Zone1 Putin warns that sending Western troops to Ukraine risks a global nuclear war - should the west show restraint and force the Ukranians in negotations?

He got the Crimea basically for free, and he doesn't seem to losing the Donbas anytime soon.

The State Department doesn't have anything to do with my analysis of the situation. The Baltics were always a Russian target going back centuries, there is no reason Putin would be different in that respect.
Both long-time Russian territory....Hell, Ukraine is only marginally more of a real autonomous nation than Palestine.

In any case, the Baltics would provide at least as much, if not more, of a blood letting as that in Ukraine, and I find it highly unlikely that Putin's regime could withstand such a move, IMO.
Both long-time Russian territory....Hell, Ukraine is only marginally more of a real autonomous nation than Palestine.

In any case, the Baltics would provide at least as much, if not more of a blood letting as that in Ukraine, and I find it highly unlikely that Putin's regime could withstand such a move, IMO.

Plenty of other places used to be Russian territory for long amounts of time, Poland, Finland, Armenia, and others.

None want back in at this point.

If they get Ukraine, it would make them think the West doesn't have the stomach to fight over the Baltics.
Plenty of other places used to be Russian territory for long amounts of time, Poland, Finland, Armenia, and others.

None want back in at this point.

If they get Ukraine, it would make them think the West doesn't have the stomach to fight over the Baltics.
I don't even believe that Putin wants the whole country...He doesn't want NATO on his doorstep, and that was part of the deal on the table that the western warmongers told Tenpercentskyy to reject.
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I don't even believe that Putin wants the whole country...He doesn't want NATO on his doorstep, and that was part of the deal on the table that the western warmongers told Tenercentskyy to reject.

I think he thought he could get the existing government to collapse, and then negotiate Donbas and Crimea being turned over to Russia via a compliant puppet state type government.
I think he thought he could get the existing government to collapse, and then negotiate Donbas and Crimea being turned over to Russia via a compliant puppet state type government.
Perhaps/probably....And that petrified the corrupt hack politicians all over the west, who've been using Ukraine as their money laundry.

Occam's razor and all that.
So you're saying we should capitulate to bullies if they threaten nuclear war???? So when he threatens nuclear war if he doesn't get Poland, are you going to let him have Poland too???
not in every case, only in cases where such threats are backed by reasonable demands.
Perhaps/probably....And that petrified the corrupt hack politicians all over the west, who've been using Ukraine as their money laundry.

Occam's razor and all that.

I'm not sold on the laundering thing as systemic, but I'm not denying it entirely either.
I've forgotten more about history than you thinkIn hi you know.

Putin isn't Hitler, he has no designs on invading the rest of Europe (hel,l he cant even finish off an "army" where the average age of the troops is over 40 years old), and you're still an hysterical nutcase.

Putin has clearly stated that his goal is to rebuild the Russian Empire and he considers the breakup of the Soviet Union the greatest tragedy of the 20th Century.

In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin talked about the evil of the Polish government and the threat it represents to Russia. This is how Putin talked about the Ukrainian government before he invaded.
Putin has clearly stated that his goal is to rebuild the Russian Empire and he considers the breakup of the Soviet Union the greatest tragedy of the 20th Century.

In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin talked about the evil of the Polish government and the threat it represents to Russia. This is how Putin talked about the Ukrainian government before he invaded.
Uh-huh...The same army that can't but barely hold on to the Donbas is going to invade Poland.

Do you ever proof read your brain dropping for basic logic?
I'm not sold on the laundering thing as systemic, but I'm not denying it entirely either.
Oh, I'm sold on it....There's a reason that all the EU schmendricks want to keep Tenpercentskyy in power....Again, Ocam's razor.

Lest we ignore the reports of all the bio labs, child trafficking, and organ harvesting that have been buried.
The USA hasn't invaded Mexico or tried to annex any of its territory so that analogy simply doesn't have any meaning whatsoever.

Oh how naive you are. Have you ever heard of the Mexican American war? We invaded Mexico and stole their land.

Old map of Mexico. We took a SHIT TON of land from them. At the end of the war, Mexico lost 55% of its entire land mass.

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you don't drive a bear into a corner.
it only angers the bear.
Then you kill the bear with your knife, or you don't get to wear a coonskin hat.
I'm for shootin' Putin. Where the Hell are our undercover assassins?
This war should have been stopped before it started but we have leaders here who wanted it to start... and now there will be at a minimum a gorilla conflict that could go on for decades....

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