Putin's People Talk About US Farce Against ISIL

All sorts of links in the story but what I liked best is this last sentence:

The only thing Obama is committed to is transforming America into a socialist Utopia… and his next tee time.

Read and share the story @ Putin's Admin Just Leaked A HUGE Secret About ISIS... Obama Is Fuming This Got Out

America is the laughingstock of the entire world.

You mean like during our "Smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud" period?
Or how about when we told the world we would be treated as liberators?

No. Right now. Even our military and veterans are ashamed of our Commander-in-Chief. What's left of them anyway.


Much of our Military is extreme right wing and they spout the same anti-Obama nonsense that you do

They have good reason to.
are you saying you agree that obama is an empty suit and his policies are inept and fraudulent?


LMAO..oh...you don't understand?

Well, he said america was the laughingstock of the world due to obamas inept and fraudulent foreign policy blunders....
....then you made a reference comparing it to the last admin. ineptness and fraudulent foreign policy blunders ...
the only conclusion is that both are inept and fraudulent blunderers...

or is obama fraud, ineptness and blundering somehow "better"?

How did the world laugh when our optimistic predictions about Iraq proved wrong?

Show me who in the world is laughing about our response to ISIS

Putin is laughing his ass off.

Putin will find out just what dealing with ISIS entails.....it is more than a big boot

Are you the one calling the shots for Putin or is that just wishful thinking?
We don't need more troops....we will be treated as Liberators

It was a tragic decision that cost 5000 lives

Going into Iraq to be heralded as Liberators was hardly the reason we went to war in Iraq and was not THE primary contributing factor leading to the loss of 5,000 lives.

Many of those lives were lost due to the nasty IEDs, weapons, etc created and used by Obama's buddies the Iranians who he crafted a 'steal of a deal' for recently. There is a huge reason why the Obama administration refuses to release the number of American deaths the Iranians are responsible for. If Americans knew the number, and considering they still hold 4 Americans hostage, he would have MORE than 78% of Americans opposing his Iran deal.

Bush downplayed the need for an extensive occupying force to maintain the peace. We were tragically unprepared for the Civil War that took place.

Mission Accomplished was hardly mission accomplished

LMAO..oh...you don't understand?

Well, he said america was the laughingstock of the world due to obamas inept and fraudulent foreign policy blunders....
....then you made a reference comparing it to the last admin. ineptness and fraudulent foreign policy blunders ...
the only conclusion is that both are inept and fraudulent blunderers...

or is obama fraud, ineptness and blundering somehow "better"?

How did the world laugh when our optimistic predictions about Iraq proved wrong?

Show me who in the world is laughing about our response to ISIS

Putin is laughing his ass off.

Putin will find out just what dealing with ISIS entails.....it is more than a big boot

Are you the one calling the shots for Putin or is that just wishful thinking?

I truly hope Putin squashes ISIS like a bug. I hope he gets all of the credit and Obama gets none

But lets see how easy it will be for Putin once he puts boots on the ground
Much of our Military is extreme right wing and they spout the same anti-Obama nonsense that you do

Out military's allegiance and loyalty, unlike their Commander and Chief's, is un-questioned, douche-bag! They faithfully go wherever, whenever ordered and fight his fights. They do not engage in politics, have no say in who to fight, when to fight, or where to fight. Even when ordered to fight with and for Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 - to help then take over Libya our troops carried out their orders.

Even when a SpecOps officer rescued a boy being raped and Obama had him kicked out of the military, his military remains faithful. When he downplayed the terrorist attack on them at Ft. Hood, calling it a case of workplace violence, our troops remained faithful. When Obama ignored the terrorist attack on the recruiting station they have remained faithful.

When he attacked military members and those who sacrificed to search for Beghdahl for telling the truth about Bergdahl, they have remained loyal. UNLIKE Obama, our military are men and women of honor, integrity, service before self, and have a willingness to sacrifice for the greater good.

