Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

I wrote: The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22763208
Yes, economists who wanted to excuse Obama's crappy economic performance decided that the economy will never grow strongly again. That would mean Obama wasn't bad, just typical.

Regardless and so far, unfortunately for those mired deeply in the TrumpO cult, even under the greatest economic genius president TrumpO with two years of GOP control of Congress and massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations, those economists are right. It means TrumpO isnt bad, just typical.

But according to you TrumpO is weak.

Are you going to revise your opinion of TrumpO to “normal” as in “new normal”.

Obama best single year 2.9 GDP.

TrumpO best single year 2.9 GDP

Very very normal in the record setting expansion that Obama started.
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I wrote: The reality is Obama did plenty to make the economy respond in a way that some economists are calling a “new normal”

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22763208
Yes, economists who wanted to excuse Obama's crappy economic performance decided that the economy will never grow strongly again. That would mean Obama wasn't bad, just typical.

Regardless and so far, unfortunately for those mired deeply in the TrumpO cult, even under the greatest economic genius president TrumpO with two years of GOP control of Congress and massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations, those economists are right. It means TrumpO isnt bad, just typical.

But according to you TrumpO is weak.

Are you going to revise your opinion of TrumpO to “normal” as in “new normal”.

Obama best single year 2.9 GDP.

TrumpO best single year 2.9 GDP

Very very normal in the record setting expansion that Obama started.

No, I'm not convinced that Obozo's crappy performance is the best we can do going forward.

Thanks for not posting a list of the things that he did to help the economy.

When his biggest sycophants won't say what he did.....that's very telling.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22765208
No, I'm not convinced that Obozo's crappy performance is the best we can do going forward.

That’s ok. You’ve already expressed your opinion that TrumpO’s expansion is weak. I take that to mean it’s a crappy performance as well.

Perhaps there will be a return to steady single year GDP above 3.0 but it’s not in the foreseeable future with TrumpO at the helm.

So when TrumpO O tells you he has produced the greatest economy ever you call him on that bullshit, right?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22765208
No, I'm not convinced that Obozo's crappy performance is the best we can do going forward.

That’s ok. You’ve already expressed your opinion that TrumpO’s expansion is weak. I take that to mean it’s a crappy performance as well.

Perhaps there will be a return to steady single year GDP above 3.0 but it’s not in the foreseeable future with TrumpO at the helm.

So when TrumpO O tells you he has produced the greatest economy ever you call him on that bullshit, right?

Trump's weak expansion is still stronger than Obozo's weaker expansion.

Still working on the list of all the good things Obozo did for the economy? LOL!

I'll help you start.

1) Left office
2) …….
3) …….
4) …….
5) …….
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22766222
Trump's weak expansion is still stronger than Obozo's weaker expansion.

TrumpO had a roughly 4.0 GDP head start and many more advantages than Obama had. But he still can’t put together two consecutive years that are better than Obama’s best two years. That after promising his tax cuts would boost GDP well over 3.0 for years to come and that he would eliminate the Federal deficit by the end of his second term.

So nothing stronger out out of TrumpO yet and his final year is headed towards being closer to 1.0 GDP than 4.0 GDP.

Not seeing how TrumpO's 2.9 GDP high mark amidst the increased flood of increased debt during record low employment should be considered strong in any sense of that word.
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system, then you can whine about the number that results, it'd be higher than 2.9%, that's for sure.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768470
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system, then you can whine about the number that results, it'd be higher than 2.9%, that's for sure.

But then you’d have to give him nine million suddenly unemployed, banks/financials and automakers on the brink of bankruptcy and a global recession that hangs around for a while, and 200,000 US troops needing to be extricated from Bush’s two unfinished wars.

You are a liar if you think TrumpO couid have handled that situation as well as Obama did.

Dream on idiot.

TrumpO can’t handle much of the good situation he was handed. He has to cry for the Fed to crazily lower rates during unemployment being about as low as it possibly can go.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768470
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system, then you can whine about the number that results, it'd be higher than 2.9%, that's for sure.

But then you’d have to give him nine million suddenly unemployed, banks/financials and automakers on the brink of bankruptcy and a global recession that hangs around for a while, and 200,000 US troops needing to be extricated from Bush’s two unfinished wars.

You are a liar if you think TrumpO couid have handled that situation as well as Obama did.

Dream on idiot.

TrumpO can’t handle much of the good situation he was handed. He has to cry for the Fed to crazily lower rates during unemployment being about as low as it possibly can go.

