Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

Yeah, Obama's first 3 quarters were awesome, it was the last 27 that sucked.

It did, huh? Well 4 of those 27 quarters produced 2.9% real annualized GDP growth, matching the best Trump has done. So if Trump's best "sucks," that doesn't bode well for the rest of his time in office.

2.9% is easier with $1.4 trillion of fresh QE in the system, eh?
And it was the rest of Obama's quarters that sucked. That's why he was sub 2% for his GDP.

It matters not how it was achieved in terms of you saying it sucked. You already admitted trump's best, "sucked."

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Exactly how long do you think it takes before QE hits GDP numbers?
Money pumped into the economy affects GDP immediately.

That's funny!
Who told you that QE immediately hits GDP?

It did, huh? Well 4 of those 27 quarters produced 2.9% real annualized GDP growth, matching the best Trump has done. So if Trump's best "sucks," that doesn't bode well for the rest of his time in office.

2.9% is easier with $1.4 trillion of fresh QE in the system, eh?
And it was the rest of Obama's quarters that sucked. That's why he was sub 2% for his GDP.

It matters not how it was achieved in terms of you saying it sucked. You already admitted trump's best, "sucked."

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Exactly how long do you think it takes before QE hits GDP numbers?
Money pumped into the economy affects GDP immediately.

That's funny!
Who told you that QE immediately hits GDP?
Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?
2.9% is easier with $1.4 trillion of fresh QE in the system, eh?
And it was the rest of Obama's quarters that sucked. That's why he was sub 2% for his GDP.

It matters not how it was achieved in terms of you saying it sucked. You already admitted trump's best, "sucked."

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Exactly how long do you think it takes before QE hits GDP numbers?
Money pumped into the economy affects GDP immediately.

That's funny!
Who told you that QE immediately hits GDP?
Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

I've looked at several definitions. None include QE.
Link to one that does...….

QE was about 6% of GDP in 2013.

What was GDP growth that year?

It matters not how it was achieved in terms of you saying it sucked. You already admitted trump's best, "sucked."

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Exactly how long do you think it takes before QE hits GDP numbers?
Money pumped into the economy affects GDP immediately.

That's funny!
Who told you that QE immediately hits GDP?
Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

I've looked at several definitions. None include QE.
Link to one that does...….

QE was about 6% of GDP in 2013.

What was GDP growth that year?

You're literally agreeing with me that QE affects GDP immediately while you're trying your hardest to prove me wrong.
Oh, and QE had already ended prior to Obama's 2.9% year.

Exactly how long do you think it takes before QE hits GDP numbers?
Money pumped into the economy affects GDP immediately.

That's funny!
Who told you that QE immediately hits GDP?
Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

I've looked at several definitions. None include QE.
Link to one that does...….

QE was about 6% of GDP in 2013.

What was GDP growth that year?

You're literally agreeing with me that QE affects GDP immediately while you're trying your hardest to prove me wrong.

You're literally agreeing with me that QE affects GDP immediately

If it did, 2013 should have been 6% higher than without QE.
Do you feel 2013 GDP would have been -4.2% without QE?
Record deficits and debts though.

Obama had higher deficits.
Obama was handed the worst economy in our lifetime.

Poor Obama......smartest President in history, not responsible for anything.

How did he do on "slowing the rise of the oceans"?

He's certainly not responsible for the economy in the failed condition it was in when he started.

Your next whine is ... ?

But he was responsible for the next seven years of weakness.
Imagine the damage he could have done if the American people hadn't voted
out 63 Dems in the House (63, Holy Shit!) in 2010.
Of course he was. And when all was said and done, 60% approved of the job he did.
Of course he was responsible.
Every pres is responsible for his term
Very unlike our fat don the con who takes zero responsibility for anything
And again why has the con created fewer jobs than our weak Obama?
Notice you didn't mention the 2016 house?
I said: TrumpO is not a recovery President.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22738457
. Who said he was? Link?

Get a clue moron. I am not saying you said it. I’m saying you have your pathetic need to compare your god’s gift to the economy who was given a good economy to a recovery president who was handed the worst recession since the Great Depression by a Republican President.

Obama takes a horrible economy from a Republican and hands it off in very good shape on its way to being the longest economic expansion in US history and hands that off to a Republican. And all you can do is feed your hatred by cherry picking the economic data so you can shove Obama underneath TrumpO and Bush. As if TrumpO is nothing unless you can have him pictured with his shiny big black shoe on Obama’s neck. You are obsessed.

