Putin: US World Dominance is ending

Trump’s worshippers agree.

It’s much better that America retreat from its position of power and become a small country, Little America as it were.

Yup....build the walls.....retreat from our places in strategic areas in the world.....give Russia the responsibility and ability to dominate.....and return to the great White years of the 40's and 50's. That is trump's plan.....endorced by the Kremlin as they celebrated trump's election.

Putin has doubled his budget for trolls....as is obvious from their presence defending Putin and his pawn.....trump.
-------------------------- Putin and his PAWN eh [chuckle] , thanks JimH !!
Glad to see you think Orange Jesus is a leftist piece of shit, Petetard7469.

I know you're a leftist, and you'd have to cure cancer, AIDs and Autism to achieve the status of a piece of shit you malignant parasite.

Obama diminished America’s status.

So has Trump.

Too bad you’re too much of a mindless partisan hack to see otherwise, lowlife.

trumo rolled over for Turkey.....the mighty US cowered by Turkey.

Maybe his bone spurs were acting up?
Putin says US dominance is ending after mistakes 'typical of an empire'

And the end is being hastened by the corruption and incompetence of the Liar in Chief.....

He is implementing Putin's plan to take down the United States. How trumpettes cannot see this....I can't understand. trump is helping Putin gain a foothold in strategic parts of the globe...by handing him victory after victory.....

His love affair with Putin has a very dark side. It may benefit him with his wealth....but it is placing the US in a dangerous and subservient position.
He is saying that the U.S. bullying days are over. That they use to frightened other countries to do their will. But now, these countries sees them as frauds. Corporate America like Monsanto, use to have the power to start wars with these countries if they don't go along with their agendas.

Jim really goes to town with the idiocy right about the same time deantard is usually on one of his forced posting vacations. The lunacy and lack of depth are identical.

I smell a rotten stanky sock.
Putin says US dominance is ending after mistakes 'typical of an empire'

And the end is being hastened by the corruption and incompetence of the Liar in Chief.....

He is implementing Putin's plan to take down the United States. How trumpettes cannot see this....I can't understand. trump is helping Putin gain a foothold in strategic parts of the globe...by handing him victory after victory.....

His love affair with Putin has a very dark side. It may benefit him with his wealth....but it is placing the US in a dangerous and subservient position.

Uh-huh, “strategic” areas like some parts of Syria, which is a sovereign country that never attacked us and is fighting ISIS.

By the way, where is your thread about the Hussein being more flexible for Putin and letting him take Crimea?
BRIC's.............Nothing new here if the Fake news group posting it isn't lying about it. No one really believes them anymore anyhow..............

What is BRIC................who are those nations........and are they pushing to end the dollar as the world's reserve currency............and what happens if that occurs.............
Glad to see you think Orange Jesus is a leftist piece of shit, Petetard7469.

I know you're a leftist, and you'd have to cure cancer, AIDs and Autism to achieve the status of a piece of shit you malignant parasite.

Obama diminished America’s status.

So has Trump.

Too bad you’re too much of a mindless partisan hack to see otherwise, lowlife.

trumo rolled over for Turkey.....the mighty US cowered by Turkey.

Maybe his bone spurs were acting up?

So you want President Trump to use our troops as human shields in a conflict in the Middle East. You want him to go to war against a NATO ally?
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Just look at the Trolls defending Putin....USMB has become a Troll Farm for Putin.....AMAZING!
Says the paid shill.
Really. You folks need some new material.

Each time trump opens his mouth or Tweets he adds another nail to his coffin...

The man had a stooge at the DOJ who proclaimed the Mueller report found nothing....He put out a political summary to tease the boss's ears. trump should have left it there....but

The very next day...he calls the newly elected Ukrainian President and put the heavy hand on him.....Just like the good Mafia Boss that he is....he said..."We need for you to do us a favor."

For months, Rudy had been carrying the message back and forth to Ukraine. The money was frozen until the Ukrainian President publicly announces an investigation into the Bidens.

What a worthless piece of shit trump is. Extorting a country with Congressionally approved money for his own political gain....

