Putting Fake News Aside...PUTIN would be ECSTATIC with a BIDEN PRESIDENCY


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2020
First, Putin NEVER favored TRUMP. That was a Deep State TREASONOUS Criminal Hoax, which very well could implicate Biden.

The reasons PUTIN would favor Biden.

1) Fossil fuels........the US now produces more oil then Russia, with oil being Russia's number 1 source of income. Eliminating FRACKING would reduce US oil production dramatically, giving Russia a greater market share.

Oil Production by Country
#CountryYearly Oil Production (Barrels per day)
1United States14,837,639,510
2Saudi Arabia12,402,761,040

2) A BIDEN Administration would be friendlier to Russia's ally, IRAN.

3) A BIDEN Administration would spend MUCH less on defense, especially SPACE FORCE, opening the door for Russia to militarily advance its agenda.

4) A BIDEN Administration would make the US a TRADE DEAL patsy once again.
Putin has not had to worry about an American response to anything he has done for the last four years. Biden will certainly step up counter-intelligence operations against Russia as well as working to repair relations with our European allies. Putin would not like that at all.

American oil is not going away under any administration because it is profitable. That's a scare tactic that is not that scary.

What is Trump's policy towards Iran? He does not seem to have one to replace the standing policy he blew up just to spite Obama.

The military budget is bloated with pork and the most wasteful thing on the face of the earth.

We have not been in a position to get good trade deals for nearly 40 years now because we gave up most of our leverage. That boat has sailed and only 20 years of innovation and labor protections has a chance of getting any back.
Putin would be very happy if American military swapped transgenders and dildos in place of men and ARs.
Putin has already made it clear, he will NOT take custody of the trump clan when Biden wins the election.

Putin enjoyed having the impeached president trump as his puppet, but wants no part of his full-time idiocy.


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