I am not saying you said it.

Looks like no one else said it either. Thanks for the strawman.

Obama takes a horrible economy from a Republican and hands it off in very good shape

All it took was 7 years of 0% interest rates, $2.4 trillion of QE and $9.3 trillion in new debt.
In return for the weakest recovery since WWII.

And all you can do is feed your hatred by cherry picking the economic data

All I want to do is take Obozo's entire performance and compare it to Trump's entire performance.
I leave the cherry picking to you.
Small trump u made up mind?
How about job creation O's last 2 years v's the cons first 2?
I said: TrumpO is not a recovery President.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22738457
. Who said he was? Link?

Get a clue moron. I am not saying you said it. I’m saying you have your pathetic need to compare your god’s gift to the economy who was given a good economy to a recovery president who was handed the worst recession since the Great Depression by a Republican President.

Obama takes a horrible economy from a Republican and hands it off in very good shape on its way to being the longest economic expansion in US history and hands that off to a Republican. And all you can do is feed your hatred by cherry picking the economic data so you can shove Obama underneath TrumpO and Bush. As if TrumpO is nothing unless you can have him pictured with his shiny big black shoe on Obama’s neck. You are obsessed.

I am not saying you said it.

Looks like no one else said it either. Thanks for the strawman.

Obama takes a horrible economy from a Republican and hands it off in very good shape

All it took was 7 years of 0% interest rates, $2.4 trillion of QE and $9.3 trillion in new debt.
In return for the weakest recovery since WWII.

And all you can do is feed your hatred by cherry picking the economic data

All I want to do is take Obozo's entire performance and compare it to Trump's entire performance.
I leave the cherry picking to you.
Small trump u made up mind?
How about job creation O's last 2 years v's the cons first 2?

How about job creation O's last 2 years v's the cons first 2?

How about it?
“It is also important to put the economic performance in global context. During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries by the widest margin of any president since World War II.” See link below.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22730930.
Weakest recovery since WWII probably wasn't the standard Obozo set for himself, but that's what he got.

I realize that CONTEXT means little to a hater, but here goes anyway:

Economic Record: President Obama

Name: Barack Obama
Number: 44
Party: Democratic
Vice President: Joe Biden
Entered Office: January 20, 2009
Left Office: January 20, 2017

The most significant economic event during President Obama's presidency was, without a doubt, been the Great Recession. When he took office, the country was losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month, the stock market was in freefall and the GDP was shrinking. Several of the measures below show the country pulling out of this recession during the first 6 to 18 months of his presidency and then performing well above average performance after that point. In many cases, his overall average performance is impacted significantly by the first initial months.

Given that caveat, during President Obama's presidency, the economy performed worse than average for GDP growth, job creation, median income and debt. However, the performance of the stock market was spectacular. It is also important to put the economic performance in global context. During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries by the widest margin of any president since World War II.

Economic Record: President Obama
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“It is also important to put the economic performance in global context. During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries by the widest margin of any president since World War II.” See link below.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22730930.
Weakest recovery since WWII probably wasn't the standard Obozo set for himself, but that's what he got.

I realize that CONTEXT means little to a hater, but here goes anyway:

Economic Record: President Obama

Name: Barack Obama
Number: 44
Party: Democratic
Vice President: Joe Biden
Entered Office: January 20, 2009
Left Office: January 20, 2017

The most significant economic event during President Obama's presidency was, without a doubt, been the Great Recession. When he took office, the country was losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month, the stock market was in freefall and the GDP was shrinking. Several of the measures below show the country pulling out of this recession during the first 6 to 18 months of his presidency and then performing well above average performance after that point. In many cases, his overall average performance is impacted significantly by the first initial months.

Given that caveat, during President Obama's presidency, the economy performed worse than average for GDP growth, job creation, median income and debt. However, the performance of the stock market was spectacular. It is also important to put the economic performance in global context. During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries by the widest margin of any president since World War II.

Economic Record: President Obama

Several of the measures below show the country pulling out of this recession during the first 6 to 18 months of his presidency and then performing well above average performance after that point.

Performing well above average performance?

Above the performance of what? When?

