Putin's Answer To Obama

Yes, Obama avoided war. By surrendering. We could have made the entire Cold War irrelevant simply by adopting communism and bowing to the Soviet Masters. Doubtless many of Obama's influences advocated exactly that policy.
In reality Obama is a joke. He has no credibility. He will take no concrete steps nor exhibit leadership. And the idependent country of the Ukraine will return to the soviet orbit as Putin rebuilds the Soviet Empire.
More enslavement, yes!

Elections have consequences.

And Obama's election had bad consequences for the rest of us.
Regardless of who is President, the US is in no position to really do anything in the Ukraine other than give moral support. Militarily, the United States does not have the personnel or material reserve to keep a large and effective enough military force in the field to assume the duties necessary for the type of combat necessary to even contain a opponent as large, modern, and aggressive in fighting spirit as the Russian army.

When thinking about any action against the Russians, remember, even if the Russians allowed us to put a large enough force near their borders, say, as a golf type handicap, the nature of the warfare would be so intensive as the parallel combat action on the eastern front for the German Wehrmacht of during World War 2. Entire battalions could be destroyed, and divisions decimated as an every day occurrence.

I am not sure Americans are ready for that sort of sacrifice popping up on the news airwaves and interrupting supper before the television each night. I suspect that in this day and age, this is the reason why we are more comfortable fighting nations of the Third World.

Im sure Americans have little appetite for war, but this would not be a US - Russian conflice. NATO and our allies would be involved.

Does anyone here watch the news. It isn't just the US that has a problem with Russian intervention, it is NATO and Europe as well.

Australia is an ally of America.
She invoked the ANZUS treaty when America was attacked 9/11.
Sent troops and Navy ships to the Gulf/Iraq/Afghanistan to fight with America.

Australia send troops etc to fight Russia in Ukraine?
Hmmm...don't think that will be happening...the US has not been attacked.
It could well be a Russia V US conflict...Britain is broke, and judging by chatter of the People in UK forum, Britain might be staying away from this one, if the People get a say.
...US has not been attacked.

Does Obama hate Britain? - Yahoo7 Answers

Does Obama hate Britain?

I was reading yesterday about Obama's hate for Britain... as a proud British citizen I feel the Obama is a threat to are security due to his START treaty with Russia which involved America handing Russia Britain's nuclear missile plans and tactics! Obama has also right to do this and If this had happened to America they would of launched a full blown attack on Great Britain.

This is not the only thing he has done, here are a list of things Obama has also done which has effected Britian

1. Declaration of neutrality over the Falklands
2. Downgrading of the Special Relationship
3. Support for a federal Europe
4. Undermining of British influence in NATO
5. Refusal to recognize Britain’s sacrifice in Afghanistan
6. Throwing Churchill out of the Oval Office
7. Insulting words from the State Department
8. DVDs for the Prime Minister
9. Refusal to meet the Prime Minister in New York

Thanks and no insults ment to ordinary American citizens :)
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Yes, Obama avoided war. By surrendering. We could have made the entire Cold War irrelevant simply by adopting communism and bowing to the Soviet Masters. Doubtless many of Obama's influences advocated exactly that policy.
In reality Obama is a joke. He has no credibility. He will take no concrete steps nor exhibit leadership. And the idependent country of the Ukraine will return to the soviet orbit as Putin rebuilds the Soviet Empire.
More enslavement, yes!

Elections have consequences.

And Obama's election had bad consequences for the rest of us.
I thought it was America the beautiful that held the elections :eusa_boohoo:
obama says,"Putin you do as you please as I will not allow the USA to help Ukraine,I ill di as i did in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA=CUT AND RUN!!!
Yes, Obama avoided war. By surrendering. We could have made the entire Cold War irrelevant simply by adopting communism and bowing to the Soviet Masters. Doubtless many of Obama's influences advocated exactly that policy.
In reality Obama is a joke. He has no credibility. He will take no concrete steps nor exhibit leadership. And the idependent country of the Ukraine will return to the soviet orbit as Putin rebuilds the Soviet Empire.
More enslavement, yes!

We have no place getting involved in this situation at all. Ukraine wanted to be closer to the European Union so it's their problem. Why would Russia want Ukraine anyhow? Last I heard they were broke. Tell Gaddafi and Bin Laden that Obama has no credibility.
obama says,"Putin you do as you please as I will not allow the USA to help Ukraine,I ill di as i did in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA=CUT AND RUN!!!

Getting out of Iraq and staying out of Syria are a couple of the best things Obama has done. Sooner we get out of Afgan the better. I love how the right wants spending cuts except for when it comes to pointless wars.
Yes, Obama avoided war. By surrendering. We could have made the entire Cold War irrelevant simply by adopting communism and bowing to the Soviet Masters. Doubtless many of Obama's influences advocated exactly that policy.
In reality Obama is a joke. He has no credibility. He will take no concrete steps nor exhibit leadership. And the idependent country of the Ukraine will return to the soviet orbit as Putin rebuilds the Soviet Empire.
More enslavement, yes!

