Putin Used Tucker Carlson to Wipe the Kremlin’s Floor


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
If Carlson thought he was going to be able to pull his "talk over you and twist your meaning, I'm just asking questions" shtick with Putin, he was delusional.

Putin Used Tucker Carlson to Wipe the Kremlin’s Floor
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Russian president barely broke a sweat, conceded little, and controlled the conversation from its beginning

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin went exactly how everyone expected, as not so much of an interview, but a demonstration by Putin of the ease with which he could utterly overpower one of the United States’ most prominent media figures.

Carlson opened the interview by directly addressing viewers, stating that he felt Putin was “sincere” in his belief that “Russia has a historic claim” to the portions of Ukraine he wishes to seize through military might.

“Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” Putin asked Carlson in their very first exchange, after denying that he’d justified his incursion into Ukraine to prevent a “surprise attack” by the U.S. and NATO against allies.

The Russian president then launched into a 30-minute lecture on Russian and Ukrainian history, starting in 862, through the creation and fall of the Soviet Union, and to the modern era. Carlson stared blankly and nodded along as Putin claimed Ukraine had no independent national identity to justify its sovereignty, a claim historians and Russian propaganda experts have categorically rejected. Carlson halfheartedly attempted to move Putin onto another topic, only to be brushed off by the autocrat who — one must assume — is not particularly receptive to being told what to do.

“It’s not boring, I just don’t know how it’s relevant,” Carlson said.

“Good,” Putin replied, before resuming his oral report.

The exchange was representative of the more than two-hour long interview as a whole; Putin barely broke a sweat, conceded little when directly questioned, and seemed to control the tone and pace of the conversation from its beginning. He felt so comfortable that he even made fun of Carlson for getting rejected by the CIA before beginning his career in media.

In making his interviewer play by his rules — and in Carlson relinquishing the reigns of the dialogue — Putin used Carlson as the vehicle to ship his carefully crafted state propaganda to American audiences.
If Carlson thought he was going to be able to pull his "talk over you and twist your meaning, I'm just asking questions" shtick with Putin, he was delusional.

Putin Used Tucker Carlson to Wipe the Kremlin’s Floor
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Russian president barely broke a sweat, conceded little, and controlled the conversation from its beginning

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin went exactly how everyone expected, as not so much of an interview, but a demonstration by Putin of the ease with which he could utterly overpower one of the United States’ most prominent media figures.

Carlson opened the interview by directly addressing viewers, stating that he felt Putin was “sincere” in his belief that “Russia has a historic claim” to the portions of Ukraine he wishes to seize through military might.

“Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” Putin asked Carlson in their very first exchange, after denying that he’d justified his incursion into Ukraine to prevent a “surprise attack” by the U.S. and NATO against allies.

The Russian president then launched into a 30-minute lecture on Russian and Ukrainian history, starting in 862, through the creation and fall of the Soviet Union, and to the modern era. Carlson stared blankly and nodded along as Putin claimed Ukraine had no independent national identity to justify its sovereignty, a claim historians and Russian propaganda experts have categorically rejected. Carlson halfheartedly attempted to move Putin onto another topic, only to be brushed off by the autocrat who — one must assume — is not particularly receptive to being told what to do.

“It’s not boring, I just don’t know how it’s relevant,” Carlson said.

“Good,” Putin replied, before resuming his oral report.

The exchange was representative of the more than two-hour long interview as a whole; Putin barely broke a sweat, conceded little when directly questioned, and seemed to control the tone and pace of the conversation from its beginning. He felt so comfortable that he even made fun of Carlson for getting rejected by the CIA before beginning his career in media.

In making his interviewer play by his rules — and in Carlson relinquishing the reigns of the dialogue — Putin used Carlson as the vehicle to ship his carefully crafted state propaganda to American audiences.

Yeah. Putin calling him an entertainer, and not a serious journalist did leave a confused look on his face didn't it? LOL!

On Tuesday, Carlson asserted that “not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview the president of” Russia since the nation launched its offensive against Ukraine in February 2022. The lie was so blatant that even the Kremlin felt the need to address it.

