Putin's Answer To Obama

Mr Abbott said he understands the issue will be discussed "urgently" by the members of the United Nations Security Council, including Australia.

The UN's response oughta be as hilarious as Obama's response.

You really think forced democracy is going to last? I hope so, but have my doubts. You think Afghan is a nice democracy too? Syria is a civil war, how do we fit into that? Want to talk terrorists? Think of how many those stupid wars have created. The right constantly talks about how we are broke and we need to cut everything. Then an opportunity for war comes around and I guess we are rich again. What a joke.
======================We fight terrorists on their land or ours.
the next 9/11 type attack may take out a city!!!

All we do with these wars is create terrorists. If we stopped sticking our nose in everyone's business they would have no reason to hate us. Our foreign policy for many years now has been a disaster. Constantly propping up one dictator or another. Of course people start hating us.
obama says,"Putin you do as you please as I will not allow the USA to help Ukraine,I ill di as i did in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA=CUT AND RUN!!!

Getting out of Iraq and staying out of Syria are a couple of the best things Obama has done. Sooner we get out of Afgan the better. I love how the right wants spending cuts except for when it comes to pointless wars.

Obama wanted to get into Syria last year. Both the Republicans and Democrats in Congress shot Obama down. Don't give Obama credit for not getting us into another war just because he didn't get his way.
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BUSH INVADED IRAQ and stayed there for the better part of a term and a half only to hand it over to Obama.

yes!! ignorant people elected obama who is clueless on everything!!! just clueless!!!

Bush started not one but 2 pointless wars and handed them to Obama. When was the last time a President was handed two wars? He started the Afghan war to get Bin Laden and failed miserably. Why would people vote for another Republican after these disasters?

Bush did not start the Afghanistan war that was started by Bin Laden officially on 9-11-2001 but in reality it had been going on before Bush ever came into office with the first WTC attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania it took the 2001 attack for the nation to finally wake up and realize war had been declared on us. While the Iraq war was a mistake we did have Iraq in a position to have a good chance of being a stable democracy by the time Bush left office but the Obama administration could not work out a status of forces extension agreement and all our troops were pulled out creating a power vacuum which has been filled by Al-Qaeda returning and radicals being backed by Iran. It's fair to criticize the Bush administration for the Iraq decision but that decision does not make sitting on the sideline and taking a almost isolationist tone to international problems a wise one.
TYPICAL LIBERAL NON-THINKER!!!==IF we just be nice to all the bad guys they will love us!!!===IGNORANT IDIOTS!
Russia needs to think carefully about what it's doing;

Australia?Russia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peter the Great was familiar with New Holland through his connections with the Dutch, and the Empire in the 18th century tried several times, unsuccessfully, to reach the Australian continent.[2]

Hagemeister and the ship's officers were extended the utmost courtesy by Governor William Bligh, with the Governor inviting the Russians to Government House for dinner and a ball.[5]


Russia Seeks Package of Trade Agreements With U.S. - Bloomberg


Trade between Russia and UK growing at over 20 percent a year - News - News - Voice of Russia UK, Voice of Russia - UK Edition
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TYPICAL LIBERAL NON-THINKER!!!==IF we just be nice to all the bad guys they will love us!!!===IGNORANT IDIOTS!

Is Ron Paul a liberal? We've seen what years of doing the opposite has done? You calling our foreign policy successful?
Russia doesnt have to think shit....

f*** Obama

f*** everybody

this is all about strength ...

how stupid are you? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
yes!! ignorant people elected obama who is clueless on everything!!! just clueless!!!

Bush started not one but 2 pointless wars and handed them to Obama. When was the last time a President was handed two wars? He started the Afghan war to get Bin Laden and failed miserably. Why would people vote for another Republican after these disasters?

