Putin’s Crumbling Narrative: Too Many Obituaries and Home-front Attacks


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Repeated Ukrainian drone attacks in and near the Russian capital of Moscow and cruise missile strikes against bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to the Ukrainian and Russian mainland are undermining the Kremlin narrative of success in the war with Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin’s propagandist, Olga Skabeyeva, did not help matters much when she announced on her television show last week that “284,000 obituaries” of soldiers were found on Russian social media, acknowledging, “These numbers frighten and shock me.” If accurate, that number exceeds Ukrainian estimates of Russians killed in action — considered by many as grossly inflated — by nearly 34,000. Shockingly, Skabeyeva says there could be far more.

The question is not if Ukraine will win, but when Ukraine will win.
The question is not if Ukraine will win, but when Ukraine will win.
They say truth is always the first casualty in war. I don't trust the numbers from any source these days. There are multiple "expert" pundits who swear by their sources that X, Y, and Z are true and these pundits exist to support the narrative of both sides so basically the truth is 6-5 and Pick 'em.

I really don't care which side prevails, I just hope the killing can stop and soon. The longer this thing smolders, the greater the chance it could spread. The idea that Vladimir Vladimirovich will accept a loss that would likely mean the end of his own life, is just not going to happen. The Russian people do not rise up and depose "strong man" leaders. They just don't. The only way Ukraine "wins" is if some enterprising oligarch manages to pop Putin and step in to take over the "business". Putin is a survivor and it just isn't likely that he'll be assassinated.

OTOH, if Trump were to win and actually manage to be inaugurated before the DC Marxists set the nation on fire, he can make the endless funding for Ukraine simply dry up and at that point, Ukraine will reach a deal with Russia. My guess is that Russia will retain most or all of the territory they hold in the east and south and they will retain their naval base on Crimea. Ukraine will lose that territory but will probably be accepted into NATO as a part of the peace deal. If no peace can be found and the funding continues, so will the slaughter. Meanwhile, Belarus and Poland look like they're ready to rumble at a moment's notice. If it doesn't end soon, it's just a matter of time before an accident or miscalculation puts NATO troops into the cauldron and at that point, life will get VERY interesting.
They say truth is always the first casualty in war. I don't trust the numbers from any source these days. There are multiple "expert" pundits who swear by their sources that X, Y, and Z are true and these pundits exist to support the narrative of both sides so basically the truth is 6-5 and Pick 'em.

I really don't care which side prevails, I just hope the killing can stop and soon. The longer this thing smolders, the greater the chance it could spread. The idea that Vladimir Vladimirovich will accept a loss that would likely mean the end of his own life, is just not going to happen. The Russian people do not rise up and depose "strong man" leaders. They just don't. The only way Ukraine "wins" is if some enterprising oligarch manages to pop Putin and step in to take over the "business". Putin is a survivor and it just isn't likely that he'll be assassinated.

OTOH, if Trump were to win and actually manage to be inaugurated before the DC Marxists set the nation on fire, he can make the endless funding for Ukraine simply dry up and at that point, Ukraine will reach a deal with Russia. My guess is that Russia will retain most or all of the territory they hold in the east and south and they will retain their naval base on Crimea. Ukraine will lose that territory but will probably be accepted into NATO as a part of the peace deal. If no peace can be found and the funding continues, so will the slaughter. Meanwhile, Belarus and Poland look like they're ready to rumble at a moment's notice. If it doesn't end soon, it's just a matter of time before an accident or miscalculation puts NATO troops into the cauldron and at that point, life will get VERY interesting.
In other words, your only interest in this situation is to try to use it to promote Trump's candidacy.
I can’t see how Putin can hide his war dead

In this country, if a soldier is killed in action, the family is notified immediately, the body is given a full military funeral, the local media reports it extensively.

How can Putin just pretend they didn’t exist?
The only thing that stops the war are massive protests of Russian citizens and parents of killed soldiers. The US war machine is delighted to be eating well again and has no intentions of stopping.
I can’t see how Putin can hide his war dead

In this country, if a soldier is killed in action, the family is notified immediately, the body is given a full military funeral, the local media reports it extensively.

How can Putin just pretend they didn’t exist?
All true, but here in America, we get our information about wartime casualties from official government statements, not from the individual notifications to families, but in Russia, Putin controls everything that is made public, and nothing negative about the war is ever made public.

What is extraordinary about this article is that someone who had been a reliable Putin propagandist counted or had someone count obituary announcements of soldiers dying on social media and announced the number of Russian dead far exceeds even Ukrainian estimates of Russians killed in the war. This is clear evidence that even some of Putin's most loyal supporters are losing confidence in his leadership.
Repeated Ukrainian drone attacks in and near the Russian capital of Moscow and cruise missile strikes against bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to the Ukrainian and Russian mainland are undermining the Kremlin narrative of success in the war with Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin’s propagandist, Olga Skabeyeva, did not help matters much when she announced on her television show last week that “284,000 obituaries” of soldiers were found on Russian social media, acknowledging, “These numbers frighten and shock me.” If accurate, that number exceeds Ukrainian estimates of Russians killed in action — considered by many as grossly inflated — by nearly 34,000. Shockingly, Skabeyeva says there could be far more.