“Mr. Carlson is not correct,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said in a statement on Wednesday, adding that they have received “numerous requests for interviews with the president, but mostly, as far as countries in the collective West are concerned, these are from major network media: traditional TV channels and large newspapers.”

CNN chief international anchor Christine Amanpour responded to the claim on X (formerly Twitter). “Does Tucker really think we journalists haven’t been trying to interview President Putin every day since his full-scale invasion of Ukraine?” she wrote.

Other prominent journalists echoed the sentiment. “It is most striking to see Carlson justify his interview with Putin and trip to Russia as the work of a journalist at a time when Western journalists are literally sitting in jail for having done nothing wrong other than seeking to report independently in Putin’s Russia, not to mention the many Russian journalists who face imprisonment or exile in the effort to continue their work,” New York Times writer and former Washington Post Moscow Bureau Chief Susan Glasser told CNN.

Russian journalist Yevgenia Albats wrote on X that the situation is “unbelievable,” adding that she — like many other Russian journalists — “have had to go into exile to keep reporting about the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine. The alternative was to go to jail. And now this SoB is teaching us about good journalism, shooting from the $1000 Ritz suite in Moscow.”
This is why Hillary Clinton called Carlson a "useful idiot" for Putin yesterday.
In March of 2022, Mother Jones obtained a Kremlin memo that encouraged state-controlled media outlets to “use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticizes the actions of the United States [and] NATO, their negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine, [and] the defiantly provocative behavior from the leadership of the Western countries and NATO towards the Russian Federation and towards President Putin, personally.”

Aside from his track record espousing pro-Russian propaganda, Carlson has established a reputation among autocratic heads of state as a soft interviewer. In his quest to develop a conservative ideological exchange between American conservatives and international right-wing governments, Carlson has given friendly, lauding interviews to Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele, and Argentina’s Javier Milei.
If Carlson thought he was going to be able to pull his "talk over you and twist your meaning, I'm just asking questions" shtick with Putin, he was delusional.

Putin Used Tucker Carlson to Wipe the Kremlin’s Floor
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Russian president barely broke a sweat, conceded little, and controlled the conversation from its beginning

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin went exactly how everyone expected, as not so much of an interview, but a demonstration by Putin of the ease with which he could utterly overpower one of the United States’ most prominent media figures.

Carlson opened the interview by directly addressing viewers, stating that he felt Putin was “sincere” in his belief that “Russia has a historic claim” to the portions of Ukraine he wishes to seize through military might.

“Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” Putin asked Carlson in their very first exchange, after denying that he’d justified his incursion into Ukraine to prevent a “surprise attack” by the U.S. and NATO against allies.

The Russian president then launched into a 30-minute lecture on Russian and Ukrainian history, starting in 862, through the creation and fall of the Soviet Union, and to the modern era. Carlson stared blankly and nodded along as Putin claimed Ukraine had no independent national identity to justify its sovereignty, a claim historians and Russian propaganda experts have categorically rejected. Carlson halfheartedly attempted to move Putin onto another topic, only to be brushed off by the autocrat who — one must assume — is not particularly receptive to being told what to do.

“It’s not boring, I just don’t know how it’s relevant,” Carlson said.

“Good,” Putin replied, before resuming his oral report.

The exchange was representative of the more than two-hour long interview as a whole; Putin barely broke a sweat, conceded little when directly questioned, and seemed to control the tone and pace of the conversation from its beginning. He felt so comfortable that he even made fun of Carlson for getting rejected by the CIA before beginning his career in media.

In making his interviewer play by his rules — and in Carlson relinquishing the reigns of the dialogue — Putin used Carlson as the vehicle to ship his carefully crafted state propaganda to American audiences.
This is all part of the fascist cults. They just adore a strong man. He can do no wrong in their books.

If Tucker had been alive during the 1940s, I can easily see Tucker doing the same obsequious butt-boy interview with der Fuhrer.

