Putin's Answer To Obama

Neo-cons, you have earned the distrust that Americans overwhelmingly feel for your overseas internationalist adventures.

Your failed liberal gutter trash military adventures are over for a generation.
When does it become our business? After Putin gobbles up the Asian break away republics? Perhaps after he takes the southern ones? Maybe we should wait till he invades Poland?

We have a binding treaty with the Ukraine which stipulates if they are invaded we will defend them. So by advocating we do nothing you all support the paper tiger claim. We will prove that at least under Obama we do NOT live up to our treaties. Which means perhaps Putin won't need to invade some Countries, he will just threaten them and knowing no one will help they will fold.

The message we send to our allies and our enemies is that we have not got the ability, the strength of will or resolve to uphold our treaties. This will embolden more then Russia. China sees our inaction and our refusal to defend an ally. They already want Taiwan and the South Pacific. It emboldens them to use force for what they want because they will assume the US won't actually act.

Our allies in the Pacific will know we failed to act and will be less likely to depend on our treaties with them as well.

Great plan. We are on the road to war if we do not act. Better to test Putin now then later. Now he may blink later he will have had so many successes he simply will not believe we would do anything. As will China.
Neo-cons, you have earned the distrust that Americans overwhelmingly feel for your overseas internationalist adventures.

Your failed liberal gutter trash military adventures are over for a generation.

You realize that Progressives have had control of the country for quite a long time, right?

And lo and behold we are on the verge of war, again.
Right wing saber rattling...what a surprise.

let me see if I understand you correctly:

Left wing totalitarian Putin invades an ally and that is RW saber rattling?

No sabers to rattle, war has started. It's only a matter of time before we are involved because of the treaties we've signed.

The sad thing is we dont have the foundation we need to fight another one until we clean ourselves up.
Mr Abbott said he understands the issue will be discussed "urgently" by the members of the United Nations Security Council, including Australia.

The UN's response oughta be as hilarious as Obama's response.

The UN might decide to blockade Russia...which won't be a laughing matter for it.

Really? how the hell are they going to do that when Russia can VETO it?
Russia doesnt have to think shit....

It does really...it cannot live alone in today's world.

Putin might be able to wrestle tigers and hunt on horseback, but even he can't supply the Russian nation with all the food, aluminium, iron ore etc etc etc it needs to survive.

that's the point of taking over the Ukraine, to get control over the food.

If you haven't noticed, Russia has a heck of alot more resources than say every country on the planet since it's the largest.
When does it become our business? After Putin gobbles up the Asian break away republics? Perhaps after he takes the southern ones? Maybe we should wait till he invades Poland?

We have a binding treaty with the Ukraine which stipulates if they are invaded we will defend them. So by advocating we do nothing you all support the paper tiger claim. We will prove that at least under Obama we do NOT live up to our treaties. Which means perhaps Putin won't need to invade some Countries, he will just threaten them and knowing no one will help they will fold.

The message we send to our allies and our enemies is that we have not got the ability, the strength of will or resolve to uphold our treaties. This will embolden more then Russia. China sees our inaction and our refusal to defend an ally. They already want Taiwan and the South Pacific. It emboldens them to use force for what they want because they will assume the US won't actually act.

Our allies in the Pacific will know we failed to act and will be less likely to depend on our treaties with them as well.

Great plan. We are on the road to war if we do not act. Better to test Putin now then later. Now he may blink later he will have had so many successes he simply will not believe we would do anything. As will China.

I completely agree with your assessment about what is about to happen. problem is we aren't the nation we used to be. We need to cleanse the inward vessel.
President Putin spends 90 minutes detailing all the dirt he has on obama that he got from Snowden and says "You gonna shut up now aren't you Bammy Boy? obama says "Yessir Boss anything you say Boss."
Yes, Obama avoided war. By surrendering. We could have made the entire Cold War irrelevant simply by adopting communism and bowing to the Soviet Masters. Doubtless many of Obama's influences advocated exactly that policy.
In reality Obama is a joke. He has no credibility. He will take no concrete steps nor exhibit leadership. And the idependent country of the Ukraine will return to the soviet orbit as Putin rebuilds the Soviet Empire.
More enslavement, yes!

We have no place getting involved in this situation at all. Ukraine wanted to be closer to the European Union so it's their problem. Why would Russia want Ukraine anyhow? Last I heard they were broke. Tell Gaddafi and Bin Laden that Obama has no credibility.

You're such an ignorant sap.
How about the people of the Ukraine, who are suffering a virtual invasion of their country by RUssia? Yeah, you dont give a shit about them, we get it.
Why don't you ask Assad or Khamanei if Obama has credibility? Because we already know what Putin thinks.
The Russian speaking Ukrainians want Russian forces to eject the EU banker that usurped the elected president.
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The UN's response oughta be as hilarious as Obama's response.

The UN might decide to blockade Russia...which won't be a laughing matter for it.

Really? how the hell are they going to do that when Russia can VETO it?

Good question.
Hmmm, maybe the UN needs to be bypassed.

Do you know the name of the treaty the US signed to protect Ukraine?

What do you suggest be done, an armed invasion?
An armed invasion that would see most of the invading US led troops perish.
Obama brings peace to Ukraine and Russia after 90 minute discussion. took Bush 8 years to do the same in Iraq.
CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Is this a joke?
Uniformed men wearing no rank or insignia are occupying parts of Ukraine as we discuss this.
Obama does not concern Putin.
Putin has rationalized his actions by stating his military has crossed into Ukraine to "protect ethnic Russians".
Total bullshit. Putin wants Ukraine back under control of Russia.
Ah where was Putin to save America when Occupy wall street broke out. by the way Ukraine had elections, so if dingbats don't like it, they should move to Israel or Saudi Arabia (US allies)

What the fuck are you yammering about? Putin? OWS?
Kinda not seeing the connection.
Obama is not going to do anything.
What can he do? Nothing. Sanctions? No. Any movement in that direction has to be approved by a unanimous vote by the UN Security Council. A group of which Russia is a member.
Obama could seize Russian government assets that are here in the US.
He could kick out a few Attaches from the Embassy in New York.
He wont do anything. He will call for a vote at the full UN condemning Russia. He will announce cooperation with Europe to isolate Russia. Two week hence the administration will announce an initiative to make gay marriage the law of the land.
Neo-cons, you have earned the distrust that Americans overwhelmingly feel for your overseas internationalist adventures.

Your failed liberal gutter trash military adventures are over for a generation.

You realize that Progressives have had control of the country for quite a long time, right?

And lo and behold we are on the verge of war, again.

There is no such link between the far left and progressives other than the far left trying to use that term to hide their true actions.

Although Republican and progressivism have a very long history, so are you talking about Republican Progressivism?
Root'n toot'n Putin....


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