Bush did not start the Afghanistan war that was started by Bin Laden officially on 9-11-2001 but in reality it had been going on before Bush ever came into office with the first WTC attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania it took the 2001 attack for the nation to finally wake up and realize war had been declared on us. While the Iraq war was a mistake we did have Iraq in a position to have a good chance of being a stable democracy by the time Bush left office but the Obama administration could not work out a status of forces extension agreement and all our troops were pulled out creating a power vacuum which has been filled by Al-Qaeda returning and radicals being backed by Iran. It's fair to criticize the Bush administration for the Iraq decision but that decision does not make sitting on the sideline and taking a almost isolationist tone to international problems a wise one.

Bin Laden wasn't the leader of Afghanistan. Heck for all we know he was in Pakistan the whole time. We didn't have to start a huge war just to kill Bin Laden, Obama showed that. Most of the terrorists were Saudi's, so we attack Afghanistan?
typical liberal non-thinker!!!==if we just be nice to all the bad guys they will love us!!!===ignorant idiots!

is ron paul a liberal? We've seen what years of doing the opposite has done? You calling our foreign policy successful?

no more 9/11 attacks!!! Why??? Answer we took the fight to them!!! Duh!!!

Have we lost more lives in 9/11 or in the wars after?
Bush started not one but 2 pointless wars and handed them to Obama. When was the last time a President was handed two wars? He started the Afghan war to get Bin Laden and failed miserably. Why would people vote for another Republican after these disasters?

Bush did not start the Afghanistan war that was started by Bin Laden officially on 9-11-2001 but in reality it had been going on before Bush ever came into office with the first WTC attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania it took the 2001 attack for the nation to finally wake up and realize war had been declared on us. While the Iraq war was a mistake we did have Iraq in a position to have a good chance of being a stable democracy by the time Bush left office but the Obama administration could not work out a status of forces extension agreement and all our troops were pulled out creating a power vacuum which has been filled by Al-Qaeda returning and radicals being backed by Iran. It's fair to criticize the Bush administration for the Iraq decision but that decision does not make sitting on the sideline and taking a almost isolationist tone to international problems a wise one.

Bin Laden wasn't the leader of Afghanistan. Heck for all we know he was in Pakistan the whole time. We didn't have to start a huge war just to kill Bin Laden, Obama showed that. Most of the terrorists were Saudi's, so we attack Afghanistan?

no more 9/11 attacks!!! Why??? Answer we took the fight to them!!! Duh!!!
Mr Abbott said he understands the issue will be discussed "urgently" by the members of the United Nations Security Council, including Australia.

The UN's response oughta be as hilarious as Obama's response.

The UN might decide to blockade Russia...which won't be a laughing matter for it.

what's your point?

the UN? LOL
the pathetic UN?
us a bloody
Bush did not start the Afghanistan war that was started by Bin Laden officially on 9-11-2001 but in reality it had been going on before Bush ever came into office with the first WTC attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania it took the 2001 attack for the nation to finally wake up and realize war had been declared on us. While the Iraq war was a mistake we did have Iraq in a position to have a good chance of being a stable democracy by the time Bush left office but the Obama administration could not work out a status of forces extension agreement and all our troops were pulled out creating a power vacuum which has been filled by Al-Qaeda returning and radicals being backed by Iran. It's fair to criticize the Bush administration for the Iraq decision but that decision does not make sitting on the sideline and taking a almost isolationist tone to international problems a wise one.

Bin Laden wasn't the leader of Afghanistan. Heck for all we know he was in Pakistan the whole time. We didn't have to start a huge war just to kill Bin Laden, Obama showed that. Most of the terrorists were Saudi's, so we attack Afghanistan?

no more 9/11 attacks!!! Why??? Answer we took the fight to them!!! Duh!!!

How many lives has taking the fight to them taken? You think we have ever been winning that fight or are we just making more terrorists?
Russia doesnt have to think shit....

It does really...it cannot live alone in today's world.

Putin might be able to wrestle tigers and hunt on horseback, but even he can't supply the Russian nation with all the food, aluminium, iron ore etc etc etc it needs to survive.
Russia doesnt have to think shit....

It does really...it cannot live alone in today's world.

Putin might be able to wrestle tigers and hunt on horseback, but even he can't supply the Russian nation with all the food, aluminium, iron ore etc etc etc it needs to survive.

oh fuck off get lost..respectfully of course.

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