Putin's Answer To Obama

here's more of my prediction. This will be worked out and peace will be had within a few days. It's quite possible that tiny eastern part of the Ukraine maybe allowed to join Russia. BUT there's not going to be any major battles or blood from this.

A year from now the Ukraine and Russia will be trading as friends again.
Bush started not one but 2 pointless wars and handed them to Obama. When was the last time a President was handed two wars? He started the Afghan war to get Bin Laden and failed miserably. Why would people vote for another Republican after these disasters?

Bush did not start the Afghanistan war that was started by Bin Laden officially on 9-11-2001 but in reality it had been going on before Bush ever came into office with the first WTC attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania it took the 2001 attack for the nation to finally wake up and realize war had been declared on us. While the Iraq war was a mistake we did have Iraq in a position to have a good chance of being a stable democracy by the time Bush left office but the Obama administration could not work out a status of forces extension agreement and all our troops were pulled out creating a power vacuum which has been filled by Al-Qaeda returning and radicals being backed by Iran. It's fair to criticize the Bush administration for the Iraq decision but that decision does not make sitting on the sideline and taking a almost isolationist tone to international problems a wise one.

Bin Laden wasn't the leader of Afghanistan. Heck for all we know he was in Pakistan the whole time. We didn't have to start a huge war just to kill Bin Laden, Obama showed that. Most of the terrorists were Saudi's, so we attack Afghanistan?

No the Taliban were the leaders in Afghanistan they gave Bin Laden sanctuary in Afghanistan where he set up training camps for Al-Qaeda for which all the attacks I mentioned was where the training and planning took place so given that it would have been highly illogical to think you would have found Bin Laden in either Pakistan or Saudi Arabia after the 9-11 attacks.
Bush did not start the Afghanistan war that was started by Bin Laden officially on 9-11-2001 but in reality it had been going on before Bush ever came into office with the first WTC attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania it took the 2001 attack for the nation to finally wake up and realize war had been declared on us. While the Iraq war was a mistake we did have Iraq in a position to have a good chance of being a stable democracy by the time Bush left office but the Obama administration could not work out a status of forces extension agreement and all our troops were pulled out creating a power vacuum which has been filled by Al-Qaeda returning and radicals being backed by Iran. It's fair to criticize the Bush administration for the Iraq decision but that decision does not make sitting on the sideline and taking a almost isolationist tone to international problems a wise one.

Bin Laden wasn't the leader of Afghanistan. Heck for all we know he was in Pakistan the whole time. We didn't have to start a huge war just to kill Bin Laden, Obama showed that. Most of the terrorists were Saudi's, so we attack Afghanistan?

No the Taliban were the leaders in Afghanistan they gave Bin Laden sanctuary in Afghanistan where he set up training camps for Al-Qaeda for which all the attacks I mentioned was where the training and planning took place so given that it would have been highly illogical to think you would have found Bin Laden in either Pakistan or Saudi Arabia after the 9-11 attacks.

Clearly they didn't find him in Afghanistan.
Let's tell the world that we will remain neutral!

I agree! We'll have peace in our time!

If we stay out of it instead of throwing gas on it...Maybe Putin will just take eastern Ukraine without a full scale war.

Sounds far better then a war that gets us bombed.

Yes, lets just bend over and hope Putin uses a little lube! Are you familiar with appeasement and just letting Hitler do as he willed?
Russia doesnt have to think shit....

It does really...it cannot live alone in today's world.

Putin might be able to wrestle tigers and hunt on horseback, but even he can't supply the Russian nation with all the food, aluminium, iron ore etc etc etc it needs to survive.

oh fuck off get lost..respectfully of course.

No Harvard degree needed for this one either.

Russia Imports | Actual Value | Historical Data | Forecast | Calendar

Russia main imports are food
Bin Laden wasn't the leader of Afghanistan. Heck for all we know he was in Pakistan the whole time. We didn't have to start a huge war just to kill Bin Laden, Obama showed that. Most of the terrorists were Saudi's, so we attack Afghanistan?

No the Taliban were the leaders in Afghanistan they gave Bin Laden sanctuary in Afghanistan where he set up training camps for Al-Qaeda for which all the attacks I mentioned was where the training and planning took place so given that it would have been highly illogical to think you would have found Bin Laden in either Pakistan or Saudi Arabia after the 9-11 attacks.

Clearly they didn't find him in Afghanistan.
Obviously not but immediately after the 9-11 attacks it was the most logical place to expect him to be it was ten years later he was found in Pakistan and we have no idea how long he had been there.
Wow, nine pages of stupid.

My hat is off to the incompetent necons behind the curtains at the White House and Pentagram who made this ridiculous mess possible. Nothing like fucking a country up and blaming it on the other guy.
Wow, nine pages of stupid.

My hat is off to the incompetent necons behind the curtains at the White House and Pentagram who made this ridiculous mess possible. Nothing like fucking a country up and blaming it on the other guy.

Two lines of only marginally understandable metaphor...

Speaking plainly, with some particulars, might serve the audience better, in this instance.
War is here. We now have a choice to make: We repent of our sins or we destroy one another in bloodshed and carnage unseen in nearly 50 years.
here's more of my prediction. This will be worked out and peace will be had within a few days. It's quite possible that tiny eastern part of the Ukraine maybe allowed to join Russia. BUT there's not going to be any major battles or blood from this.

A year from now the Ukraine and Russia will be trading as friends again.

Friends? They haven't been friends in well over a century. There has always been tensions between Russia and the Ukraine, Particularly when they were ruling over them.
The Ruskies already WERE in Crimea- why can't they be more like the Czechs and Slovaks lol...Thank god war mongering chickenhawk Pubs aren't anywhere near this....
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obama says,"Putin you do as you please as I will not allow the USA to help Ukraine,I ill di as i did in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA=CUT AND RUN!!!

Getting out of Iraq and staying out of Syria are a couple of the best things Obama has done. Sooner we get out of Afgan the better. I love how the right wants spending cuts except for when it comes to pointless wars.

Also staying out of Libya. The President handled this one as well as can be expected. There are places where we have influence and interest. We have neither in the Ukraine.

I love the moron who said we'd have war in a very short time and the Russians will take Poland.

Got to love far left revisionism.

They ignore the fact that Obama got us involved in a real illegal war in Libya.
Bush did not start the Afghanistan war that was started by Bin Laden officially on 9-11-2001 but in reality it had been going on before Bush ever came into office with the first WTC attack, the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, and embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania it took the 2001 attack for the nation to finally wake up and realize war had been declared on us. While the Iraq war was a mistake we did have Iraq in a position to have a good chance of being a stable democracy by the time Bush left office but the Obama administration could not work out a status of forces extension agreement and all our troops were pulled out creating a power vacuum which has been filled by Al-Qaeda returning and radicals being backed by Iran. It's fair to criticize the Bush administration for the Iraq decision but that decision does not make sitting on the sideline and taking a almost isolationist tone to international problems a wise one.

Bin Laden wasn't the leader of Afghanistan. Heck for all we know he was in Pakistan the whole time. We didn't have to start a huge war just to kill Bin Laden, Obama showed that. Most of the terrorists were Saudi's, so we attack Afghanistan?

No the Taliban were the leaders in Afghanistan they gave Bin Laden sanctuary in Afghanistan where he set up training camps for Al-Qaeda for which all the attacks I mentioned was where the training and planning took place so given that it would have been highly illogical to think you would have found Bin Laden in either Pakistan or Saudi Arabia after the 9-11 attacks.

Not to mention that Bin Laden declared war on the west and the US in 1996.

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