Qaddafi and sons leave libya

Gaddafi Safe With Obama - Conservative Voices

Libya’s leader Muammar al-Gaddafi has a bright future with President Obama running America’s foreign policy if the messages to the dictator coming from the White House are trustworthy.

Analysis: Obama Mum on Qaddafi

Republican Senators John Kyl and Mark Kirk released a joint statement calling upon Obama to speak out clearly in support of the Libyan people. Some Republicans. such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich enjoyed goading the president. Gingrich accused Obama of practicing a conspiracy of silence when dealing with anti-American governments such as Libya and Iran.

At a Tea Party event in South Carolina, another Republican presidential hopeful and conservative favorite, representative Michele Bachman, gave her audience plenty of sound bites when she accused "Our Peace Prize-winning president" of fawning over dictators and potentates.

Noted columnist Charles Krauthammer repeated the accusation: "If you are ally of the United States, Israel, Egypt, Honduras, elsewhere; Obama is not a friend. If you are an enemy of the United States he might give you a pass,"

Obama Should Impose No-Fly Zone on Libya and Aid Insurgents, Senators Say

Speaking on the same program, McCain said: "I understand that America's security and safety of American citizens is our highest priority. It is not our only priority." He said, "The British prime minister and the French president and others were not hesitant and they have citizens in that country."

Sarah Palin upset with Obama, again

"We should not be afraid of freedom, especially when it comes to people suffering under a brutal enemy of America," Palin wrote. "Here's to freedom from Gaddafi for the people of Libya."



Republicans are like "Sour Patch Candies".
First they're Sour
Then they're Sweet

No matter what the President does, they are the "opposite". If he said, "Let's subsidize the oil companies and give money to rich people", Republicans would "Subsidies the oil companies and give money to rich people".

What did you think I was going to say? Republicans would never turn against their "patrons" and "masters".


Republicans turn to doves over Obama's war in Libya

Republican leaders demanded a written justification of military involvement in Libya from President Obama Wednesday as the traditionally hawkish party shows signs of losing its appetite for war.

Lou Dobbs: Republicans Who Voted "No" on Defunding Obama's War in Libya

After a lot of tough talk and posturing, these are the 89 House Republicans who voted to "no" on defunding the president's war in Libya:

Good post. Republicans... :razz::lol::lol::lol:

This isn't over until the fat lady sings and she has not sung on this. We have no idea who these rebels are, many are al queda, Libya has 32 tribes which will all fight for power. This could turn out to be one more disaster for the Obama administration and if we have to put boots on the ground to stem the chaos, he will be blamed for it by all Americans. I am betting tomorrow the party is over and the looting and violence starts.

So you are saying it was better under Qaddafi?
It would'nt have been possible w/o the President supplying U.S. power to take out AA batteries, air facilities, etc... at the beginning of the campaign. The U.S. was the only power w/ the advanced sensors/weaponry to do that.

Well congrats. Let's applaud Obama on defending us from the great threat to the US that Qaddafi was.

Did you read ANYTHING about the reason for the participation in this operation? :eusa_wall: It was to prevent Qaddafi from massacreing his own people. Geez!!! :eusa_eh: If I remember correctly, the Repubs messiah- Reagan wasn't too fond of him either but let him remain in power ;)

After this, it might be a massacre anyway, civil war is likely with all the different factions, all vying for power. No semblance of a government ready to move in and take over the reigns. Choas begins tomorrow.
I think some of those with Obama Derangement Syndrome need some lessons in manners.

Here's what you should say in this situation:

Congratulations, LIBYA.
Good post. Republicans... :razz::lol::lol::lol:

This isn't over until the fat lady sings and she has not sung on this. We have no idea who these rebels are, many are al queda, Libya has 32 tribes which will all fight for power. This could turn out to be one more disaster for the Obama administration and if we have to put boots on the ground to stem the chaos, he will be blamed for it by all Americans. I am betting tomorrow the party is over and the looting and violence starts.

So you are saying it was better under Qaddafi?

I am saying that there is no government ready to move in and take power, turn on the water, get things moving. I had no love for Gaddafi either, he is a mad man and criminal, but sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. There is no leadership, no organization, no police, no order and no law. Thugs can start forming gangs who roam the streets and terrorize the innocent.
There are 32 different tribes over there including Al queda members who want power, now what do you think is going to happen after the party is over. Chaos. These people have never known freedmon they may have traded one stituation for a worse situation. It certainly happened in Iran after they threw out the shaw and the Iatolla took over. They want the shaw back now.
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This isn't over until the fat lady sings and she has not sung on this. We have no idea who these rebels are, many are al queda, Libya has 32 tribes which will all fight for power. This could turn out to be one more disaster for the Obama administration and if we have to put boots on the ground to stem the chaos, he will be blamed for it by all Americans. I am betting tomorrow the party is over and the looting and violence starts.

So you are saying it was better under Qaddafi?

