Putin's Answer To Obama

The Russian speaking Ukrainians want Russian forces to eject the EU banker that usurped the elected president.

I checked the ethnicity and other demographics of Ukraine.
24% of the population speaks Russian.
17% identify themselves as ethnic Russians.
So it seems this Russian "thing" is a bunch of hooey.
Yes, you are correct that ethnic Russians living in Ukraine would prefer to be aligned with Moscow.
The majority of Ukrainians want nothing to do with Putin the thug.
I recall that JFK was applauded by the international drooling media for his fine speech in front of the Berlin Wall and then he went home and forgot about the Germans who were shot in the back by Russian occupation troops. Barry Hussein is apparently a hero to the left by kissing Putin's ass while his troops invade Ukraine.
He wont do anything. He will call for a vote at the full UN condemning Russia. He will announce cooperation with Europe to isolate Russia. Two week hence the administration will announce an initiative to make gay marriage the law of the land.

UN is about to be made useless. With Russia on the security council they are DOA.
The UN might decide to blockade Russia...which won't be a laughing matter for it.

Really? how the hell are they going to do that when Russia can VETO it?

Good question.
Hmmm, maybe the UN needs to be bypassed.

Do you know the name of the treaty the US signed to protect Ukraine?

What do you suggest be done, an armed invasion?
An armed invasion that would see most of the invading US led troops perish.

We dispatch the 82nd Airborne to Ukraine BEFORE Putin Invades the rest of the Country. We then ship on a slower method 3 more divisions. And air forces. We will not be starting a war as we are allies with the Ukraine. Once we have boots on the ground we see if Putin is dumb enough to start a war.

As for Crimea we leave that to the Ukraine to decide what to do about it.

We pressure NATO to send troops as well.

Right now we are doing nothing. Putin is free to invade the main part of the Ukraine at his convenience. And he knows we won't do shit about it.

Again we fail to act and Putin will grab more Countries and China may invade Taiwan believing we will not act. You WANT a war? Do nothing.
There isn't going to be any war. The government of Ukraine isn't dumb as they know Russia will rip them apart if they tried. It is like walking into a den of wolfs and one wrong move = you're fucked.

So they're going to sit there and let Russia take them over? No, I dont think so.
Recall Ukraine has nukes too.
58 per cent of the Crimeans are Russians, and their Black Sea naval base is there- They didn't invade, they're already there. Remain calm, fear mongered, ignorant Foxbots...
He wont do anything. He will call for a vote at the full UN condemning Russia. He will announce cooperation with Europe to isolate Russia. Two week hence the administration will announce an initiative to make gay marriage the law of the land.

UN is about to be made useless. With Russia on the security council they are DOA.

Actually Russia and China will block any efforts and possibly France.

And the UN has been worthless for a very long time.
There isn't going to be any war. The government of Ukraine isn't dumb as they know Russia will rip them apart if they tried. It is like walking into a den of wolfs and one wrong move = you're fucked.

So they're going to sit there and let Russia take them over? No, I dont think so.
Recall Ukraine has nukes too.

Most importantly it is major OIL hub.
He wont do anything. He will call for a vote at the full UN condemning Russia. He will announce cooperation with Europe to isolate Russia. Two week hence the administration will announce an initiative to make gay marriage the law of the land.

UN is about to be made useless. With Russia on the security council they are DOA.

Actually Russia and China will block any efforts and possibly France.

And the UN has been worthless for a very long time.

They can only veto in the Security Council. At the general assembly they cannot. Of course the GA is worthless, except as propaganda.
UN is about to be made useless. With Russia on the security council they are DOA.

Actually Russia and China will block any efforts and possibly France.

And the UN has been worthless for a very long time.

They can only veto in the Security Council. At the general assembly they cannot. Of course the GA is worthless, except as propaganda.

Exactly no matter what is decided by the general assembly two of the five will veto it. Thus means the motion will not be carried. The Security Council's five permanent members, have the power to veto any substantive resolution; this allows a permanent member to block adoption of a resolution, but not to prevent or end debate.
We dispatch the 82nd Airborne to Ukraine BEFORE Putin Invades the rest of the Country. We then ship on a slower method 3 more divisions. And air forces. We will not be starting a war as we are allies with the Ukraine. Once we have boots on the ground we see if Putin is dumb enough to start a war.

As for Crimea we leave that to the Ukraine to decide what to do about it.

We pressure NATO to send troops as well.

Right now we are doing nothing. Putin is free to invade the main part of the Ukraine at his convenience. And he knows we won't do shit about it.

Again we fail to act and Putin will grab more Countries and China may invade Taiwan believing we will not act. You WANT a war? Do nothing.

What, is your stock in Blackwater plummeting these days? Need another unsustainable economy-destroying war to boost your portfolio do you?

Leave the US out of it. I know, Blackwater and Blackwater alone can go take on the Russians in their erstwhile Ukraine territory. Have fun! :badgrin:
We dispatch the 82nd Airborne to Ukraine BEFORE Putin Invades the rest of the Country. We then ship on a slower method 3 more divisions. And air forces. We will not be starting a war as we are allies with the Ukraine. Once we have boots on the ground we see if Putin is dumb enough to start a war.

As for Crimea we leave that to the Ukraine to decide what to do about it.

We pressure NATO to send troops as well.

Right now we are doing nothing. Putin is free to invade the main part of the Ukraine at his convenience. And he knows we won't do shit about it.

Again we fail to act and Putin will grab more Countries and China may invade Taiwan believing we will not act. You WANT a war? Do nothing.

What, is your stock in Blackwater plummeting these days? Need another unsustainable economy-destroying war to boost your portfolio do you?

Leave the US out of it. I know, Blackwater and Blackwater alone can go take on the Russians in their erstwhile Ukraine territory. Have fun! :badgrin:

If we do nothing and Putin seizes the rest of the Ukraine or simple holds the Crimea you can bet China will notice we failed to defend a treaty obligation to a foreign Nation.

They want Taiwan and the Pacific region around their Country. They will be emboldened and may actually attack Taiwan. Believing that as in the Ukraine, the US won't support a treaty partner.

You want war? Do nothing, it will come in a few months or a couple years as Russia and China get braver and braver because the US does not act.
obama says,"Putin you do as you please as I will not allow the USA to help Ukraine,I ill di as i did in IRAQ,AFGAN AND SYRIA=CUT AND RUN!!!

Getting out of Iraq and staying out of Syria are a couple of the best things Obama has done. Sooner we get out of Afgan the better. I love how the right wants spending cuts except for when it comes to pointless wars.

Also staying out of Libya. The President handled this one as well as can be expected. There are places where we have influence and interest. We have neither in the Ukraine.

I love the moron who said we'd have war in a very short time and the Russians will take Poland.

You said it best, Obama handled this one as well as can be expected...He did NOTHING.

That's what we can expect from this joke of a "president".

Btw, if I were you, I'd change my avatar before labeling anyone a moron.;)
According to my tv news just now Obama and Putin spoke for 90 minutes by phone.

The tv news stated that;

"Russian troops were welcomed like conquering heroes".

"Crimea is 58% Russian nationals"

"A deal was done some time ago for Russia to have its military in Crimea, and Russian ships use Crimean ports".

This seems to be like a civil war rather than an attack on a separate nation...Russia invading Germany for example.
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