I'll bet Tucker would have sat through a 3-hour lecture on Germany's past glories and nary a question either about the Jews or the fact that Nazis had murdered/imprisoned all those who had opposed them.
On Tuesday, Carlson asserted that “not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview the president of” Russia since the nation launched its offensive against Ukraine in February 2022. The lie was so blatant that even the Kremlin felt the need to address it.

“Mr. Carlson is not correct,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said in a statement on Wednesday, adding that they have received “numerous requests for interviews with the president, but mostly, as far as countries in the collective West are concerned, these are from major network media: traditional TV channels and large newspapers.”

CNN chief international anchor Christine Amanpour responded to the claim on X (formerly Twitter). “Does Tucker really think we journalists haven’t been trying to interview President Putin every day since his full-scale invasion of Ukraine?” she wrote.

Other prominent journalists echoed the sentiment. “It is most striking to see Carlson justify his interview with Putin and trip to Russia as the work of a journalist at a time when Western journalists are literally sitting in jail for having done nothing wrong other than seeking to report independently in Putin’s Russia, not to mention the many Russian journalists who face imprisonment or exile in the effort to continue their work,” New York Times writer and former Washington Post Moscow Bureau Chief Susan Glasser told CNN.

Russian journalist Yevgenia Albats wrote on X that the situation is “unbelievable,” adding that she — like many other Russian journalists — “have had to go into exile to keep reporting about the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine. The alternative was to go to jail. And now this SoB is teaching us about good journalism, shooting from the $1000 Ritz suite in Moscow.”

Little tukems hasn't figured out yet that Putin is not a panty waste yes man, like conservative media entertainers, and Republican politicians.
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Russian president barely broke a sweat,
You mean Tucker was supposed to grill Putin under a heat lamp? Geesh, meanwhile, no one else in the MSM even goes to hear his side of the story period!

conceded little,
Tucker is just a journalist, Ace, not Anthony Blinken.

and controlled the conversation from its beginning
I hope so, he is president of the largest country on the planet, a superpower, and former head of the KGB. He isn't a loaf of half-baked banana bread like Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson has spent exactly two hours more talking things over with Putin than your Joe Biden has! :21:
If Carlson thought he was going to be able to pull his "talk over you and twist your meaning, I'm just asking questions" shtick with Putin, he was delusional.

Putin Used Tucker Carlson to Wipe the Kremlin’s Floor
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Russian president barely broke a sweat, conceded little, and controlled the conversation from its beginning

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin went exactly how everyone expected, as not so much of an interview, but a demonstration by Putin of the ease with which he could utterly overpower one of the United States’ most prominent media figures.

Carlson opened the interview by directly addressing viewers, stating that he felt Putin was “sincere” in his belief that “Russia has a historic claim” to the portions of Ukraine he wishes to seize through military might.

“Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” Putin asked Carlson in their very first exchange, after denying that he’d justified his incursion into Ukraine to prevent a “surprise attack” by the U.S. and NATO against allies.

The Russian president then launched into a 30-minute lecture on Russian and Ukrainian history, starting in 862, through the creation and fall of the Soviet Union, and to the modern era. Carlson stared blankly and nodded along as Putin claimed Ukraine had no independent national identity to justify its sovereignty, a claim historians and Russian propaganda experts have categorically rejected. Carlson halfheartedly attempted to move Putin onto another topic, only to be brushed off by the autocrat who — one must assume — is not particularly receptive to being told what to do.

“It’s not boring, I just don’t know how it’s relevant,” Carlson said.

“Good,” Putin replied, before resuming his oral report.

The exchange was representative of the more than two-hour long interview as a whole; Putin barely broke a sweat, conceded little when directly questioned, and seemed to control the tone and pace of the conversation from its beginning. He felt so comfortable that he even made fun of Carlson for getting rejected by the CIA before beginning his career in media.

