Qaddafi and sons leave libya

Wow looks like the rebels are going to pull it off, I wish them the best in rebuilding their country and I hope they keep an open mind and don't become a religious theocracy.
Wow looks like the rebels are going to pull it off, I wish them the best in rebuilding their country and I hope they keep an open mind and don't become a religious theocracy.

The best thing about this was the way it was done.

NATO leveled the playing field. And a popular revolution kicked ass.

Now it's their country. It's not being "given" to them. They fought for it..bled for it..and when you pay that sort of are basically alot more careful with the outcome.
Wow looks like the rebels are going to pull it off, I wish them the best in rebuilding their country and I hope they keep an open mind and don't become a religious theocracy.

The best thing about this was the way it was done.

NATO leveled the playing field. And a popular revolution kicked ass.

Now it's their country. It's not being "given" to them. They fought for it..bled for it..and when you pay that sort of are basically alot more careful with the outcome.

Yup I'm glad it all worked out, for a while it looked like this stalemate was going to last for a while. Libya has alot of potential, I think after they sort everything out with their new government is can be quite a country.
Wow looks like the rebels are going to pull it off, I wish them the best in rebuilding their country and I hope they keep an open mind and don't become a religious theocracy.

The best thing about this was the way it was done.

NATO leveled the playing field. And a popular revolution kicked ass.

Now it's their country. It's not being "given" to them. They fought for it..bled for it..and when you pay that sort of are basically alot more careful with the outcome.

It will take time for the political structure to work its way out. But Libya is not populated by savages. They have immense oil wealth and need to maintain a certain political stability to keep the oil money flowing. It was the common Libyan who did the fighting and dying in the Libyan revolution but it will be the rich power brokers who decide on the government structure
Gaddafi Safe With Obama - Conservative Voices

Libya’s leader Muammar al-Gaddafi has a bright future with President Obama running America’s foreign policy if the messages to the dictator coming from the White House are trustworthy.

Analysis: Obama Mum on Qaddafi

Republican Senators John Kyl and Mark Kirk released a joint statement calling upon Obama to speak out clearly in support of the Libyan people. Some Republicans. such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich enjoyed goading the president. Gingrich accused Obama of practicing a conspiracy of silence when dealing with anti-American governments such as Libya and Iran.

At a Tea Party event in South Carolina, another Republican presidential hopeful and conservative favorite, representative Michele Bachman, gave her audience plenty of sound bites when she accused "Our Peace Prize-winning president" of fawning over dictators and potentates.

Noted columnist Charles Krauthammer repeated the accusation: "If you are ally of the United States, Israel, Egypt, Honduras, elsewhere; Obama is not a friend. If you are an enemy of the United States he might give you a pass,"

Obama Should Impose No-Fly Zone on Libya and Aid Insurgents, Senators Say

Speaking on the same program, McCain said: "I understand that America's security and safety of American citizens is our highest priority. It is not our only priority." He said, "The British prime minister and the French president and others were not hesitant and they have citizens in that country."

Sarah Palin upset with Obama, again

"We should not be afraid of freedom, especially when it comes to people suffering under a brutal enemy of America," Palin wrote. "Here's to freedom from Gaddafi for the people of Libya."



Republicans are like "Sour Patch Candies".
First they're Sour
Then they're Sweet

No matter what the President does, they are the "opposite". If he said, "Let's subsidize the oil companies and give money to rich people", Republicans would "Subsidies the oil companies and give money to rich people".

What did you think I was going to say? Republicans would never turn against their "patrons" and "masters".


Republicans turn to doves over Obama's war in Libya

Republican leaders demanded a written justification of military involvement in Libya from President Obama Wednesday as the traditionally hawkish party shows signs of losing its appetite for war.

Lou Dobbs: Republicans Who Voted "No" on Defunding Obama's War in Libya

After a lot of tough talk and posturing, these are the 89 House Republicans who voted to "no" on defunding the president's war in Libya:

Good post. Republicans... :razz::lol::lol::lol:

This isn't over until the fat lady sings and she has not sung on this. We have no idea who these rebels are, many are al queda, Libya has 32 tribes which will all fight for power. This could turn out to be one more disaster for the Obama administration and if we have to put boots on the ground to stem the chaos, he will be blamed for it by all Americans. I am betting tomorrow the party is over and the looting and violence starts.