Just look at the Trolls defending Putin....USMB has become a Troll Farm for Putin.....AMAZING!
Says the paid shill.
Really. You folks need some new material.

Each time trump opens his mouth or Tweets he adds another nail to his coffin...

The man had a stooge at the DOJ who proclaimed the Mueller report found nothing....He put out a political summary to tease the boss's ears. trump should have left it there....but

The very next day...he calls the newly elected Ukrainian President and put the heavy hand on him.....Just like the good Mafia Boss that he is....he said..."We need for you to do us a favor."

For months, Rudy had been carrying the message back and forth to Ukraine. The money was frozen until the Ukrainian President publicly announces an investigation into the Bidens.

What a worthless piece of shit trump is. Extorting a country with Congressionally approved money for his own political gain....

You post exactly like dean.
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Isn't that exactly what Barry Hussein Obama used to say? Maybe the FBI should have looked into collusion between the Hussein administration and the Russians. That seems to be where the evidence is pointing although the FBI was in on it too.
Putin says US dominance is ending after mistakes 'typical of an empire'

And the end is being hastened by the corruption and incompetence of the Liar in Chief.....

He is implementing Putin's plan to take down the United States. How trumpettes cannot see this....I can't understand. trump is helping Putin gain a foothold in strategic parts of the globe...by handing him victory after victory.....

His love affair with Putin has a very dark side. It may benefit him with his wealth....but it is placing the US in a dangerous and subservient position.
Putin is your hero, eh? No surprise.
Using Russian propaganda to further one's cause.

How delightful....

Who's the Russian Asset now, hmmmm??
If the US is in decline it's because of leftist pieces of shit.

Leftist did not pull out of Syria leaving Russia and Iran the winners....trump is intent on making the US a second rate country....Putin's plan is working well.
Bullshit fucktard. First rate countries don’t carry water for third world shit bags. We need to leave that task to our inferiors....
Trump’s worshippers agree.

It’s much better that America retreat from its position of power and become a small country, Little America as it were.

nuts not about Big America or Little America. It’s about America putting our needs and our citizens ahead of, and instead of everyone else.

Once we get ourselves cleaned up, sober, and right-thinking, then (and only then) we CONSIDER allowing the rest of the world back into our lives.
What did Barry mean when he said "good factory jobs are gone and they ain't comin back"? The era of U.S. industrial dominance is over? Thanks to Barry, NASA is working with the freaking Russians and American astronauts have to hitch a ride on Russian junk to get to the "international" space station. Is the era of U.S. dominance in outer space over thanks to democrats cozying up to the Russians? You betcha. The crazy thing (and I mean pure crazy) is that the American left seems to hang onto every bit of Russian propaganda as if it was Gospel.
Putin says US dominance is ending after mistakes 'typical of an empire'

And the end is being hastened by the corruption and incompetence of the Liar in Chief.....

He is implementing Putin's plan to take down the United States. How trumpettes cannot see this....I can't understand. trump is helping Putin gain a foothold in strategic parts of the globe...by handing him victory after victory.....

His love affair with Putin has a very dark side. It may benefit him with his wealth....but it is placing the US in a dangerous and subservient position.
Trump's Presidency is Russia/USSR's greatest victory since WW2
Putin says US dominance is ending after mistakes 'typical of an empire'

And the end is being hastened by the corruption and incompetence of the Liar in Chief.....

He is implementing Putin's plan to take down the United States. How trumpettes cannot see this....I can't understand. trump is helping Putin gain a foothold in strategic parts of the globe...by handing him victory after victory.....

His love affair with Putin has a very dark side. It may benefit him with his wealth....but it is placing the US in a dangerous and subservient position.
Trump's Presidency is Russia/USSR's greatest victory since WW2

Russia's GPD
Russia GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

Seems Russia was doing much better under the last administration, not Trump's.
In 2015 & 2016 it was their oil that caused the drop in the gap.
How does the price of oil affect Russia's economy?
Political parties have no impact on oil prices.
If the US dollar declines then it could effect oil prices.
Trump is keeping troops to guard the oil from ISIS, the oil is theirs's and has never been the USA's to claim for anything.

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