupt government in the world who is always starting wars with other countries murdering innocent civilains.
go Putin.:thup:
everything you claim the USA does is DONE BY PUTIN and Russia, only 10 times worse? Putin deserves no praise, EVER! He's a murderer.

USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet and has been since the Bretton Woods agreement. USA.INC started overthrowing countries in earnest in 1953 and they haven't stopped. There couldn't of been a Bolshevik Revolution without Wall Street and the globalist bankers...same goes for Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao-Tse-Tung.....all supported by the same ones that own USA.INC. The military is the hammer of this massive conglomerate and all the weaker countries are the nails...FACT!

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