Qaddafi and sons leave libya

Sometime this week you will see the GOP and Bush's cronies trot out the RW revisionists on FOX claiming how Bush's policies setup this

Doubtful, but it would be wishful thinking for the left. You guys cant discuss achievements
First Republicans screamed at him to do something. Then they screamed at him to stop. They screamed he was soft on terror. Then they screamed that it was Republicans that got Bin Laden.

The only time Republicans have told the truth is when they screamed, even before the black guy was sworn in, that they wanted him to fail. They still do.

you do to much bitching Dean....your like an old cackling Rooster....
I'd like to know who the hell these "rebels" are? Are they Islamo-terrorists? Are they connected to Hamas or Hezbollah or Al Qaeda? Nobody has an answer to that question.

This same question has never been answered in Egypt. Who are the "rebels" who now govern Egypt?

It's much more "romantic" to call the rebels "freedom fighters". Once again, the leftists in this country don't want anybody to "look behind the curtain".
Would you like to campaign to restore Qaddafi to power?

When the president authorized air strikes, the right howled. Now that the air strikes have proven effective, the right howls again!

Seems the right is just flabbergasted. They were for it before they were against it.:lol:

And there's always the flicker of paranoia, isn't there? Egypt deposed a dictator and the right fears extremists. Libya overthrows a man who kept the sainted Ronald Reagan awake at night and the right again sees nothing but a dark cloud, never a silver lining.

I guess any authoritarian is a good authoritarian so long as he's either in our pocket or in power as long as a Democrat sits in the White House.

Ah politics! It brings out the weirdest in Conservatives!

Once again, NO ANSWER as to who is going to be "in charge" in Libya when Qaddafi is gone. And still NO ANSWER as to who is "in charge" in Egypt.

The last time a Democrat President was involved in "deposing" a "hated dictator" was when Jimmy Carter gave the Shah of Iran the boot, and the Ayatollah Khomeini took over.

And we all know how that worked out.

What's that saying about history repeating itself? :eusa_wall:
Has the Obama plan just demonstrated how to conduct regime change on the cheap? Imagine those brave deficit hawks in the Tea Party caucus tomorrow railing against this development! Why it took a trillion dollars and nearly 4,000 American lives lost (and countless American lives forever shattered by wounds) to achieve regime change in Iraq.

How can those Tea Partiers balance the books with the Iraq bill staring them in the face while six months, a few air strikes and no dead soldiers did the same in Libya.
First Republicans screamed at him to do something. Then they screamed at him to stop. They screamed he was soft on terror. Then they screamed that it was Republicans that got Bin Laden.

The only time Republicans have told the truth is when they screamed, even before the black guy was sworn in, that they wanted him to fail. They still do.

Why do dip shits like you always play the race card?

I don't recall Republicans screaming 'they' got Bin Laden. I seem to remember us screaming 'SEAL TEAM 6 got Bin Laden', while the Liberal mouth breathing crowd screamed 'Obama got Bin Laden!'

The adults are talking. Go back to your Barbie dolls.

and try and do the right thing Dean......bring your GI Joe figure along and play with that.....
Okay, if Obama deserves NO credit, why was he criticized by the right for getting involved in the first place?

At first he was criticized by Republicans for NOT getting involved. Republicans think they can rewrite history just by telling a lie. It's not that "simple".

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you ran out. Here's some more for you.


Now go back to your corner. That's a good little boy.

watch out......Shaman is out too....could be a moneys on Dean....he hates white people.....
Has the Obama plan just demonstrated how to conduct regime change on the cheap? Imagine those brave deficit hawks in the Tea Party caucus tomorrow railing against this development! Why it took a trillion dollars and nearly 4,000 American lives lost (and countless American lives forever shattered by wounds) to achieve regime change in Iraq.

How can those Tea Partiers balance the books with the Iraq bill staring them in the face while six months, a few air strikes and no dead soldiers did the same in Libya.

Obama and Hillary played their cards right on this one. Make Europe do the heavy lifting, no big investment in US lives or funding. End result, we got the regime change we wanted since Reagan
Sometime this week you will see the GOP and Bush's cronies trot out the RW revisionists on FOX claiming how Bush's policies setup this

Doubtful, but it would be wishful thinking for the left. You guys cant discuss achievements

You're being disengenous. Isn't that exactly what they did the last time? You know, concerning Osama.
They wanted to IMPEACH him for Libya. And now he gets no credit?

I rue the day they installed internet access at the RWNJ mental health facility.

He shouldn't get any credit anyway. It's not our business, just like Iraq wasn't.

Really not the point. We WERE there. A lot of Republicans wanted to impeach him, because of it. Impeach.

But now that "all's well that ends well", they don't want him to get credit. Just like they didn't want him to get credit for bin Laden.

Thank you! You see, it never ends with these RW idiots.

Has the Obama plan just demonstrated how to conduct regime change on the cheap? Imagine those brave deficit hawks in the Tea Party caucus tomorrow railing against this development! Why it took a trillion dollars and nearly 4,000 American lives lost (and countless American lives forever shattered by wounds) to achieve regime change in Iraq.

How can those Tea Partiers balance the books with the Iraq bill staring them in the face while six months, a few air strikes and no dead soldiers did the same in Libya.

Obama and Hillary played their cards right on this one. Make Europe do the heavy lifting, no big investment in US lives or funding. End result, we got the regime change we wanted since Reagan

So now it's Europe that "overthrew" Qaddafi. Obama had little or nothing to do with the result. Thanks for clarifying.

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