The question is not if Ukraine will win, but when Ukraine will win.
ukraine will never win. the west is pouring weapons into ukraine but that will not save them. does anyone know the number of casualties ukraine has suffered?
ukraine will never win. the west is pouring weapons into ukraine but that will not save them. does anyone know the number of casualties ukraine has suffered?


What would you call a Russian win?

What would you call a Russian win?
Like now. 3000 00 Kyiv Nazis dead and who knows how many maimed and injured. The Russians just sit tight on better and usually higher positions and slaughte onrushing kids and over 50s. It is massacre time every day --- up to one thousand per day . Russia is breaking out in areas where the Nazis have run out of reserves and steady advances will continue .But no rush as long as Kyiv is prepared to see its third army go the same way as the other two .
Repeated Ukrainian drone attacks in and near the Russian capital of Moscow and cruise missile strikes against bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to the Ukrainian and Russian mainland are undermining the Kremlin narrative of success in the war with Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin’s propagandist, Olga Skabeyeva, did not help matters much when she announced on her television show last week that “284,000 obituaries” of soldiers were found on Russian social media, acknowledging, “These numbers frighten and shock me.” If accurate, that number exceeds Ukrainian estimates of Russians killed in action — considered by many as grossly inflated — by nearly 34,000. Shockingly, Skabeyeva says there could be far more.

The question is not if Ukraine will win, but when Ukraine will win.

It’s Opposite Land!

Ukraine needs a Prigozhin, a returning veteran with 1,000 loyal soldiers who will topple the corrupt Regime in Kiev and


Bertand in Moon of Alabama today . The End Of The Counteroffensive​

Western media have finally change course. They are now admitting that the much promoted Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed. In fact, they acknowledge that it never had a chance to win in the first place.

The Hill, the Washington Post and CNN now agree that the Ukrainian army will never achieve its aims.

That makes it difficult for the Biden administration to get Congress approval for $24 billion in additional 'aid' to Ukraine. It does not make sense to pay for a cause that is evidently lost.

The Polish President Duda has also acknowledged that the counter-offensive has failed. Relations between Warsaw and Kiev have gotten worse and Polish interests will not allow for more support or active intervention.
OTOH, if Trump were to win and actually manage to be inaugurated before the DC Marxists set the nation on fire, he can make the endless funding for Ukraine simply dry up and at that point, Ukraine will reach a deal with Russia. My guess is that Russia will retain most or all of the territory they hold in the east and south and they will retain their naval base on Crimea. Ukraine will lose that territory but will probably be accepted into NATO as a part of the peace deal. If no peace can be found and the funding continues, so will the slaughter. Meanwhile, Belarus and Poland look like they're ready to rumble at a moment's notice. If it doesn't end soon, it's just a matter of time before an accident or miscalculation puts NATO troops into the cauldron and at that point, life will get VERY interesting
Who knows, it may be that for a new Trump administration (if it ever be elected) the Ukraine war can be deemed as another pointless foreign war the US should stay out of which. And this 'peace deal' will be even less favourable for Ukraine.

But on the other hand, some significant 'reshuffle' is needed. Whatever it brings in the result. The Biden administration policy in this war seems to have reached the point of drivel.
Who knows, it may be that for a new Trump administration (if it ever be elected) the Ukraine war can be deemed as another pointless foreign war the US should stay out of which. And this 'peace deal' will be even less favourable for Ukraine.

But on the other hand, some significant 'reshuffle' is needed. Whatever it brings in the result. The Biden administration policy in this war seems to have reached the point of drivel.
Have you tried anti-depressants?
Repeated Ukrainian drone attacks in and near the Russian capital of Moscow and cruise missile strikes against bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to the Ukrainian and Russian mainland are undermining the Kremlin narrative of success in the war with Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin’s propagandist, Olga Skabeyeva, did not help matters much when she announced on her television show last week that “284,000 obituaries” of soldiers were found on Russian social media, acknowledging, “These numbers frighten and shock me.” If accurate, that number exceeds Ukrainian estimates of Russians killed in action — considered by many as grossly inflated — by nearly 34,000. Shockingly, Skabeyeva says there could be far more.

The question is not if Ukraine will win, but when Ukraine will win.

Million of Ukrainians fled, never to return....hundreds of thousands of your best young men dead or wounded...and this is your focus?

I pray for a Ukrainian Prigozhin, a retuning veteran with a loyal battalion who will overthrow the corrupt, insane regime in Kiev and make peace
Like now. 3000 00 Kyiv Nazis dead and who knows how many maimed and injured. The Russians just sit tight on better and usually higher positions and slaughte onrushing kids and over 50s. It is massacre time every day --- up to one thousand per day . Russia is breaking out in areas where the Nazis have run out of reserves and steady advances will continue .But no rush as long as Kyiv is prepared to see its third army go the same way as the other two .

Russia is Stalemated

What do they do now?

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