Putin to the rescue!

You just hate it that President Putin is better thought of in the US than obama the silly putty is.

Stew in it. Think about what that means. Then go suck your thumb

You must have not only the meat, but the bread also........it's a despotic love..

Buy Kelvin Klein....
that would be awesome, a russian invasion of iraq!

That would really top off the list of obama's failures to do absolutely anything right, even his top priority obamacare!

do something foe yourself, don't worry about iraq!!
The current strength of Russian leadership and the weakness of the our own should alarm all Americans. Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states are shitting bricks. I doubt they have much faith in the US led NATO. They're hoping to survive the next couple of years of Obama.

In economic terms, China is gaining at US expense, in political terms, Russia.
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obama's favorite book is The Post American World.

It isn't so much that I support Putin. Although in many ways I do. Nor is it that I support muslim terrorists. I just love to see obama kicked around. obama has left us little enough for amusement. Seeing him sent to the corner with a dunce cap on is very pleasing.

You said you would vote for Putin for POTUS. You meant it.
obama's favorite book is The Post American World.

It isn't so much that I support Putin. Although in many ways I do. Nor is it that I support muslim terrorists. I just love to see obama kicked around. obama has left us little enough for amusement. Seeing him sent to the corner with a dunce cap on is very pleasing.

You said you would vote for Putin for POTUS. You meant it.

Of course I meant it! If he does nothing else, President Putin reduces obama to insignificance. Poland is taking the cue and running to Russia and Germany away from the US.
One thing I like is Putin's anti-swearing law, would do wonders in the west. But can't have everything.

We have freedom of speech. Forbidding words simply because you don't like them should be illegal. Besides it isn't words that matter but the meaning behind the words that you do use that matter. What difference does it make if you say God Damn it or Gosh Durn it if the meaning is the same in both cases. Using the pc friendly version and thinking you're not cussing is disingenuous.


How about several..

Why the fuck do you folks need to lie so much?
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obama's favorite book is The Post American World.

It isn't so much that I support Putin. Although in many ways I do. Nor is it that I support muslim terrorists. I just love to see obama kicked around. obama has left us little enough for amusement. Seeing him sent to the corner with a dunce cap on is very pleasing.

You said you would vote for Putin for POTUS. You meant it.

Your right. Things are just that bad for some. A true bellwether of just how miserably Obama is failing.


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