Putin's reaction on shooting down Russian plane by Turkey


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Putin: This event goes beyond regular efforts to combat terrorism.

Our servicemen are engaged in a heroic fight against terrorism, not sparing themselves or their own lives. However, today’s loss is a result of a stab in the back delivered by terrorists’ accomplices. There is no other way I can qualify what happened today.

Our aircraft was shot down over Syrian territory by an air-to-air missile launched from a Turkish F-16 plane. It fell on Syrian territory, four kilometres from the Turkish border. When it was attacked in the air, it was flying at an altitude of 6,000 metres, one kilometre away from the Turkish territory. In any case, our plane and our pilots were in no way a threat to the Turkish Republic in any way. This is obvious.

They were conducting an operation to fight ISIS in northern Latakia – a mountainous area where militants, mainly those coming from the Russian Federation, are concentrated. In this sense, they were doing their direct duty delivering preventive blows at terrorists who could return to Russia at any moment. Those people should certainly be classified as international terrorists.

We have long been recording the movement of a large amount of oil and petroleum products to Turkey from ISIS-occupied territories. This explains the significant funding the terrorists are receiving. Now they are stabbing us in the back by hitting our planes that are fighting terrorism. This is happening despite the agreement we have signed with our American partners to prevent air incidents, and, as you know, Turkey is among those who are supposed to be fighting terrorism within the American coalition.

If ISIS is making so much money – we are talking about tens or maybe even hundreds of millions, possibly billions of dollars – in oil trade and they are supported by the armed forces of an entire state, it is clear why they are being so daring and impudent, why they are killing people in such gruesome ways, why they are committing terrorist attacks all over the world, including in the heart of Europe.

We will of course carefully analyse what has happened and today’s tragic event will have significant consequences for Russian-Turkish relations.

We have always treated Turkey not merely as a close neighbour, but as a friendly state. I do not know who benefits from what has happened today. We certainly do not. Moreover, instead of immediately establishing contacts with us, as far as we know Turkey turned to its NATO partners to discuss this incident. As if we had hit their plane and not the other way around.

Do they wish to make NATO serve ISIS? I know that every state has its regional interests, and we always respect those. However, we will never turn a blind eye to such crimes as the one that was committed today.

Obviously, we expect the international community to make an effort to join forces in the fight against this common evil.

In this connection, we are counting on the active participation of all the countries in the region in this struggle. I am therefore very happy to meet with you today, Your Majesty. We will continue working with your special services experts and your military, as well as with other countries in the region.

Meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan
I bet Russia's version of teapers are calling for all out WW3 against the west now. Our conservative Putin cheerleaders probably agree with them.
Republican hero Putin has been doing a bang up job since entering the fray!

He's really showing obama a thing or two !
Maybe Putin should pull his troops out of Ukraine and put them on the Syrian-Turkish border?

Russians chased ragheads in the desert and mountains for 10 years, they're smarter than that now .. hero Putin likes a small contained country to beat up.
Turkey has been funding al Nusra and buying ISIS oil. AND attacking Kurds in Iraq and Syria.

They should be booted out of NATO,
1. EU&US create ISIS.
2. EU&US did their best in crashing Russian economy.
3. Russia is spending a lot (!!!) of money, energy and taking a huge of loosing its pilots/planes to fight against Western creation of ISIS.

And on the top of everything a NATO member shoots down a Russian plane, unbelievable!

PRAGUE, November 24. /TASS/. Czech President Milos Zeman denounced on Tuesday Turkey’s actions over the situation around the Russian Sukhoi Su-34 bomber that crashed in Syria.

"Sometimes, a suspicion is voiced that Turkey is informally interacting with the Islamic State. Considering that the Russian air group is fighting against the IS, then, of course, the attack [which caused the aircraft’s crash] is an extremely radical measure. It will only make the atmosphere worse," the head of the Czech Republic said.

Czech president denounces Turkey’s actions over Russian bomber crash
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Republican hero Putin has been doing a bang up job since entering the fray!

He's really showing obama a thing or two !
Republican hero? Just because he uses obama for a doormat doesn't make him a hero, but to not notice it would be weird.
1. EU&US create ISIS.
2. EU&US did their best in crashing Russian economy.
3. Russia is spending a lot (!!!) of money, energy and taking a huge of loosing its pilots/planes to fight against Western creation of ISIS.

And on the top of everything a NATO member shoots Russian plane, unbelievable!

PRAGUE, November 24. /TASS/. Czech President Milos Zeman denounced on Tuesday Turkey’s actions over the situation around the Russian Sukhoi Su-34 bomber that crashed in Syria.

"Sometimes, a suspicion is voiced that Turkey is informally interacting with the Islamic State. Considering that the Russian air group is fighting against the IS, then, of course, the attack [which caused the aircraft’s crash] is an extremely radical measure. It will only make the atmosphere worse," the head of the Czech Republic said.

Czech president denounces Turkey’s actions over Russian bomber crash

2. EU&US did their best in crashing Russian economy.

Yeah, that was great.

3. Russia is spending a lot (!!!) of money

Maybe Putin should spend some of his stolen billions?

And on the top of everything a NATO member shoots Russian plane, unbelievable!