Obama did almost everything wrong.
Even a moron like you could have done better.

Funny that even a diehard Obama fluffer like you can't come up with a list of 5 things he did to help the economy.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768470
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system, then you can whine about the number that results, it'd be higher than 2.9%, that's for sure.

But then you’d have to give him nine million suddenly unemployed, banks/financials and automakers on the brink of bankruptcy and a global recession that hangs around for a while, and 200,000 US troops needing to be extricated from Bush’s two unfinished wars.

You are a liar if you think TrumpO couid have handled that situation as well as Obama did.

Dream on idiot.

TrumpO can’t handle much of the good situation he was handed. He has to cry for the Fed to crazily lower rates during unemployment being about as low as it possibly can go.

But then you’d have to give him nine million suddenly unemployed, banks/financials and automakers on the brink of bankruptcy and a global recession that hangs around for a while, and 200,000 US troops needing to be extricated from Bush’s two unfinished wars.

What the hell are you babbling about?
Obozo had 0% rates until December 2015. There weren't nine million suddenly unemployed then.
QE3 ended in October 2014. There weren't nine million suddenly unemployed then.
But it wasn't until after that fresh injection of $1.4 trillion of QE that he finally hit 2.9%.

And still no list from you. Hilarious!!!
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system, then you can whine about the number that results, it'd be higher than 2.9%, that's for sure.
Thanks for admitting tax cuts don't work.

Trump had higher growth with tax cuts than Obama had with tax hikes.
And yet, they both had their best years hit 2.9% GDP growth. So no, not really.

$1.4 trillion in QE is awesome.

You know what QE is now, right? LOL!
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system, then you can whine about the number that results, it'd be higher than 2.9%, that's for sure.
Thanks for admitting tax cuts don't work.

Trump had higher growth with tax cuts than Obama had with tax hikes.
And yet, they both had their best years hit 2.9% GDP growth. So no, not really.

$1.4 trillion in QE is awesome.

You know what QE is now, right? LOL!
Apparently, better than tax cuts plus $1.5 trillion in deficits.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768470
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system,

Toddster wrote: If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system,

I wrote: But then you’d have to give him nine million suddenly unemployed, banks/financials and automakers on the brink of bankruptcy and a global recession that hangs around for a while, and 200,000 US troops needing to be extricated from Bush’s two unfinished wars.

Here is your response to to what I wrote:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768595.
What the hell are you babbling about? Obozo had 0% rates until December 2015. There weren't nine million suddenly unemployed then.

First off, you said TrumpO must get 7 years of 0% rates to produce a better economy than Obama. That’s actually a put down for your orange clown. So don’t blame me that you are an idiot.

Secondly if you want to create a scenario for a comparison as to where TrumpO couid move the economy having the the same rates as Obama then TrumpO must have exactly the same conditions that Obama had on day one.

In your ridiculousy stupid supposition “If you give Trump 7 years of 0%” you’d have to give TrumpO the exact same conditions from the start and then say go.

What happens after the start wouid be the theoretical result you are looking for. Of course there should not be “nine million suddenly unemployed” four years after TrumpO’s fictional start.

But there should be ”nine million suddenly unemployed” at TrumpO’s start if the orange clown were to be given seven years of zero rates.

You are indeed a moron.

You want TrumpO to have seven years of zero rates and start with unemployment at 4.7 %

You don’t have much faith in your idiot orange clown, do you?
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768470
If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system,

Toddster wrote: If you give Trump 7 years of 0% rates and dump $1.4 trillion of fresh QE into the system,

I wrote: But then you’d have to give him nine million suddenly unemployed, banks/financials and automakers on the brink of bankruptcy and a global recession that hangs around for a while, and 200,000 US troops needing to be extricated from Bush’s two unfinished wars.

Here is your response to to what I wrote:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768595.
What the hell are you babbling about? Obozo had 0% rates until December 2015. There weren't nine million suddenly unemployed then.

First off, you said TrumpO must get 7 years of 0% rates to produce a better economy than Obama. That’s actually a put down for your orange clown. So don’t blame me that you are an idiot.

Secondly if you want to create a scenario for a comparison as to where TrumpO couid move the economy having the the same rates as Obama then TrumpO must have exactly the same conditions that Obama had on day one.

In your ridiculousy stupid supposition “If you give Trump 7 years of 0%” you’d have to give TrumpO the exact same conditions from the start and then say go.

