Putin's Answer To Obama

We have a treaty with the Ukraine that States we will defend them. We should do so. I would send the 82nd and order two more divisions to follow. Europe has the same treaty they should send troops also.

If Russia wants war we give it to them or they withdraw. All we do by not acting is allow Russia the ability to seize more Countries until they finally go far enough that we have no choice but to act.

Just as we failed to act when Germany seized the Sudetenland if we fail to act here we are on a spiral to war.

I do not believe Russia wants war, Putin rightly believes that Obama is weak and will do nothing.

In other words, WW3 just started.
Russian troops take over Ukraine's Crimea region

Obama will do nothing. And the Russians will grab more countries.

Crimea always belonged to Russia, but that said, I totally see your point, totally!

Obama neither is interested nor knows anything about world politics, that is a known and proven fact by now!:mad:

He is too busy giving entitlements to future voters and partying with Beyonce!

It's a sad state of affairs for what was once the most powerful country in the world.

Poland "always" belonged to Germany and Russia...
My main concern is that Obama will overreact given his track record of appeasement and capitulation. Since his words aren't taken seriously on the world stage he may decide to try to prove everyone wrong. I just hope Michelle keeps him on a short leash.
You assholes simply react. If Obama asks Congress to declare war on the Russian Federation tomorrow, you will oppose him.

You all suck. But you know it. If makes it more fun to know that you know.

Because going to war immediately is foolish.

We need to fix the inner vessel.

Did you REALLY not understand my point? Is that possible?
Overall, Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster and it would be only a matter of time before Russia takes advantage of a weak paper tiger as it always does. This is just the beginning, wait and see what a fuckup this president really is.

But don't worry, we have an all star team of paid liars...Susan Rice at National Security, Chuck Hagel at sec. of defense, and John Kerry as sec. of state at the helm.

God help us all.
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We need to stay out of it, period.

It isn't our job to defend the rest of the world from it self. jeezzz. We don't have the money anyways is what you conservative say. Seriously, somehow doubt we'd have the money to fight the biggest war since wwII.
Putin now knows he is free to seize any old Soviet Block Country he feels like. This will lead to war in a very short time as Russia eventually will try for Poland and the Balkan Countries as well.
Putin now knows he is free to seize any old Soviet Block Country he feels like. This will lead to war in a very short time as Russia eventually will try for Poland and the Balkan Countries as well.
Putin does not need to invade anyone, all he has to do is denounce dollar, and a bunch of European nations will gladly join Russia. Then US/Israel can moan all they want.
Right, PUtin told him to piss up a rope. But you can imagine anything you want.
Link please. Until then, it is only your imagination or a Fox News Fact (AKA fart)

Read your own damned link, Putin made no concessions, your dear leader just made another speech, that will accomplish nothing. Putin will do what he wants, your dear leader will do nothing, that's the same a telling your mulatto messiah to piss up a rope.
Ahhh, the Neville Chamberlain School of International Relations.
Right, PUtin told him to piss up a rope. But you can imagine anything you want.
Link please. Until then, it is only your imagination or a Fox News Fact (AKA fart)

Read your own damned link, Putin made no concessions, your dear leader just made another speech, that will accomplish nothing. Putin will do what he wants, your dear leader will do nothing, that's the same a telling your mulatto messiah to piss up a rope.
What do you want the dear leader to do? bring home the bacon? Cut taxes support the troops? protect our international interests? bring US style democracy to the middle east more? do you love your president or not, let's start there.

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