YOU LIE!!! :eusa_liar: (JoeWilson-speak) :rolleyes: So you admit that you know nothing about the Libyan Transitional Council? :eusa_eh: I accept that ;)
Sarkozy To Speak With Libyan Transition Council Monday -
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So you are saying it was better under Qaddafi?

I am saying that there is no government ready to move in and take power, turn on the water, get things moving. I had no love for Gaddafi either, he is a mad man and criminal, but sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. There is no leadership, no organization, no police, no order and no law. Thugs can start forming gangs who roam the streets and terrorize the innocent.
There are 32 different tribes over there including Al queda members who want power, now what do you think is going to happen after the party is over. Chaos. These people have never known freedmon they may have traded one stituation for a worse situation. It certainly happened in Iran after they threw out the shaw and the Iatolla took over. They want the shaw back now.

Why don't you give it five minutes, jeez. It took them, what, 5 months to force Q out? Can't they have 5 days before you get to grousing about the spectre of Chaos?

Ah, I know. You think this is like Iraq. Nope. This movement has broad nation-wide legitimacy and wasn't imposed upon the country by the outside.

Maple is unaware of the Rebel's insistence on going it alone, as far as the ground action is concerned, or she's feigning ignorance of the fact. This doesn't surprise me as Maple comes-off as being quite partisan. All they wanted was air assets to stop the slaughter by gaddafi's planes and advisors from Britain. Methinks Maple is upset because the President took the step to stop humanitarian crisis and he's a Democrat :rolleyes:
Actually, the reason Bush Sr. stopped at the Iraqi border was because he didn't want to "own" the Iraq mess. Nation building doesn't work. Look at how Bush Jr. and Iraq have helped bankrupt this nation. Not only is there the cost of the 900 billion lost, but thousands of soldiers who have brain and spinal injuries. That will probably cost another trillion. Then there is rebuilding the military and.....oh well, you get the picture. Fortunately, Republicans have passed all that over to Obama. Republicans aren't very good at the "responsibility" thing.

There is a huge difference between Iraq and Libya, first and foremost, we don't have any boots on the ground over there to quell any violence that could occur. That's irresponsible, there is no representative government ready to take the reigns over there, we should have stayed completely out of it, because we may have to go in now to stop a massacre. Time will tell but I don't have any hope of a positive outcome with this. These people have no idea how to set up a Democracy let alone know what freedom is, there will be a power grab by certain groups, there was no plan for a transfer of power and that is why the Republicans did not want to get involved in the first place. It's typical though of our spender in chief, he rarely has a plan at least not one that anyone has seen.

Clinton spent 4.5 million a day.

Bush spent 1.2 billion a day----- after 9-11.

The spender in chief ( Obama) spends 4.2 billion a day, now do the math, that's 3 billion more a day than Bush. Bush had 9-11 to deal with, what's Obama's excuse??? Oh, I forgot " we have to spend more to get OUT of debt." :cuckoo:

Thanks for letting us know your agenda you partisan :clap2: This operation cost less than one week in Iraq in 2007.
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One of his sons tried to escape the country in drag, but was captured.

Are you serious? which one tries this? Seif?

That is a common rumor that has been used for centuries (They said it about Lincoln and Jeff Davis) just to demean the outgoing leader

I'd like to see more proof

yeah, it's like this.

Osama Bin Laden Killed While Sitting On Toilet, Nation Likes To Imagine | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
NEW YORK—Osama bin Laden, 54-year-old leader of the international terrorist group al-Qaeda and mastermind of the 9/11 attacks that took nearly 3,000 American lives in 2001, was killed early Monday morning in Pakistan while sitting on the toilet, the U.S. populace took great pleasure in imagining today. “Just thinking about the stupid look on that evil bastard’s face when those Navy SEALs kicked in the bathroom door and started blasting away—it’s so totally priceless,” said Queens, NY resident Rachel Sumner, one of 311 million Americans who reveled in a fictional scenario in which bin Laden met his gruesome and humiliating end while sitting on the commode, humming to himself, and reading a newspaper. “And him frantically trying to pull up his boxer shorts seconds before some badass Special Forces guy blows his head off—ha, ha! What a fucking moron.” Some Americans have disputed this fabricated version of bin Laden’s death, explaining they prefer to imagine the terrorist leader being surprised by Navy SEALs while wearing bright red lipstick, trying on ladies’ clothing, sashaying in front of a full-length mirror, and saying, “Who’s the prettiest little girl? Osama's the prettiest little girl!”
you dont, thats the wonderful thing about choice, and your opinion of me really hurt....:lol::lol:

I haven't stated an opinion about you. I asked you a question of why we should take you seriously when you havent made a valid point.