I am saying that there is no government ready to move in and take power, turn on the water, get things moving. I had no love for Gaddafi either, he is a mad man and criminal, but sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. There is no leadership, no organization, no police, no order and no law. Thugs can start forming gangs who roam the streets and terrorize the innocent.
There are 32 different tribes over there including Al queda members who want power, now what do you think is going to happen after the party is over. Chaos. These people have never known freedmon they may have traded one stituation for a worse situation. It certainly happened in Iran after they threw out the shaw and the Iatolla took over. They want the shaw back now.

Why don't you give it five minutes, jeez. It took them, what, 5 months to force Q out? Can't they have 5 days before you get to grousing about the spectre of Chaos?

Ah, I know. You think this is like Iraq. Nope. This movement has broad nation-wide legitimacy and wasn't imposed upon the country by the outside.

I'd feel better about giving Obama some credit for getting rid of Qaddafi, if I thought he knew what he was doing.

You better hope that Obama knew what he was doing, there are Al Queda factions in those rebels and if this goes south which I think it will, Obama won't want his name on it. I think there will be a civil war, many of these people are not for Democracy, many want a total Islamic state, there will be a power grab going on with the 32 different tribes and if Obama has his name tied to this action, where many innocent lives could be lost, it's gonna be ugly for him. It already is with our economy, this would be a second death blow for him.

Actually, the reason Bush Sr. stopped at the Iraqi border was because he didn't want to "own" the Iraq mess. Nation building doesn't work. Look at how Bush Jr. and Iraq have helped bankrupt this nation. Not only is there the cost of the 900 billion lost, but thousands of soldiers who have brain and spinal injuries. That will probably cost another trillion. Then there is rebuilding the military and.....oh well, you get the picture. Fortunately, Republicans have passed all that over to Obama. Republicans aren't very good at the "responsibility" thing.

There is a huge difference between Iraq and Libya, first and foremost, we don't have any boots on the ground over there to quell any violence that could occur. That's irresponsible, there is no representative government ready to take the reigns over there, we should have stayed completely out of it, because we may have to go in now to stop a massacre. Time will tell but I don't have any hope of a positive outcome with this. These people have no idea how to set up a Democracy let alone know what freedom is, there will be a power grab by certain groups, there was no plan for a transfer of power and that is why the Republicans did not want to get involved in the first place. It's typical though of our spender in chief, he rarely has a plan at least not one that anyone has seen.
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You better hope that Obama knew what he was doing, there are Al Queda factions in those rebels and if this goes south which I think it will, Obama won't want his name on it. I think there will be a civil war, many of these people are not for Democracy, many want a total Islamic state, there will be a power grab going on with the 32 different tribes and if Obama has his name tied to this action, where many innocent lives could be lost, it's gonna be ugly for him. It already is with our economy, this would be a second death blow for him.

Actually, the reason Bush Sr. stopped at the Iraqi border was because he didn't want to "own" the Iraq mess. Nation building doesn't work. Look at how Bush Jr. and Iraq have helped bankrupt this nation. Not only is there the cost of the 900 billion lost, but thousands of soldiers who have brain and spinal injuries. That will probably cost another trillion. Then there is rebuilding the military and.....oh well, you get the picture. Fortunately, Republicans have passed all that over to Obama. Republicans aren't very good at the "responsibility" thing.

There is a huge difference between Iraq and Libya, first and foremost, we don't have any boots on the ground over there to quell any violence that could occur. That's irresponsible, there is no representative government ready to take the reigns over there, we should have stayed completely out of it, because we may have to go in now to stop a massacre. Time will tell but I don't have any hope of a positive outcome with this. These people have no idea how to set up a Democracy let alone know what freedom is, there will be a power grab by certain groups, there was no plan for a transfer of power and that is why the Republicans did not want to get involved in the first place. It's typical though of our spender in chief, he rarely has a plan at least not one that anyone has seen.

Clinton spent 4.5 million a day.

Bush spent 1.2 billion a day----- after 9-11.

The spender in chief ( Obama) spends 4.2 billion a day, now do the math, that's 3 billion more a day than Bush. Bush had 9-11 to deal with, what's Obama's excuse??? Oh, I forgot " we have to spend more to get OUT of debt." :cuckoo:
Outright lie, as the British were involved in the first NATO strikes in Libya.

The U.S. did the heavy lifting in the beginning. Taking out AA batteries, enemy aircraft, enemy airfields, etc...

But they were NOT the only ones with the technology, as the post I was responding to indicated. Therefore, that post was a lie. And the 'heavy lifting' mantra is a dem talking point.

