Putin wants to "freeze" the war on the current front line. Question to our MAGA & COMMIES other US/EU "critics " , do you support Moscow appeasement ?

do you support Moscow empire appeasement?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No! Moscow must pay THE full price

    Votes: 4 80.0%

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Putin wants to "freeze" the war on the current front line. Freeze the war to regroup and re-arm for a renewed offensive, of course. I’m not stupid to fall for this.

STILL, Question to our MAGA & COMMIES other US/EU "critics " , Do you support Moscow empire appeasement ("freeze" the war on the current front line) ?
No! Moscow must pay THE full price

I think it's for the best to talk peace with Russia. There's at least a chance that a better settlement will come out of it!
Otherwise, Russia is going to take the entire Ukraine and probably eliminate another 200 or 300 thousand Ukrainian soldiers.

Do keep in mind that Putin offered peace back in March of 22 and that should have made it clear to you that he wasn't interested in the least on creating a Russian empire out of Europe.
Putin wants to "freeze" the war on the current front line. Freeze the war to regroup and re-arm for a renewed offensive, of course. I’m not stupid to fall for this.

STILL, Question to our MAGA & COMMIES other US/EU "critics " , Do you support Moscow empire appeasement ("freeze" the war on the current front line) ?
No! Moscow must pay THE full price

Anything that stops the war for now.. It doesn't have to be a permanent arrangement. Just got the damn more stopped and start rebuilding Ukraine.
Putin wants to "freeze" the war on the current front line. Freeze the war to regroup and re-arm for a renewed offensive, of course. I’m not stupid to fall for this.

STILL, Question to our MAGA & COMMIES other US/EU "critics " , Do you support Moscow empire appeasement ("freeze" the war on the current front line) ?
No! Moscow must pay THE full price

I thought you were flying over to fight along side Ukraine?
Putin wants to "freeze" the war on the current front line. Freeze the war to regroup and re-arm for a renewed offensive, of course. I’m not stupid to fall for this.

STILL, Question to our MAGA & COMMIES other US/EU "critics " , Do you support Moscow empire appeasement ("freeze" the war on the current front line) ?
No! Moscow must pay THE full price

Why the hell would you not just include the original link to the story?

Exclusive: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines​

By Guy Faulconbridge and Andrew Osborn
May 24, 20241:40 PM EDTUpdated 2 hours ago
Putin wants to "freeze" the war on the current front line. Freeze the war to regroup and re-arm for a renewed offensive, of course. I’m not stupid to fall for this.
Talk peace.

But wait until Trump is in office or it would be pretty meaningless.

It might stick in your craw to let Russia keep any of the territory it captured, but you're not a Ukrainian mom with a sixteen year old son wondering if he'll die in a protracted war against a country that may not defeat Ukraine completely, but also could never be completely defeated by Ukraine.
STILL, Question to our MAGA & COMMIES other US/EU "critics " , Do you support Moscow empire appeasement ("freeze" the war on the current front line) ?
No! Moscow must pay THE full price

As I said, Ukraine cannot defeat Russia in the same way that Israel is currently defeating Hamas right now. No way Ukraine wipes out Russia's war fighting capabilities.

So if Russia needs to pause to re-arm and regroup, it can, merely by partially withdrawing. Ukraine might take back some of its territory, but a regrouped and re-armed Russia could easily take it again.

All of this costs Putin himself exactly nothing.

Trump has the right idea: Settle this and stop the dying. He can put pressure on Putin to accept terms, and give Putin a way to save face, since he has shown none of Biden's empty anti-Putin bluster.
Why the hell would you not just include the original link to the story?

Exclusive: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines​

By Guy Faulconbridge and Andrew Osborn
May 24, 20241:40 PM EDTUpdated 2 hours ago

Saddam Putsein is using so-called negotiations signals to undermine support for Ukraine, and, potentially, get a short breather to strike again.Yet many fools still believe him.

Saddam Putsein loves it because he enjoys being humiliated. It’s happened his whole life.

"Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire – to freeze the war," said another of the four, a senior Russian source who has worked with Putin and has knowledge of top level conversations in the Kremlin.
He, like the others cited in this story, spoke on condition of anonymity given the matter's sensitivity.
For this account, Reuters spoke to a total of five people who work with or have worked with Putin at a senior level in the political and business worlds. The fifth source did not comment on freezing the war at the current frontlines.

