Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22752462
You think $8 a week caused the recession to end?

Of course not. The payroll tax cut was a small part of the total stimulus tax cut and spending package. It certainly helped. The point here was simply to show what a liar you are when you post utter bullshit such as Tax Credits are not Tax Cuts. (You just admitted they were) and Obama did nothing that deserves credit for ending the recession and the USA outperforming the GDP of all the original NATO countries.

Just can’t allow lies to go unchallenged here.
Yes, Obama's $8 per week tax credit made me run out and stimulate the economy.

It didn’t have to make you do a goddam thing. If you lived paycheck to paycheck you spent it probably without knowing you had extra jingle in your pocket. If you were well off at the time you may have sat on it. But multiply that times over 120.000.000 and there was about an extra billion a week circulating around in the economy.

And you lied that Obama did nothing. Don’t forget about your lies
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22752462
You think $8 a week caused the recession to end?

Of course not. The payroll tax cut was a small part of the total stimulus tax cut and spending package. It certainly helped. The point here was simply to show what a liar you are when you post utter bullshit such as Tax Credits are not Tax Cuts. (You just admitted they were) and Obama did nothing that deserves credit for ending the recession and the USA outperforming the GDP of all the original NATO countries.

Just can’t allow lies to go unchallenged here.

The payroll tax cut was a small part of the total stimulus tax cut and spending package.

As far as stimulating the economy, temporary tax credits like this are practically useless.
They were useless when Bush did them in 2001.
They were useless when Bush did them in 2008.
They were useless when Obama did them in 2009.
And if you think the economy would have stayed in recession absent the $8 per week lower withholding
you're even dumber than I first suspected.

and Obama did nothing that deserves credit for ending the recession

Nothing he did can be shown to have impacted the economy enough by June 2009 to be credited with
ending the recession. Does a useless rebate check, like Bush mailed out in 2001 and 2008, add to GDP?
Yes, a tiny bit.
Does a useless temporary $8 a week reduction in tax withholding add to GDP?
Yes, a tiny bit.
Are either of them the difference between the recovery starting in June 2009 or the recovery being delayed?
Nope. Not at all.

The new car sales tax deduction was more useful at stimulating the economy, because it was use it or lose it.
It actually pulled new car purchases into 2009.

The first time homebuyers tax credit can also be said to be slightly stimulative, but again, not enough by June 2009 to say Obama ended the recession. Sorry, I know this makes you sad.

Obama did nothing that deserves credit for ending the recession and the USA outperforming the GDP of all the original NATO countries.

Did you ever come up with the list of top 5 things Obama did to help the economy?

I know you must be thinking up some doozies!!!
Yes, Obama's $8 per week tax credit made me run out and stimulate the economy.

It didn’t have to make you do a goddam thing. If you lived paycheck to paycheck you spent it probably without knowing you had extra jingle in your pocket. If you were well off at the time you may have sat on it. But multiply that times over 120.000.000 and there was about an extra billion a week circulating around in the economy.

And you lied that Obama did nothing. Don’t forget about your lies

But multiply that times over 120.000.000 and there was about an extra billion a week circulating around in the economy.

A billion a week, in a $14.4 trillion economy, wow!
I'm surprised we didn't see 8% GDP growth with that boost.
And you lied that Obama did nothing.

Obama did nothing by June 2009 to end the recession. Don't forget.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22752207
Yes, a $400 tax credit, not a cut in payroll taxes.

Did the deathbed Bush economy know or care how the billions of dollars in Obama’s tax cuts were delivered into the economy to revive it.

Tax credits received through reduced payroll taxes are tax cuts.

You said Obama did nothing to stimulate the recovery and at least we know you are lying because you know about the tax credits.

Tax credits received through reduced payroll taxes are tax cuts.


The Making Work Pay Credit: Who Will Benefit? | Tax Foundation

Like I said before, payroll taxes were not reduced.
Obama did nothing by June 2009 to end the recession. Don't forget.

You are a liar. The ARRA WAS passed in February 2009 with no Republican votes.

The Republicans did nothing. You are a liar.

The ARRA WAS passed in February 2009 with no Republican votes.

Yes. And only a moron would credit ARRA with being the difference between an ongoing depression
and the recession ending in June 2009.

Oh, there you are!
Obama did nothing by June 2009 to end the recession. Don't forget.

You are a liar. The ARRA WAS passed in February 2009 with no Republican votes.

The Republicans did nothing. You are a liar.
In the era of Trump, it's perfectly OK for Republicans and Trumpicans to lie.