In making his interviewer play by his rules — and in Carlson relinquishing the reigns of the dialogue — Putin used Carlson as the vehicle to ship his carefully crafted state propaganda to American audiences.
I wasn't going to watch it but I realize that I would be ignorant and irresponsible as a citizen to not. I watched it in 1.5x, here are my initial thoughts:

1) Putin gave the lengthy history monologue at the beginning to basically make Tucker uncomfortable. "Would this be the extent of this major interview? A 30 minute history lesson from Putin?" He was using a classic Russian strong arm "I'm in control don't you forget about it". Tucker had to fear that he would be duped into this and come home with little of an interview. To both peoples credit they did at least talk for 2 hours.

2) His re-enactment of history is impressive in volume, I can't speak to any of its accuracy as I'm not an expert on Russian history, except, his characterization of Germany and Poland before WWII is most certainly incorrect.

He suggested that Poland collaborated with Hitler. Now, there may have been some factions, as there were in any nation, but no way in hell did Poland elites "invite" Germany to attack Poland, A blitzkrieg vs literally an army on horseback. Furthermore, what makes this assertion even more suspect is that there is no way that Polands elite would know if France and England would have come to their defense per their pact which would have ruined any colloboration. Even Hitler has been quoted as telling his generals that if France and England get involved you must retreat. This levels of cowardice and lack of spine by the West when they did NOT keep their word, per their pact; lead to 40M or so dead (my numbers are based on memory). These same Europeans now call out Trump on NATO, when they themselves have a history of violating their obligations. Trump did not and will not leave NATO, he will make them pay their dues and buy U.S military goods.

3) Putin only provides this interview with purpose, probably multi-pronged: to get out his message, for propaganda purposes domestic and primarily in the West, and, possibly out of his own lack of confidence in his position. He is a shrewd operator, but, he has some opposition and increasing lost faith in the war as Russian parents don't like having their kids come home in bodybags. I suspect he is reaching because he knows this war may take too long for him politically and will keep Russia stuck in another quagmire as they experienced in Afghanistan.

4) The timing also is interesting as the end of winter is near and Ukraine and Europe survived it. This should have been theoretically the worst of times for Ukraine and it cannot have gone unnoticed.

5) It is clear that Americas main threat by a mile is China, as some of us have said and for which I give Biden and Blinken credit for wisely seeing when they pulled out of the M.E (haphazardly as it were). Russia is going to be subservient to China, America would be wise to weaken China which would as a function weaken Russia. Putin keeps raising China up in his interview as he fears them also in a different manner being on their border. Regardless, he is also signalling the facts to the world, "we may be bad, but my Big Brother is worse".

6) The whole neo-nazi argument is tiring and silly. He didn't attack Ukraine to confront neo-nazis. I could far quicker accept his argument regarding Ukraine and NATO being the reason before I would believe this. They want territory. I am willing to bet even China hopes they fail as they want a wounded Russia. The West needs to balance this and stop throwing our industries away while we weaken ourselves domestically by throwing norms under the bus,
5) It is clear that Americas main threat by a mile is China, as some of us have said and for which I give Biden and Blinken credit for wisely seeing when they pulled out of the M.E (haphazardly as it were). Russia is going to be subservient to China, America would be wise to weaken China which would as a function weaken Russia. Putin keeps raising China up in his interview as he fears them also in a different manner being on their border. Regardless, he is also signalling the facts to the world, "we may be bad, but my Big Brother is worse".
Republicans just rejected that. There was funding for beefing up our presence in the region, and help our Pacific allies, and Republicans said no.
And Carlson is far from alone among the right.
Hillary is like Bill Maher, an opportunist who goes wherever the wind blows. How soon she forget the "red button reset" moment as shown below. Does that gentleman in the photo look familiar?

Putin doesn't give "interviews", he will use a journalist to peddle his propaganda, and either the jpurnalist is friendly to him, like Carlson, or they are just an idiot who is being played.

Tucker is not an idiot, but he is a Putin ally.
If Carlson thought he was going to be able to pull his "talk over you and twist your meaning, I'm just asking questions" shtick with Putin, he was delusional.