Asked about the Reuters report at a news conference in Belarus on Friday, Putin said peace talks should restart.
"Let them resume," he said, adding that negotiations should be based on "the realities on the ground" and on a plan agreed during a previous attempt to reach a deal in the first weeks of the war. "Not on the basis of what one side wants," he said.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on X that the Russian leader was trying to derail a Ukrainian-initiated peace summit in Switzerland next month by using his entourage to send out "phony signals" about his alleged readiness to halt the war.

"Putin currently has no desire to end his aggression against Ukraine. Only the principled and united voice of the global majority can force him to choose peace over war," said Kuleba.
Mykhailo Podolyak, a Ukrainian presidential adviser, said Putin wanted Western democracies to accept defeat. .. . . "

Aborted peace deal could be basis for Ukraine talks, says Kremlin​

By Reuters
April 12, 20247:02 PM EDTUpdated a month ago

". . . . The deal is reported to have included clauses demanding that Ukraine adopt a geopolitically neutral status and not join NATO, limit the size of its armed forces and grant a special status to eastern Ukraine - all things which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has made clear he opposes.
In remarks on Thursday, Putin again raised the subject of potential peace talks and said he was open to what he called realistic negotiations.

But he is opposed to the two-day high-level conference to be hosted by Switzerland in June at Ukraine's request that seeks to achieve peace, saying it is pointless if Russia does not take part.
In Putin's view, the meeting does not take new realities into account, including Moscow's annexation of new territory in Ukraine.
Zelenskiy, meeting with students in western Ukraine on Friday, appeared to rule out using the 2022 talks as a basis for further discussions, saying the meetings at the time were not talks in a true sense.

The Ukrainian president said "no," when asked whether the 2022 talks in Belarus and Turkey had the potential to stop the war.
"Negotiations are when two sides want to come to an agreement. There are different aspects, but when there are two sides," he said in a video posted on his website.
"But when one side in any case, regardless of the country or the city, gives you an ultimatum, that is not negotiations."

A senior Ukrainian official has acknowledged that the two sides were close to an agreement in Turkey in 2022 but said Kyiv took the proposal no further because it did not trust the Russian side to carry out any agreement.
Peskov, Putin's spokesman, said a lot had changed since 2022, including what he said was the addition to Russian territory of four new regions, a reference to the parts of Ukraine which Moscow has claimed as its own.

But Peskov said the aborted Istanbul deal could still be the basis for new talks and that Russia was ready for that. When asked if Moscow sensed any readiness from the Ukrainian side for talks however, Peskov said: "No, we don't sense that."
Ukraine says it wants all of its territory back, including Crimea, which Moscow annexed in 2014, and for every Russian soldier to leave its territory. It is trying to drive international talks on its stance which exclude Russia. . . . "

"Putin can fight for as long as it takes,
really ?

the leading expert on this subject Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is Lester Crown Professor of Leadership Practice and a Senior Associate Dean of the Yale School of Management speaks :


I support the US butting out. Not our problem. All our support is doing is extending a war that Ukraine can't win, which gets more White people killed. If the US wants to do something productive we should execute anyone involved in WEF.
Putin wants to "freeze" the war on the current front line. Freeze the war to regroup and re-arm for a renewed offensive, of course. I’m not stupid to fall for this.

STILL, Question to our MAGA & COMMIES other US/EU "critics " , Do you support Moscow empire appeasement ("freeze" the war on the current front line) ?
No! Moscow must pay THE full price

It’s as if Zelen$ky gets paid to depopulate Ukraine
Nice cartoons. Hard to debate someone who relies on them instead of logic. But I'll try. The problem with this gem:


The guy on the left (a fantasy version of yourself?) is not going to be the one on the front lines if America decides to join in. It will be this guy:



Interesting timing considering there are talks to allow strikes into Muscovite territory. Interesting...

"Allow?" Who has the right allow or disallow Ukraine to defend itself as it sees fit?

Does whoever think strikes into "muscovite territory" are a good idea think that Russia is not "allowed" to use nukes if they do?

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