Did you stimulate the economy with your $8 a week reduced withholding?
By myself, barely made a dent. Multiply that by 10 or 20 thousand people in my community every week, ya, the local economy was stimulated.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22754279
Yes. And only a moron would credit ARRA with being the difference between an ongoing depression
and the recession ending in June 2009.

Liar. I did not credit the ARRA with being the difference between an ongoing depression
and the recession ending in June 2009. I have exposed your lie that Obama did nothing before June 2009 and that there were no tax cuts or stimulus before then. You are a liar. That’s what I’m saying. And you should cease and desist more lies in response.

The ARRA had a positive immediate impact:


Measuring the Effects of ARRA

That’s the impact vs a baseline had the ARRA not been passed.
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22754279
Yes. And only a moron would credit ARRA with being the difference between an ongoing depression
and the recession ending in June 2009.

Liar. I did not credit the ARRA with being the difference between an ongoing depression
and the recession ending in June 2009. I have exposed your lie that Obama did nothing before June 2009 and that there were no tax cuts or stimulus before then. You are a liar. That’s what I’m saying. And you should cease and desist more lies in response.

The ARRA had a positive immediate impact:

View attachment 270230

Measuring the Effects of ARRA

That’s the impact vs a baseline had the ARRA not been passed.

I have exposed your lie that Obama did nothing before June 2009

I never said he did nothing. He did lots of things. A couple of them probably even helped more than they hurt.
What I said was, nothing he did after he took office can be credited with ending the recession by June 2009.

The ARRA had a positive immediate impact:

Baloney. There was no huge surge of spending between February and June.
No rush to spend the additional $8 per week. Sorry.

Still working on that list of 5 things he did to help the economy?

You must have hundreds of choices from his 8 years, eh?
I wonder why you're too shy to post them?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22756473
What I said was, nothing he did after he took office can be credited with ending the recession by June 2009.

You may have said that but that is wrong too,

What I have been referring to would be when you wrote “nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22746356
“But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.”

The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal” (single year high growth below 3.0 GDP with GDP running long term between 2.0 and 2.5.

The most positive aspect of the Obama recovery and economy is it’s record duration. Obama started what is now the longest economic expansion in US.

That is an overperformance of record economic stability.

And all you can say about that record decade of economic stability is that nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for what he handed off to TrumpO.

And you can’t see how hatred clouds your mind. You can’t think straight.
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22756473
What I said was, nothing he did after he took office can be credited with ending the recession by June 2009.

You may have said that but that is wrong too,

What I have been referring to would be when you wrote “nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22746356
“But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.”

The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal” (single year high growth below 3.0 GDP with GDP running long term between 2.0 and 2.5.

The most positive aspect of the Obama recovery and economy is it’s record duration. Obama started what is now the longest economic expansion in US.

That is an overperformance of record economic stability.

And all you can say about that record decade of economic stability is that nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for what he handed off to TrumpO.

And you can’t see how hatred clouds your mind. You can’t think straight.

“But nothing Obama did during his 8 years deserves credit for our overperformance.”

Sounds right. I loved that claim you posted, "we overperformed the economies of the original NATO members"
Never heard that stat before.

The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

When you get a chance, post the top 5 things Obama did that made our GDP growth higher than Belgium's.
I wrote: The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 2275781
When you get a chance, post the top 5 things Obama did that made our GDP growth higher than Belgium's.

Why would I bother with that? The ARRA HAD A multitude of ‘things’ that improved the US recovery much higher and sooner than the recovery around the globe.

You are of the opinion that the ARRA was doing nothing and thus Obama did nothing for eight years.

Why should I list out all the things Obama did when you have made up your ignorance based mind that nothing Obama did deserves credit for producing what has turned out to be the longest economic expansion in US history and is still going.,

You can’t respond to my statement you copied about the ‘new normal’.

You are already on record that you believe Obama did nothing to boost the economy. You are an idiot. No one bothers to respond to an idiot when they ask for something idiotic.
I wrote: The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 2275781
When you get a chance, post the top 5 things Obama did that made our GDP growth higher than Belgium's.

Why would I bother with that? The ARRA HAD A multitude of ‘things’ that improved the US recovery much higher and sooner than the recovery around the globe.

You are of the opinion that the ARRA was doing nothing and thus Obama did nothing for eight years.

Why should I list out all the things Obama did when you have made up your ignorance based mind that nothing Obama did deserves credit for producing what has turned out to be the longest economic expansion in US history and is still going.,

You can’t respond to my statement you copied about the ‘new normal’.

