Qaddafi and sons leave libya

I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.

That Qaddafi was evil is not being disputed.

I don't think I'd have half the trouble I have with this incursion if the President went through proper channels and obtained support for Congress in this. But he hasn't. This whole military excursion has been illegal. It's amazing the Democrats complained about Iraq being illegal when it was legally authorized but there isn't a peep over Libya when Congress hasn't been consulted and the people haven't been given clear reasons why our military is being used there.

Not to mention I don't really like the fact that we now have rebels, which include Al Qaeda, poised to take over. I don't really think we want Al Qaeda to have another safe haven thanks to us.

I haven't supported this, not because I don't think Qaddafi needs to be brought to justice, but because we are using American lives, money, and resources to bring further chaos to that reason with no really clear purpose and no evidence that we will benefit from anything that happens. It's just foolishness.

Let Qaddafi find justice before the Lord Almighty. Let's just not become someone as bad as he is in our quest for justice.

Congress would have kiboshed the Osama bin Laden operation if they'd known about it.

The primary goal of the GOP is to make President Obama a one term president.

That's it.

I doubt if they'd known bin Laden would be killed, they'd go as far as to kill the mission just to obama gone.
That Qaddafi was evil is not being disputed.

I don't think I'd have half the trouble I have with this incursion if the President went through proper channels and obtained support for Congress in this. But he hasn't. This whole military excursion has been illegal. It's amazing the Democrats complained about Iraq being illegal when it was legally authorized but there isn't a peep over Libya when Congress hasn't been consulted and the people haven't been given clear reasons why our military is being used there.

Not to mention I don't really like the fact that we now have rebels, which include Al Qaeda, poised to take over. I don't really think we want Al Qaeda to have another safe haven thanks to us.

I haven't supported this, not because I don't think Qaddafi needs to be brought to justice, but because we are using American lives, money, and resources to bring further chaos to that reason with no really clear purpose and no evidence that we will benefit from anything that happens. It's just foolishness.

Let Qaddafi find justice before the Lord Almighty. Let's just not become someone as bad as he is in our quest for justice.

Congress would have kiboshed the Osama bin Laden operation if they'd known about it.

The primary goal of the GOP is to make President Obama a one term president.

That's it.

I doubt if they'd known bin Laden would be killed, they'd go as far as to kill the mission just to obama gone.

I don't. There are some very radical people in congress right now.

The whole debt ceiling debacle illustrated that in a very clear way.
(CNN) -- With Libyan rebels reaching Tripoli, the endgame is at hand. Intense fighting may lie ahead, but three of Moammar Gadhafi's sons are reportedly in custody and the power of the regime appears to be rapidly eroding.

Many questions and uncertainties remain, especially regarding the character of the new regime and whether Gadhafi loyalists go quietly or continue to resist, but one point is clear: The apparent collapse of the Gadhafi government is a major success for NATO and a vindication of President Barack Obama's policy of multilateral humanitarian interventionism.

In making the case for a limited military intervention in Libya, Obama emphasized the moral and political obligation of states to protect those who are victimized by genocide or mass killing, especially when such crimes are perpetrated by their own governments. The principle of the "responsibility to protect" entered the international policy lexicon over the past decade as a response to genocidal killings in Rwanda, Serbia and Sudan.

When governments are unable or willing to protect their citizens, or when governments are terrorizing their own people and committing mass murder, the international community has a responsibility to step in and help those who are victimized.

A major win for Obama's Libya policy -
Okay..I admit it..I sorta got this wrong.

The Gaddafis are leaving..

But it may be in pine boxes. :clap:


No 'sort of' about it. You lied in your title and created reality from a rumor. Are you related to truthmatters? Perhaps you are one of her 'high functioning' siblings?
So now it's good to be a warmongering murderer as long as NATO leads the way?

It's good to help people who are trying to help themselves. The oil in Libya made it a vested national interest. We didn't commit any of our own troops and none of our people died. What are you crying about? Just can't take it that Obama got Osama AND Khadafi? I won't give an inch on this, because if Obama hadn't done something, many of the same people would have said he allowed freedom to be crushed. It's a lot different than invading a country whose people hadn't risen up, where our oil supply wasn't threatened and whose leader was effectively bottled up and impotent militarily.
Hey if guys like Gaddafi get toppled without 1 American troop dying, how can I get mad at that?

because it wasn't our business. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Maybe so, I was against getting involved as well but Gaddafi is an asshole with American blood on our hands, if he meets his end this way I will shed no tears over him.