During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries

They needed to do something like TARP, to rebuild their bank capital. They never did.
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.
The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office.

Even you can't post the top 5 things Obama did to help our economy.

Given that caveat, during President Obama's presidency, the economy performed worse than average for GDP growth, job creation, median income and debt.

Money pumped into the economy affects GDP immediately.

That's funny!
Who told you that QE immediately hits GDP?
Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

I've looked at several definitions. None include QE.
Link to one that does...….

QE was about 6% of GDP in 2013.

What was GDP growth that year?

You're literally agreeing with me that QE affects GDP immediately while you're trying your hardest to prove me wrong.

You're literally agreeing with me that QE affects GDP immediately

If it did, 2013 should have been 6% higher than without QE.
Do you feel 2013 GDP would have been -4.2% without QE?
Oh? How do you figure -4.2%?
That's funny!
Who told you that QE immediately hits GDP?
Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

Maybe you should learn what comprises GDP?

I've looked at several definitions. None include QE.
Link to one that does...….

QE was about 6% of GDP in 2013.

What was GDP growth that year?

You're literally agreeing with me that QE affects GDP immediately while you're trying your hardest to prove me wrong.

You're literally agreeing with me that QE affects GDP immediately

If it did, 2013 should have been 6% higher than without QE.
Do you feel 2013 GDP would have been -4.2% without QE?
Oh? How do you figure -4.2%?

GDP was +1.8%.
If QE added +6%, absent QE.....GDP is -4.2%
I posted: “During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22745082
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.
The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office.

So Bush is getting credit from you for ‘baking in’ the ‘overperforming’ recovery of his own worst recession since the Great Depression.

Then I guess we must also thank Bush for ‘baking in’ the stock market’s remarkable performance during ty Obama years.
  • This graph compares the performance of the S&P500 under President Obama with the average.

  • The stock market performed remarkably during Obama's presidency and more than tripled in value. ........ President Obama has the best record of any president in modern history. Economic Record: President Obama
It’s amazing how every economic good news that occurred between January 2010 and November 2016 was “baked in” with the recession of 2008.

Were the payroll tax cuts in February 2009, that no Republican voted for, baked in too?

Was the ACA that Republicans could not kill, ‘baked in’ too?

It’s a good thing Bush baked in the payroll tax cuts and the ACA so that while Obama was president the United States' GDP growth wouid handily beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.

Why can’t you see what an idiot you are?
I posted: “During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22745082
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.
The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office.

So Bush is getting credit from you for ‘baking in’ the ‘overperforming’ recovery of his own worst recession since the Great Depression.

Then I guess we must also thank Bush for ‘baking in’ the stock market’s remarkable performance during ty Obama years.
  • This graph compares the performance of the S&P500 under President Obama with the average.
View attachment 269990
  • The stock market performed remarkably during Obama's presidency and more than tripled in value. ........ President Obama has the best record of any president in modern history. Economic Record: President Obama
It’s amazing how every economic good news that occurred between January 2010 and November 2016 was “baked in” with the recession of 2008.

Were the payroll tax cuts in February 2009, that no Republican voted for, baked in too?

Was the ACA that Republicans could not kill, ‘baked in’ too?

It’s a good thing Bush baked in the payroll tax cuts and the ACA so that while Obama was president the United States' GDP growth wouid handily beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.

Why can’t you see what an idiot you are?

So Bush is getting credit from you for ‘baking in’ the ‘overperforming’ recovery

Overperforming? Hardly.

It’s amazing how every economic good news that occurred between January 2010 and November 2016 was “baked in”

That's not what I said. The recession was going to end, no matter what Obama did in his first 5 months.
Nothing he did was responsible for the recession ending in June 2009.

I love the idiotic claim that he prevented a new Great Depression.

Were the payroll tax cuts in February 2009, that no Republican voted for, baked in too?

There were no payroll tax cuts in 2009.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22746213
I posted: “During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22745082
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.
The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office.

So Bush is getting credit from you for ‘baking in’ the ‘overperforming’ recovery of his own worst recession since the Great Depression.

Then I guess we must also thank Bush for ‘baking in’ the stock market’s remarkable performance during ty Obama years.
  • This graph compares the performance of the S&P500 under President Obama with the average.
View attachment 269990
  • The stock market performed remarkably during Obama's presidency and more than tripled in value. ........ President Obama has the best record of any president in modern history. Economic Record: President Obama
It’s amazing how every economic good news that occurred between January 2010 and November 2016 was “baked in” with the recession of 2008.

