Putin: US World Dominance is ending

trump is determind to make Russia a Super Power again....Putin's Plan is going well.
ABC News = Main Stream Media News = Fake News

Whatever news, the fake news media twist it and gives it their own slant.

People are totally woken up to that.

People do not believe anything that comes from the fake MSM
So you are blind to Trumps retreating the US from world leadership.
Trump’s worshippers agree.

It’s much better that America retreat from its position of power and become a small country, Little America as it were.

Yup....build the walls.....retreat from our places in strategic areas in the world.....give Russia the responsibility and ability to dominate.....and return to the great White years of the 40's and 50's. That is trump's plan.....endorced by the Kremlin as they celebrated trump's election.

Putin has doubled his budget for trolls....as is obvious from their presence defending Putin and his pawn.....trump.

Go fuck yourself oil company dupe....
You want to dominate? Suit up pussy boy
And grab your rifle.

ABC News = Main Stream Media News = Fake News

Whatever news, the fake news media twist it and gives it their own slant.

People are totally woken up to that.

People do not believe anything that comes from the fake MSM
So you are blind to Trumps retreating the US from world leadership.

No my eyes are wide open to Trump taking young soldiers out of the employ of big oil.
You wanna die for big oil? G'head... Suit up and become a volunteer....

Putin says US dominance is ending after mistakes 'typical of an empire'

And the end is being hastened by the corruption and incompetence of the Liar in Chief.....

He is implementing Putin's plan to take down the United States. How trumpettes cannot see this....I can't understand. trump is helping Putin gain a foothold in strategic parts of the globe...by handing him victory after victory.....

His love affair with Putin has a very dark side. It may benefit him with his wealth....but it is placing the US in a dangerous and subservient position.


Putin says US dominance is ending after mistakes 'typical of an empire'

And the end is being hastened by the corruption and incompetence of the Liar in Chief.....

He is implementing Putin's plan to take down the United States. How trumpettes cannot see this....I can't understand. trump is helping Putin gain a foothold in strategic parts of the globe...by handing him victory after victory.....

His love affair with Putin has a very dark side. It may benefit him with his wealth....but it is placing the US in a dangerous and subservient position.
totally our of your mind--you need to see a doctor
Trump’s worshippers agree.

It’s much better that America retreat from its position of power and become a small country, Little America as it were.
Tell me why YOU support policing the world? Also, why do YOU want to send our men and women into battles that have been ongoing for centuries?
Trump’s worshippers agree.

It’s much better that America retreat from its position of power and become a small country, Little America as it were.
Tell me why YOU support policing the world? Also, why do YOU want to send our men and women into battles that have been ongoing for centuries?

As far as I'm concerned let Russia be the top dog. Let them send troops to fight in foreign lands. Let them bear the cost.

The US can sit back, save money and lives and watch.

More than works for me.

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