In case you are wondering, YES I am a vet, YES I was there, YES I am still serving, and YES, I take offense at what you said, so :anj_stfu: because you have no idea what you're talking about!
Putin is accomplishing in a few weeks what the US Military couldn't do in more than 12 years.

Now either the US Government is MASSIVELY incompetent or they're INTENTIONALLY not fighting the War on Terror.

Either one is REAL BAD.
Much of our Military is extreme right wing and they spout the same anti-Obama nonsense that you do

Out military's allegiance and loyalty, unlike their Commander and Chief's, is un-questioned, douche-bag! They faithfully go wherever, whenever ordered and fight his fights. They do not engage in politics, have no say in who to fight, when to fight, or where to fight. Even when ordered to fight with and for Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 - to help then take over Libya our troops carried out their orders.

Even when a SpecOps officer rescued a boy being raped and Obama had him kicked out of the military, his military remains faithful. When he downplayed the terrorist attack on them at Ft. Hood, calling it a case of workplace violence, our troops remained faithful. When Obama ignored the terrorist attack on the recruiting station they have remained faithful.

When he attacked military members and those who sacrificed to search for Beghdahl for telling the truth about Bergdahl, they have remained loyal. UNLIKE Obama, our military are men and women of honor, integrity, service before self, and have a willingness to sacrifice for the greater good.

In case you are wondering, YES I am a vet, YES I was there, YES I am still serving, and YES, I take offense at what you said, so :anj_stfu: because you have no idea what you're talking about!

They get the same propaganda that you do!
Bush downplayed the need for an extensive occupying force to maintain the peace. We were tragically unprepared for the Civil War that took place.

Mission Accomplished was hardly mission accomplished

Bush handed over a Liberated Iraq to Obama with a timetable for bringing the troops home that all he had to do was stick to. Obama single-handedly CHOSE to offer no resistance to ISIS, who he had helped arm, as they flooded into Iraq and took over much of the country our troops had sacrificed much to liberate!

OBAMA declared to the American people that Al Qaeida was 'on the run' and that the 'war on terror' was over...about the time 20 US Embassies were attacked, 4 overrun, and 4 Americans were murdered....a lie to bolster his chances to be re-elected.
Putin is accomplishing in a few weeks what the US Military couldn't do in more than 12 years.

Now either the US Government is MASSIVELY incompetent or they're INTENTIONALLY not fighting the War on Terror.

Either one is REAL BAD.

What has he accomplished?

Why do you hate the US military? You claiming that Putin killed bin Laden now?
Was it Putin who killed hundreds of Taliban and AlQaida leaders?

The US has been fighting the war on terror by ourselves for 12 years...Putin is just entering the fight

Lets see some results before Conservatives make him their hero
Bush downplayed the need for an extensive occupying force to maintain the peace. We were tragically unprepared for the Civil War that took place.

Mission Accomplished was hardly mission accomplished

Bush handed over a Liberated Iraq to Obama with a timetable for bringing the troops home that all he had to do was stick to. Obama single-handedly CHOSE to offer no resistance to ISIS, who he had helped arm, as they flooded into Iraq and took over much of the country our troops had sacrificed much to liberate!

OBAMA declared to the American people that Al Qaeida was 'on the run' and that the 'war on terror' was over...about the time 20 US Embassies were attacked, 4 overrun, and 4 Americans were murdered....a lie to bolster his chances to be re-elected.

Bush created a power void that ISIS gladly filled

Far from treating us as liberators like Bush predicted
Putin is accomplishing in a few weeks what the US Military couldn't do in more than 12 years.

Now either the US Government is MASSIVELY incompetent or they're INTENTIONALLY not fighting the War on Terror.

Either one is REAL BAD.

Obama / Liberals have cut the US military to the bone to the point where Obama's Daddy's vision of eliminating the US as a military power in the world has all but been accomplished...and he wants more cuts.