Putin Used Tucker Carlson to Wipe the Kremlin’s Floor
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Russian president barely broke a sweat, conceded little, and controlled the conversation from its beginning

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin went exactly how everyone expected, as not so much of an interview, but a demonstration by Putin of the ease with which he could utterly overpower one of the United States’ most prominent media figures.

Carlson opened the interview by directly addressing viewers, stating that he felt Putin was “sincere” in his belief that “Russia has a historic claim” to the portions of Ukraine he wishes to seize through military might.

“Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” Putin asked Carlson in their very first exchange, after denying that he’d justified his incursion into Ukraine to prevent a “surprise attack” by the U.S. and NATO against allies.

The Russian president then launched into a 30-minute lecture on Russian and Ukrainian history, starting in 862, through the creation and fall of the Soviet Union, and to the modern era. Carlson stared blankly and nodded along as Putin claimed Ukraine had no independent national identity to justify its sovereignty, a claim historians and Russian propaganda experts have categorically rejected. Carlson halfheartedly attempted to move Putin onto another topic, only to be brushed off by the autocrat who — one must assume — is not particularly receptive to being told what to do.

“It’s not boring, I just don’t know how it’s relevant,” Carlson said.

“Good,” Putin replied, before resuming his oral report.

The exchange was representative of the more than two-hour long interview as a whole; Putin barely broke a sweat, conceded little when directly questioned, and seemed to control the tone and pace of the conversation from its beginning. He felt so comfortable that he even made fun of Carlson for getting rejected by the CIA before beginning his career in media.

In making his interviewer play by his rules — and in Carlson relinquishing the reigns of the dialogue — Putin used Carlson as the vehicle to ship his carefully crafted state propaganda to American audiences.
Is the little baby upset?
If Carlson thought he was going to be able to pull his "talk over you and twist your meaning, I'm just asking questions" shtick with Putin, he was delusional.

Putin Used Tucker Carlson to Wipe the Kremlin’s Floor
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Russian president barely broke a sweat, conceded little, and controlled the conversation from its beginning

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin went exactly how everyone expected, as not so much of an interview, but a demonstration by Putin of the ease with which he could utterly overpower one of the United States’ most prominent media figures.

Carlson opened the interview by directly addressing viewers, stating that he felt Putin was “sincere” in his belief that “Russia has a historic claim” to the portions of Ukraine he wishes to seize through military might.

“Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?” Putin asked Carlson in their very first exchange, after denying that he’d justified his incursion into Ukraine to prevent a “surprise attack” by the U.S. and NATO against allies.

The Russian president then launched into a 30-minute lecture on Russian and Ukrainian history, starting in 862, through the creation and fall of the Soviet Union, and to the modern era. Carlson stared blankly and nodded along as Putin claimed Ukraine had no independent national identity to justify its sovereignty, a claim historians and Russian propaganda experts have categorically rejected. Carlson halfheartedly attempted to move Putin onto another topic, only to be brushed off by the autocrat who — one must assume — is not particularly receptive to being told what to do.

“It’s not boring, I just don’t know how it’s relevant,” Carlson said.

“Good,” Putin replied, before resuming his oral report.

The exchange was representative of the more than two-hour long interview as a whole; Putin barely broke a sweat, conceded little when directly questioned, and seemed to control the tone and pace of the conversation from its beginning. He felt so comfortable that he even made fun of Carlson for getting rejected by the CIA before beginning his career in media.

In making his interviewer play by his rules — and in Carlson relinquishing the reigns of the dialogue — Putin used Carlson as the vehicle to ship his carefully crafted state propaganda to American audiences.

^^^Look at this Putin puffer.
Republicans just rejected that. There was funding for beefing up our presence in the region, and help our Pacific allies, and Republicans said no.
It is called "protect us first so we can protect others after".

If America becomes a weak, Central American middle power, how do global allies benefit?

Biden should bite the bullet and revert back to "remain in Mexico", It could save his chances in 2024, though probably not at this point after 10M are already inside, including thousands from China.

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