Were the payroll tax cuts in February 2009, that no Republican voted for, baked in too?

Was the ACA that Republicans could not kill, ‘baked in’ too?

It’s a good thing Bush baked in the payroll tax cuts and the ACA so that while Obama was president the United States' GDP growth wouid handily beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.

Why can’t you see what an idiot you are?

So Bush is getting credit from you for ‘baking in’ the ‘overperforming’ recovery

Overperforming? Hardly.

It’s amazing how every economic good news that occurred between January 2010 and November 2016 was “baked in”

That's not what I said. The recession was going to end, no matter what Obama did in his first 5 months.
Nothing he did was responsible for the recession ending in June 2009.

I love the idiotic claim that he prevented a new Great Depression.

Were the payroll tax cuts in February 2009, that no Republican voted for, baked in too?

There were no payroll tax cuts in 2009.

What do you mean that’s not what you said?

The topic was:

“During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries@

You said:

“But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.” The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office

Then you wrote:

overperforming? Hardly.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22745082
During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries

They needed to do something like TARP, to rebuild their bank capital. They never did.
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.
The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office.
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22746213
I posted: “During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22745082
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.
The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office.

So Bush is getting credit from you for ‘baking in’ the ‘overperforming’ recovery of his own worst recession since the Great Depression.

Then I guess we must also thank Bush for ‘baking in’ the stock market’s remarkable performance during ty Obama years.
  • This graph compares the performance of the S&P500 under President Obama with the average.
View attachment 269990
  • The stock market performed remarkably during Obama's presidency and more than tripled in value. ........ President Obama has the best record of any president in modern history. Economic Record: President Obama
It’s amazing how every economic good news that occurred between January 2010 and November 2016 was “baked in” with the recession of 2008.

Were the payroll tax cuts in February 2009, that no Republican voted for, baked in too?

Was the ACA that Republicans could not kill, ‘baked in’ too?

It’s a good thing Bush baked in the payroll tax cuts and the ACA so that while Obama was president the United States' GDP growth wouid handily beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries.

Why can’t you see what an idiot you are?

So Bush is getting credit from you for ‘baking in’ the ‘overperforming’ recovery

Overperforming? Hardly.

It’s amazing how every economic good news that occurred between January 2010 and November 2016 was “baked in”

That's not what I said. The recession was going to end, no matter what Obama did in his first 5 months.
Nothing he did was responsible for the recession ending in June 2009.

I love the idiotic claim that he prevented a new Great Depression.

Were the payroll tax cuts in February 2009, that no Republican voted for, baked in too?

There were no payroll tax cuts in 2009.

What do you mean that’s not what you said?

The topic was:

“During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries@

You said:

“But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.” The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office

Then you wrote:

overperforming? Hardly.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22745082
During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries

They needed to do something like TARP, to rebuild their bank capital. They never did.
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.
The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office.

“But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.”

The Europeans fucked up and didn't recapitalize their banks. To this day, Deutsche Bank is criminally undercapitalized. The biggest bank in Germany.
Are you giving Obama credit for recapitalizing our banks? LOL!

The Euros fucked up and the recovery was baked in before Obama took office

Yes, the recession was going to end, no matter what he did or didn't do before June 2009.
The weakness once the recession ended, I'd never take that away from your hero.
There was no overperforming in his weakest recovery since WWII.
Classic Toddster:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22746356
But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.”

Same post!!

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22746356

There was no overperforming in his weakest recovery since WWII.

Let’s pretend for once you were trying to express an opinion based on the facts.

That means you would have to decide whether the facts show that there was overperfomance or not.

As it stands neither one of your expressed opinions are based on facts.

Which must be why you can so easily contradict yourself in the same post.

Facts don’t matter to you.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 2274621
There were no payroll tax cuts in 2009.

Facts get stronger with age:

NotfooledbyW, post: 22675091
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22669163
Did the payroll tax cuts in the Feb 2009 Recovery Act that TrumpO praised ‘weaken’ the recovery or strengthen it.

What 2009 payroll tax cut?

Those payroll tax cuts, moron.

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