You are already on record that you believe Obama did nothing to boost the economy. You are an idiot. No one bothers to respond to an idiot when they ask for something idiotic.
Why would I bother with that?

You're right, why post the goods things you give him credit for?

You are of the opinion that the ARRA was doing nothing

It didn't do nothing. But it didn't pull us out of the recession either.

and thus Obama did nothing for eight years

He did lots of things. Most that did more harm than good.

Why should I list out all the things Obama did

You can't come up with a list. It makes you sad that I'm right.

Obama did deserves credit for producing what has turned out to be the longest economic expansion in US history and is still going.,

If you slow down the economy enough, you could probably get a 20 or 30 year expansion.
The economy at the end of that period would be much smaller than it could have been, but at least it was long.
You are already on record that you believe Obama did nothing to boost the economy.

Prove me wrong, list 5 good things.
I wrote: Why would I bother with that?

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22761221
You're right, why post the goods things you give him credit for?

I know I’m right. You don’t give a damn about a list of all the good things he did for the recovery and economy that non-hatefilled intelligent people give him credit for.

Your request for a list is a ruse you employ to avoid dealing with facts or responding to a specific point that even a liar like you can’t dream up some lame comment.

You are a fraud.
I wrote: Why would I bother with that?

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22761221
You're right, why post the goods things you give him credit for?

I know I’m right. You don’t give a damn about a list of all the good things he did for the recovery and economy that non-hatefilled intelligent people give him credit for.

Your request for a list is a ruse you employ to avoid dealing with facts or responding to a specific point that even a liar like you can’t dream up some lame comment.

You are a fraud.

You don’t give a damn about a list of all the good things he did for the recovery and economy

You mean all the good things you can't list? LOL!
I wrote: The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

And Toddster does not want to think about the “new normal” because TrumpO is presiding over the “new Normal” and confirming it’s existence.

This was his reply:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22757819
When you get a chance, post the top 5 things Obama did that made our GDP growth higher than Belgium's.

You see Toddster cannot accept the “new normal” because it means Obama’s record on the economy is normal / not weak. And TrumoO is presiding over “new normal” GDP growth same as Obama’s.

  • The Trump Administration argues that its policies will return the economy to growth rates of 3 percent or more like those achieved in the second half of the last century. CBO’s more sober assessment reflects the importance of demographic factors like the retirement of the baby boom generation that, without greater immigration, will slow population and potential labor force growth substantially. CBO also projects that, while potential productivity growth will improve somewhat relative to its recent past, it will not match the 1.7 percent average rate achieved over the entire 1950-2017 period — which included 2.4 percent average annual productivity growth in 1950-73. CBO is not infallible, but its projections are more like those of other mainstream analyses than the Trump Administration’s are. Chart Book: Tracking the Post-Great Recession Economy
Watch Toddster run again from reality and ask for some stupid list.
I wrote: The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

And Toddster does not want to think about the “new normal” because TrumpO is presiding over the “new Normal” and confirming it’s existence.

This was his reply:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22757819
When you get a chance, post the top 5 things Obama did that made our GDP growth higher than Belgium's.

You see Toddster cannot accept the “new normal” because it means Obama’s record on the economy is normal / not weak. And TrumoO is presiding over “new normal” GDP growth same as Obama’s.

  • The Trump Administration argues that its policies will return the economy to growth rates of 3 percent or more like those achieved in the second half of the last century. CBO’s more sober assessment reflects the importance of demographic factors like the retirement of the baby boom generation that, without greater immigration, will slow population and potential labor force growth substantially. CBO also projects that, while potential productivity growth will improve somewhat relative to its recent past, it will not match the 1.7 percent average rate achieved over the entire 1950-2017 period — which included 2.4 percent average annual productivity growth in 1950-73. CBO is not infallible, but its projections are more like those of other mainstream analyses than the Trump Administration’s are. Chart Book: Tracking the Post-Great Recession Economy
Watch Toddster run again from reality and ask for some stupid list.

I wrote: The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

Yes, economists who wanted to excuse Obama's crappy economic performance decided that the economy will never grow strongly again. That would mean Obama wasn't bad, just typical.

Watch Toddster run again from reality and ask for some stupid list.

Your inability to post the things Obama did to make us overperform Belgium is hilarious!
If he'd gotten Cap and Trade enacted, would we have done 1% better per year? 2% better?
If he'd have wasted...err...invested another $1 trillion in solar, would that have added another 1%? 2%?

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