You really arent in a position to challenge the credibility of someone else who is offering substantive discussion

jesus you are stupid.

Ive yet to see you make a valid point on this board.

this is called an opinion.

the underlined bold part? Thats an opinion as well. You really are one of the dumbest fucks on here. You should be proud of this.

No. It's called an observation. An opinion would involve my personal thoughts or judgment. I haven't made any. It's sort of like saying "Water is wet". No opinion there, it just is.

Now, I know my observation has upset you for some odd reason otherwise you wouldn't have had to resort to name calling and negative repping (Seriously, as if rep means anything). So clearly you don't like anyone pointing out that your record is lacking substantive discussion.

There are two ways of dealing with this: attack the messenger to deflect from your personal defects. Or change yourself and start making substantive comments. I'm disappointed that you haven't chosen the latter, but I never thought you would without serious Divine Intervention.

Oh, and that last part, was an opinion.

have a good day.
In other words, you can't deal with the substance in his post so you are ignoring it completely.

no i actually can see his point and see it as a possible outcome,but his retarded first comment took all that away...

here we go with Avatar doing her/his stupid assumption game, in which everytime gets proven wrong over and over again.

Yeah. Whats the deal w/ Avatar? :dunno: :eusa_eh:

It's called analyzing and reasoning.

As of now he is still completely ignoring the point and hasn't dealt with the substance. One does not go to this length to avoid something that's easy to deal with.
I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.

That Qaddafi was evil is not being disputed.

I don't think I'd have half the trouble I have with this incursion if the President went through proper channels and obtained support for Congress in this. But he hasn't. This whole military excursion has been illegal. It's amazing the Democrats complained about Iraq being illegal when it was legally authorized but there isn't a peep over Libya when Congress hasn't been consulted and the people haven't been given clear reasons why our military is being used there.

Not to mention I don't really like the fact that we now have rebels, which include Al Qaeda, poised to take over. I don't really think we want Al Qaeda to have another safe haven thanks to us.

I haven't supported this, not because I don't think Qaddafi needs to be brought to justice, but because we are using American lives, money, and resources to bring further chaos to that reason with no really clear purpose and no evidence that we will benefit from anything that happens. It's just foolishness.

Let Qaddafi find justice before the Lord Almighty. Let's just not become someone as bad as he is in our quest for justice.
Could not give a rat's ass what your "opinion" is. We are not the 'victors', the Libyan people are.

If Gaddafi dies as a result of American actions..we will be the victors.

It will send a very clear message to every would be terrorist would fate awaits them if they kill Americans.

A pyrrhic victory indeed.
I'm really pretty shocked that nobody really remembers this asshole, Gaddafi, was the author of Lockerbie.

No terrorist that kills Americans, especially in mass numbers, should have safe harbor anywhere in the world.

There should only be one answer to murderous terrorists that kill Americans.

Either they get brought to American justice or die.

That Qaddafi was evil is not being disputed.

I don't think I'd have half the trouble I have with this incursion if the President went through proper channels and obtained support for Congress in this. But he hasn't. This whole military excursion has been illegal. It's amazing the Democrats complained about Iraq being illegal when it was legally authorized but there isn't a peep over Libya when Congress hasn't been consulted and the people haven't been given clear reasons why our military is being used there.

Not to mention I don't really like the fact that we now have rebels, which include Al Qaeda, poised to take over. I don't really think we want Al Qaeda to have another safe haven thanks to us.

I haven't supported this, not because I don't think Qaddafi needs to be brought to justice, but because we are using American lives, money, and resources to bring further chaos to that reason with no really clear purpose and no evidence that we will benefit from anything that happens. It's just foolishness.

Let Qaddafi find justice before the Lord Almighty. Let's just not become someone as bad as he is in our quest for justice.

Congress would have kiboshed the Osama bin Laden operation if they'd known about it.

The primary goal of the GOP is to make President Obama a one term president.

That's it.

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