I'm not shedding tears over him or Saddam, either, for that matter. I'm tired of Wilson's 14 points being played out year after year.
So now it's good to be a warmongering murderer as long as NATO leads the way?

It's good to help people who are trying to help themselves. The oil in Libya made it a vested national interest. We didn't commit any of our own troops and none of our people died. What are you crying about? Just can't take it that Obama got Osama AND Khadafi? I won't give an inch on this, because if Obama hadn't done something, many of the same people would have said he allowed freedom to be crushed. It's a lot different than invading a country whose people hadn't risen up, where our oil supply wasn't threatened and whose leader was effectively bottled up and impotent militarily.

Very true, Obama is damned if he did, damned if he didn't with the people that hate him. The oil in Libya is very promising however alot depends on what kind of government rises from the ashes of Gaddafi, if its an Islamic theocracy than it will have been a bad decision to get involved, if its an actual democracy than this will be a success.
I haven't stated an opinion about you. I asked you a question of why we should take you seriously when you havent made a valid point.

You really arent in a position to challenge the credibility of someone else who is offering substantive discussion

jesus you are stupid.

Ive yet to see you make a valid point on this board.

this is called an opinion.

the underlined bold part? Thats an opinion as well. You really are one of the dumbest fucks on here. You should be proud of this.

No. It's called an observation. An opinion would involve my personal thoughts or judgment. I haven't made any. It's sort of like saying "Water is wet". No opinion there, it just is.

Now, I know my observation has upset you for some odd reason otherwise you wouldn't have had to resort to name calling and negative repping (Seriously, as if rep means anything). So clearly you don't like anyone pointing out that your record is lacking substantive discussion.

There are two ways of dealing with this: attack the messenger to deflect from your personal defects. Or change yourself and start making substantive comments. I'm disappointed that you haven't chosen the latter, but I never thought you would without serious Divine Intervention.

Oh, and that last part, was an opinion.

have a good day.

I concur with your observation, having observed similar myself.
So now it's good to be a warmongering murderer as long as NATO leads the way?

It's good to help people who are trying to help themselves. The oil in Libya made it a vested national interest. We didn't commit any of our own troops and none of our people died. What are you crying about? Just can't take it that Obama got Osama AND Khadafi? I won't give an inch on this, because if Obama hadn't done something, many of the same people would have said he allowed freedom to be crushed. It's a lot different than invading a country whose people hadn't risen up, where our oil supply wasn't threatened and whose leader was effectively bottled up and impotent militarily.

Very true, Obama is damned if he did, damned if he didn't with the people that hate him. The oil in Libya is very promising however alot depends on what kind of government rises from the ashes of Gaddafi, if its an Islamic theocracy than it will have been a bad decision to get involved, if its an actual democracy than this will be a success.

I agree, I was heartened to see the rebels continually thanking NATO for their efforts on the BBC today. Several times, different rebels spoke about NATO's support. I just hope they remember this when forming their new government.

What is funny is how very few on the left are announcing that this is a glorious day for democracy in the region.... I guess they must still be smarting over Egypt. :lol:
It's good to help people who are trying to help themselves. The oil in Libya made it a vested national interest. We didn't commit any of our own troops and none of our people died. What are you crying about? Just can't take it that Obama got Osama AND Khadafi? I won't give an inch on this, because if Obama hadn't done something, many of the same people would have said he allowed freedom to be crushed. It's a lot different than invading a country whose people hadn't risen up, where our oil supply wasn't threatened and whose leader was effectively bottled up and impotent militarily.

Very true, Obama is damned if he did, damned if he didn't with the people that hate him. The oil in Libya is very promising however alot depends on what kind of government rises from the ashes of Gaddafi, if its an Islamic theocracy than it will have been a bad decision to get involved, if its an actual democracy than this will be a success.

I agree, I was heartened to see the rebels continually thanking NATO for their efforts on the BBC today. Several times, different rebels spoke about NATO's support. I just hope they remember this when forming their new government.

What is funny is how very few on the left are announcing that this is a glorious day for democracy in the region.... I guess they must still be smarting over Egypt. :lol:

I'll tell you what CG 10 years ago if you told me Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and Mubarak would be ousted from power and Bashar Assad would be on the ropes I would have never believed you in a million years, I am glad these tin pot dictators are falling I just hope the people do what is right. So far the Egyptians don't seem to be, lets see what the Libyans do.

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