Russia should be careful when they violate a NATO member's airspace.

Can you tell me the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?
Can you tell me the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Toddster, you have already posted that ^ question hundred or more times. Aren't you tired of yourself yet? May be you could tell us 5 differences between your president and a turkey for change? BTW, have a nice Thanksgiving.

Back to our subject: Turkey’s downing of a fighter jet on Tuesday is thought to be the first time a NATO member has shot down a Russian aircraft since the Cold War, risking a dangerous increase in international tensions.
What are the consequences of Turkey shooting down a Russian plane?
Can you tell me the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Toddster, you have already posted that ^ question hundred or more times. Aren't you tired of yourself yet? May be you could tell us 5 differences between your president and a turkey for change? BTW, have a nice Thanksgiving.

Back to our subject: Turkey’s downing of a fighter jet on Tuesday is thought to be the first time a NATO member has shot down a Russian aircraft since the Cold War, risking a dangerous increase in international tensions.
What are the consequences of Turkey shooting down a Russian plane?

Toddster, you have already posted that ^ question hundred or more times.

And you still run away, instead of answering. Why?
Turkey aligns with Ukraine.

Turks are assholes.

They prevented 4th Armored Division from entering Iraq from the North during operation Iraqi Freedom.

I hope Russia hammers those backstabbing pricks.
Except for the fact that Turkey is a NATO member and we would be bound by treaty to come to its defence. That would be a bad thing, not a good thing.
What are the consequences of Turkey shooting down a Russian plane?

Turkey shoots down Russian plane: What could be the consequences for global conflict, Syria and the fight against Isis?
24 Nov.`15 - Vladimir Putin has already warned of 'serious consequences' for relations between the two countries
Turkey’s downing of a fighter jet on Tuesday is thought to be the first time a Nato member has shot down a Russian aircraft since the Cold War, risking a dangerous increase in international tensions. Vladimir Putin was quick to warn of “serious consequences” for relations between the two countries and Russians were advised not to go on holiday to Turkey as their foreign minister swiftly cancelled his planned visit to Ankara. Meanwhile, representatives from the UN Security Council were summoned for a briefing and an extraordinary meeting of Nato’s North Atlantic Council was called.

What will be the consequences for Russia and Turkey?

Kim Sengupta, The Independent’s defence and diplomatic correspondent, said relations between Russia and Turkey could be severely damaged. He noted the Russian President’s “extraordinarily strong language” while accusing Turkey of acting as the “accomplices of terrorists”. “This is for a country that had actually had quite good relations with Russia,” Mr Sengupta said. “They have had their differences over Syria and Turkey isn’t happy about Russia backing Assad but even then it’s been cordial.”


Smoke rises over mountainous area in northern Syria after a Russian plane was shot down by Turkish fighter jets near the Turkish-Syrian border​

That relationship seems to have already been shattered, with the Russian President’s warning of “significant consequences for Russian-Turkish relations” coming hours before a slew of moves telling Russians to stop visiting Turkey and news stories in state-sponsored outlets accusing Ankara of “dealing with radical Islamists”.

Will Nato be drawn in?


Syrian rebels 'shot dead Russian pilots as they descended in parachutes'
24 Nov.`15 - Turkmen officials claim they have the bodies of both Russian pilots after shooting them out of the sky
Syrian rebel forces claim to have killed two Russian pilots who had safely parachuted free from the jet shot down by Turkey near the Syrian border. Officials for the Turkmen Brigade insurgent group said they shot the pilots in the air, and earlier posted video and photos purporting to show one of the pilots found dead on the ground. Speaking to Reuters in the village of Yamadi while holding what he claimed was a piece of one of the pilot’s parachutes, a Turkmen deputy commander claimed the group possessed the bodies of both Russian airmen. “Both of the pilots were retrieved dead,” said Alpaslan Celik. “Our comrades opened fire into the air and they died in the air.”


Smoke billowing from the crash site of the plane after it was shot down near the Turkish-Syrian border​

Earlier, a rebel spokesman said they would consider releasing the bodies in exchange for prisoners held by the Syrian regime. Separately, rebels with the Free Syrian Army claimed to have downed a Russian helicopter while it searched for the pilots. The US-armed group claimed to have successfully hit the aircraft with an anti-tank missile. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the helicopter performed an emergency landing in nearby regime-controlled territory. Russia has been bombing the Turkmen near the border with Turkey for a number of weeks, providing aerial support for Syrian regime ground troops.


A pilot parachutes out of the warplane which went down in Syria's north-western Turkmen town.​

Turkey, which has traditionally protected the region because of its people’s mixed Turkish and Syrian descent, summoned the Russian ambassador last week as a signal of discontent. On Tuesday morning, Turkey said it had shot down a Russian jet which repeatedly violated its airspace while conducting bombing raids against the Turkmen in Latakia. But Russia said its jet remained in Syrian skies at all times, and Vladimir Putin described the intervention by Turkey as “a stab in the back”.

Syrian rebels 'shot dead Russian pilots as they descended in parachutes'
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Was Turkey afraid that Russia was invading them? I think not.

Never trust Turks, or wake up with throat cut.

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