What happens after the start wouid be the theoretical result you are looking for. Of course there should not be “nine million suddenly unemployed” four years after TrumpO’s fictional start.

But there should be ”nine million suddenly unemployed” at TrumpO’s start if the orange clown were to be given seven years of zero rates.

You are indeed a moron.

You want TrumpO to have seven years of zero rates and start with unemployment at 4.7 %

You don’t have much faith in your idiot orange clown, do you?

First off, you said TrumpO must get 7 years of 0% rates to produce a better economy than Obama.

Nah. Obozo had 7 years of 0% rates and $1.4 trillion of fresh QE and all he hit was 2.9%?
That's how weak he was.

Still no list of his economic awesomeness? DURR
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22769467
Nah. Obozo had 7 years of 0% rates and $1.4 trillion of fresh QE and all he hit was 2.9%?

Obama had 0% rates for a reason.

All the reasons I gave you.

You continue to ignore the context and reality of the situation Obama faced. The reality that Obama fixed for TrumpO.

You cannot ignore the deep dark recession that Obama confronted and just cry and complain that poor lil DonnyJ had to deal with damn near full employment and reasonable Fed rates for an economy that TrumpO was fortunate to be handed.

TrumpO promised 4.0% when he suckered you in. He did not qualify that by saying he needed 0% rates in order to do it. He got his debt infested tax cuts and still cannot beat Obama’s 2.9.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22769467
Nah. Obozo had 7 years of 0% rates and $1.4 trillion of fresh QE and all he hit was 2.9%?

Obama had 0% rates for a reason.

All the reasons I gave you.

You continue to ignore the context and reality of the situation Obama faced. The reality that Obama fixed for TrumpO.

You cannot ignore the deep dark recession that Obama confronted and just cry and complain that poor lil DonnyJ had to deal with damn near full employment and reasonable Fed rates for an economy that TrumpO was fortunate to be handed.

TrumpO promised 4.0% when he suckered you in. He did not qualify that by saying he needed 0% rates in order to do it. He got his debt infested tax cuts and still cannot beat Obama’s 2.9.

Obama had 0% rates for a reason.

I agree. Almost everything he did was bad for the economy.
The adults had to try something.

You cannot ignore the deep dark recession that Obama confronted

It was awful. And it ended in June 2009.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22768648
Trump had higher growth with tax cuts than Obama had with tax hikes.

TrumpO does not have higher growth than Obama, liar. He is tied with Obama for single year GDP at 2.9%. You know that.

For that tie, we must ask ourselves, which policy has actually produced the better result in terms of the overall economic health of our country?

According to Emily Cochrane, Alan Rappeport and Jim Tankersley on July 22, 2019 in The NY Times, “The federal budget deficit has increased by an average of 15 percent for each fiscal year he [TrumpO] has been in office.


In [Obama’s] second term, deficits fell by an average of 11 percent per fiscal year.

  • As president, Mr. Trump has overseen both a binge in discretionary spending, the part of the federal budget governed by annual spending bills, and a plunge in expected tax revenues as a result of the tax cuts that stand as his signature legislative achievement. The federal budget deficit has increased by an average of 15 percent for each fiscal year he has been in office.

    Mr. Obama ran large deficits in his first term in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. But in his second term, deficits fell by an average of 11 percent per fiscal year. Federal Budget Would Raise Spending by $320 Billion

Although Obama's 2.9 high growth is tied with TrumpO’s 2.9 high growth, TrumpO increased government spending and reduced government revenue to get his.

With TrumpO's trillion dollar deficits piling up on our future, will it be worth it for TrumpO to claim his “tie” at 2.9% GDP in 2018 growth was the greatest economy in US history?
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Can you name 5 things he did that actually helped the economy?

Do you count cutting spending and reducing the size of the deficit as ‘helping’ it ‘hindering’ economic growth?

Who knows what you think Toddster.

Welcome to Greece on Steroids. thank you TrumpO.

“When you hit $24 trillion, and we’re going to be there very soon, because it’s building up very quickly . . . when we hit that $24 trillion number, we become Greece on steroids,” he said in August 2015. “I mean, we have a lot of problems in this country.”

In his second term Obama reduced the debt every year by reducing government spending.

That’s not good for higher GDP but good for debt reduction

TrumpO has boosted government spending and cut revenue to get one year of GDP at 2.8.

Obama’s 2.9 cane with decreased spending and lower debt.

TrumpO’s 2.9 comes with increased spending and higher debt.

You tell us which is better and ‘helps’ the economy.

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