Obama is not trying to fight ISIS...he is trying to fight a proxy war against Syrian and Russia to try to oust Assad, who is now well protected by Putin. Obama missed his chance when he issued his 'Red Line'...then cowardly backed down. He's got no shot now.
Bush created a power void that ISIS gladly filled

Far from treating us as liberators like Bush predicted

Obama was handed a liberated Iraq...then Obama armed Syrian Rebels from Benghazi, watched them turn into ISIS, and then allowed them to flow un-opposed into Iraq. Obama helped create ISIS and allowed them to flow into the void he helped create.
Putin is accomplishing in a few weeks what the US Military couldn't do in more than 12 years.

Now either the US Government is MASSIVELY incompetent or they're INTENTIONALLY not fighting the War on Terror.

Either one is REAL BAD.

Obama / Liberals have cut the US military to the bone to the point where Obama's Daddy's vision of eliminating the US as a military power in the world has all but been accomplished...and he wants more cuts.

Obama is not trying to fight ISIS...he is trying to fight a proxy war against Syrian and Russia to try to oust Assad, who is now well protected by Putin. Obama missed his chance when he issued his 'Red Line'...then cowardly backed down. He's got no shot now.

Now you are just making shit up

Our military has not been cut "to the bone". We have the strongest military in the history of mankind. We have the most sophisticated special forces on earth by a wide margin

But you would prefer to honor Putin and his band of thugs
Bush created a power void that ISIS gladly filled

Far from treating us as liberators like Bush predicted

Obama was handed a liberated Iraq...then Obama armed Syrian Rebels from Benghazi, watched them turn into ISIS, and then allowed them to flow un-opposed into Iraq. Obama helped create ISIS and allowed them to flow into the void he helped create.

Liberation is easy...Bush found that out
Mission accomplished in less than two months

Keeping the peace and establishing a stable, balanced government that satisfies all the factions is hard. Cost us five thousand lives and led to the emergence of ISIS

I fully support the President in not wasting any more US lives propping up a corrupt and inept Iraqi government
Hussein Obama never had any intention of fighting ISIS.

All he wanted was to remove Assad from power in Syria.

All Obama has done is to help the so called "moderate rebels" which means Al Qaeda, and this is the reason of ISIS success!

Who is Obama fooling??? who???


And certainly he is not fooling Russia.

So yes, it is a farce Hussein Obama's stupid, useless and pathetic fight against ISIS.
Hussein Obama never had any intention of fighting ISIS.

All he wanted was to remove Assad from power in Syria.

All Obama has done is to help the so called "moderate rebels" which means Al Qaeda, and this is the reason of ISIS success!

Who is Obama fooling??? who???


And certainly he is not fooling Russia.

So yes, it is a farce Hussein Obama's stupid, useless and pathetic fight against ISIS.
The US has only be serious in protecting the Kurds.
Hussein Obama never had any intention of fighting ISIS.

All he wanted was to remove Assad from power in Syria.

All Obama has done is to help the so called "moderate rebels" which means Al Qaeda, and this is the reason of ISIS success!

Who is Obama fooling??? who???


And certainly he is not fooling Russia.

So yes, it is a farce Hussein Obama's stupid, useless and pathetic fight against ISIS.

Our President has been the only major leader taking the fight to ISIS. Where has Putin been the last year?

Let Putin in on the fun......I wish him well
America is the laughingstock of the entire world.

You mean like during our "Smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud" period?
Or how about when we told the world we would be treated as liberators?

are you saying you agree that obama is an empty suit and his policies are inept and fraudulent?


LMAO..oh...you don't understand?

Well, he said america was the laughingstock of the world due to obamas inept and fraudulent foreign policy blunders....
....then you made a reference comparing it to the last admin. ineptness and fraudulent foreign policy blunders ...
the only conclusion is that both are inept and fraudulent blunderers...

or is obama fraud, ineptness and blundering somehow "better"?

How did the world laugh when our optimistic predictions about Iraq proved wrong?

Show me who in the world is laughing about our response to ISIS

What predictions are you talking about?

WikiLeaks: Bush Right on WMD

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