We have no place getting involved in this situation at all. Ukraine wanted to be closer to the European Union so it's their problem. Why would Russia want Ukraine anyhow? Last I heard they were broke. Tell Gaddafi and Bin Laden that Obama has no credibility.

THE Ukraine has a deep water black sea port and Russia feels they must at all costs keep control there!
Yes, Obama avoided war. By surrendering. We could have made the entire Cold War irrelevant simply by adopting communism and bowing to the Soviet Masters. Doubtless many of Obama's influences advocated exactly that policy.
In reality Obama is a joke. He has no credibility. He will take no concrete steps nor exhibit leadership. And the idependent country of the Ukraine will return to the soviet orbit as Putin rebuilds the Soviet Empire.
More enslavement, yes!

We have no place getting involved in this situation at all. Ukraine wanted to be closer to the European Union so it's their problem. Why would Russia want Ukraine anyhow? Last I heard they were broke. Tell Gaddafi and Bin Laden that Obama has no credibility.

THE Ukraine has a deep water black sea port and Russia feels they must at all costs keep control there!
And European union, like USA is BROKE, why would Ukraine want to be a part of THAT? oh, their elections said they DON'T.
obama spent 90 minutes beggin President Putin to help him look good. President Putin tells obama to go to his corner and shut up. obama agrees, he averts war. Good job obama.
We have no place getting involved in this situation at all. Ukraine wanted to be closer to the European Union so it's their problem. Why would Russia want Ukraine anyhow? Last I heard they were broke. Tell Gaddafi and Bin Laden that Obama has no credibility.

THE Ukraine has a deep water black sea port and Russia feels they must at all costs keep control there!
And European union, like USA is BROKE, why would Ukraine want to be a part of THAT? oh, their elections said they DON'T.

And none of that is our business.
Russian (kinda) invades Ukraine

Obama's response: "Um...uh...well...BUSH'S FAULT!!"
John Kerry's Response: "Global Warming is a grave threat!"
Susan Rice's response: "It's all about the video!"
obama spent 90 minutes beggin President Putin to help him look good. President Putin tells obama to go to his corner and shut up. obama agrees, he averts war. Good job obama.
Can McCain straighten it out for America, Obama is willing to lend him air force one, although it might get derailed to Israel as usual, but it's worth a try to save democracy. :eek:
obama says,"Putin you do as you please as I will not allow the USA to help Ukraine,I ill di as i did in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA=CUT AND RUN!!!

Getting out of Iraq and staying out of Syria are a couple of the best things Obama has done. Sooner we get out of Afgan the better. I love how the right wants spending cuts except for when it comes to pointless wars.
We stayed out of Syria except for giving aid to Al quaeda. President Putin has yet to punish obama for that.
Regardless of who is President, the US is in no position to really do anything in the Ukraine other than give moral support. Militarily, the United States does not have the personnel or material reserve to keep a large and effective enough military force in the field to assume the duties necessary for the type of combat necessary to even contain a opponent as large, modern, and aggressive in fighting spirit as the Russian army.

When thinking about any action against the Russians, remember, even if the Russians allowed us to put a large enough force near their borders, say, as a golf type handicap, the nature of the warfare would be so intensive as the parallel combat action on the eastern front for the German Wehrmacht of during World War 2. Entire battalions could be destroyed, and divisions decimated as an every day occurrence.

I am not sure Americans are ready for that sort of sacrifice popping up on the news airwaves and interrupting supper before the television each night. I suspect that in this day and age, this is the reason why we are more comfortable fighting nations of the Third World.

Im sure Americans have little appetite for war, but this would not be a US - Russian conflice. NATO and our allies would be involved.

Does anyone here watch the news. It isn't just the US that has a problem with Russian intervention, it is NATO and Europe as well.

Australia is an ally of America.
She invoked the ANZUS treaty when America was attacked 9/11.
Sent troops and Navy ships to the Gulf/Iraq/Afghanistan to fight with America.

Australia send troops etc to fight Russia in Ukraine?
Hmmm...don't think that will be happening...the US has not been attacked.
First of all, who said anything about boots on the ground? We did sign a treaty with the Ukraine. So did the UK. NATO member states, if we were dragged into a conflict, have a responsibility as well as defined by the alliance. Nobody wants war, but appeasement is not an option either. Basically, a conflict with Russia could very well mean WWIII...whether you like it or not.

The funny thing, it will be mostly European troops on the ground in the Ukraine...not American. We, more than likely would be in the Middle East and Persia, creating blockades and expanding the conflict into multiple fronts in an attempt to cut off supply lines and trade with nations like Iran.
obama says,"Putin you do as you please as I will not allow the USA to help Ukraine,I ill di as i did in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA=CUT AND RUN!!!

Getting out of Iraq and staying out of Syria are a couple of the best things Obama has done. Sooner we get out of Afgan the better. I love how the right wants spending cuts except for when it comes to pointless wars.
We stayed out of Syria except for giving aid to Al quaeda. President Putin has yet to punish obama for that.

obama wasted all of our troop"s lives lost and the $$$$ in iraq and afgan and watched 150,000 die in syria=it's called leading from behind!!!
He who steps up to the plate gets to swing the bat.

Everyone else is in the stands - along with Obama. :)

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