NATO launches 74 airstrikes in Libya on first day of operations
NATO Unleashes Blistering Airstrikes in Libya
NATO Airstrikes Take Out 8 Libyan Warships

The US ran the initial airstrikes, which were a JOINT EFFORT. Period. To say otherwise is an attempt to rewrite history.
2011 military intervention in Libya

USA: The United States has deployed a naval force of 11 ships, including the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, the amphibious transport dock USS Ponce, the guided-missile destroyers USS Barry and USS Stout, the nuclear attack submarines USS Providence and USS Scranton, the cruise missile submarine USS Florida and the amphibious command ship USS Mount Whitney.[137][138][139] Additionally, A-10 ground-attack aircraft, B-2 stealth bombers, AV-8B Harrier II jump-jets, EA-18 electronic warfare aircraft, and both F-15 and F-16 fighters have been involved in action over Libya.[140] U-2 reconnaissance aircraft are stationed on Cyprus.[141] On 18 March, two AC-130Us arrived at RAF Mildenhall as well as additional tanker aircraft.[citation needed] On 24 March 2 E-8Cs operated from Naval Station Rota Spain, which indicates an increase of ground attacks.[citation needed] An undisclosed number of CIA operatives are said to be in Libya to gather intelligence for airstrikes and make contacts with rebels.[142] The US also began using MQ-1 Predator UAVs to strike targets in Libya on 23 April.[143]

MORE: 2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Actually, the reason Bush Sr. stopped at the Iraqi border was because he didn't want to "own" the Iraq mess. Nation building doesn't work.

President Bush stopped at the border because that was the agreement he had reached with Arab leaders to gain their acquiescence for the operation.

Nation building has worked in Iraq. The democracy that stands where recently there was a brutal dictatorship, and the courage of Iraqis in defying death threats from terrorists, insurgents, and Iranian operatives to go and vote and claim their own future is the water that has irrigated the on-going Arab Spring.
Has the Obama plan just demonstrated how to conduct regime change on the cheap? Imagine those brave deficit hawks in the Tea Party caucus tomorrow railing against this development! Why it took a trillion dollars and nearly 4,000 American lives lost (and countless American lives forever shattered by wounds) to achieve regime change in Iraq.

How can those Tea Partiers balance the books with the Iraq bill staring them in the face while six months, a few air strikes and no dead soldiers did the same in Libya.

Obama and Hillary played their cards right on this one. Make Europe do the heavy lifting, no big investment in US lives or funding. End result, we got the regime change we wanted since Reagan
It really shows how coalition building can accomplish more than a "coalition of the willing". I wonder how Bush Jr. failed to learn the lesson originally taught by his father.
2011 military intervention in Libya

USA: The United States has deployed a naval force of 11 ships, including the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, the amphibious transport dock USS Ponce, the guided-missile destroyers USS Barry and USS Stout, the nuclear attack submarines USS Providence and USS Scranton, the cruise missile submarine USS Florida and the amphibious command ship USS Mount Whitney.[137][138][139] Additionally, A-10 ground-attack aircraft, B-2 stealth bombers, AV-8B Harrier II jump-jets, EA-18 electronic warfare aircraft, and both F-15 and F-16 fighters have been involved in action over Libya.[140] U-2 reconnaissance aircraft are stationed on Cyprus.[141] On 18 March, two AC-130Us arrived at RAF Mildenhall as well as additional tanker aircraft.[citation needed] On 24 March 2 E-8Cs operated from Naval Station Rota Spain, which indicates an increase of ground attacks.[citation needed] An undisclosed number of CIA operatives are said to be in Libya to gather intelligence for airstrikes and make contacts with rebels.[142] The US also began using MQ-1 Predator UAVs to strike targets in Libya on 23 April.[143]

MORE: 2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A... anyone who uses Wiki as Gospel proof is a moron. I can and have edited Wiki in any way I like.

B... Yes, we know the US was involved. .. as part of NATO actions. So were a number of other countries.

C... 'said' is the operative word on the CIA. Until there is some official notice of it, it's hearsay.
Has the Obama plan just demonstrated how to conduct regime change on the cheap? Imagine those brave deficit hawks in the Tea Party caucus tomorrow railing against this development! Why it took a trillion dollars and nearly 4,000 American lives lost (and countless American lives forever shattered by wounds) to achieve regime change in Iraq.

How can those Tea Partiers balance the books with the Iraq bill staring them in the face while six months, a few air strikes and no dead soldiers did the same in Libya.

Obama and Hillary played their cards right on this one. Make Europe do the heavy lifting, no big investment in US lives or funding. End result, we got the regime change we wanted since Reagan
It really shows how coalition building can accomplish more than a "coalition of the willing". I wonder how Bush Jr. failed to learn the lesson originally taught by his father.

I liked how for once, the US wasn't the one who had to put boots on the ground while Europe gave us support troops. Libya was a European creation and it was their responsibility to clean up their mess
Here's hoping.

My ultimate hope for this asshole is a dirt nap.

I don't know how anyone defends someone who authored the deaths of over 200 people most of which were American.


So the US should assassinate those we disagree with? Did you feel the same about Saddam Hussein?

Disagree with?


Orders terrorist attacks against American Civilians?

First we issue a warrant.

Then we give them an hour to comply.

If no compliance..oh well. :lol:

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