QAnon devotees expect a military coup returning fat man to the WH

You guys celebrate how different unique Trump was and is, but when you're challenged, you pretend that reaction to him can't also be unusual.
You guys? Identity politics? Really? From you?

You're going to defend him no matter what -- the Fifth Avenue Rule --
That's already been proven false. Identity politics again. That's not what you were about. Remember? You haven't changed? After arguing FOR me through identity politics?

and you're going to attack anyone who dares to criticize him. That's fine. But that doesn't mean I have changed. It just means you want to attack.
It means you no longer use good faith. You already know what I'm going to do regardless of the evidence.
Identity politics?

Okay, never mind. I should know better than to bother.

Have a great day.
Hey... Read what you wrote. Read your own fucking sig from a couple years ago.

1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".
2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/non-partisan/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:
3. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing
4. >>> From Maddow to Hannity: How the Division Pimps operate and win
5. >>> My views on RACE:
6. >>> American Radicalization:
Q said that the military was going to arrive on inauguration day .. March up those steps, and arrest everyone.
Q has never right about ... Well; ANYTHING. ;)
You guys celebrate how different unique Trump was and is, but when you're challenged, you pretend that reaction to him can't also be unusual.
You guys? Identity politics? Really? From you?

You're going to defend him no matter what -- the Fifth Avenue Rule --
That's already been proven false. Identity politics again. That's not what you were about. Remember? You haven't changed? After arguing FOR me through identity politics?

and you're going to attack anyone who dares to criticize him. That's fine. But that doesn't mean I have changed. It just means you want to attack.
It means you no longer use good faith. You already know what I'm going to do regardless of the evidence.
Identity politics?

Okay, never mind. I should know better than to bother.

Have a great day.
Posted in the wrong thread first time... Damnit.

I define "Division Pimps" as media professionals who have a vested professional interest in keeping their fans angry, mal-informed, and isolated from the other tribe. An excellent example from each tribe would be Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.

While each of them have their own style (Maddow very calm, articulate and professorial, Hannity very passionate, animated and aggressive), they both play the same game to keep their flocks angry.

What they do is start with FACTS -- verifiable, provable, inarguable FACTS that they can lean on. That gives them and their flocks full license to claim that they "Speak The Truth". But THEN, while standing on those FACTS, and among those FACTS, they insert wild hyperbole, ridiculous assumptions and extrapolations, and abject distortions of the words, positions and thoughts of the other tribe. They also fully ignore, avoid, downplay and dismiss all FACTS that don't fit their intellectually dishonest agenda.

THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They know that their flocks will buy the whole burrito as DA TROOF, since they started off with FACTS, and because their flock is so comfy with what they're being told.

Because they START with actual FACTS, they and their flocks can defend it by asking: "Gee, what facts are they providing that are wrong?" IT'S NOT THE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS. IT'S THE BIG ONE-SIDED PICTURE THAT THEY'RE INSERTING BETWEEN THE FACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.

What I don't know, what I can't say for sure, is whether they realize they're doing it, or if they are just so lost in their partisan ideology that they don't realize it. I honestly don't know which would be worse. That type of behavior is why I find the psychology of partisan ideology so fascinating, and why I observe it so carefully. I want to at least understand things that are this destructive.

These people have a great deal of influence, and they have a significant responsibility in our increasing divisions. All I can hope is that one day they'll truly see what they've done, and they'll be honest enough and brave enough to admit it and push back in the opposite direction, against what they have done.

Edit: There are people who won't grasp what I'm saying here, by quoting these words.. Maybe not even Mac... The mind does slow with age.

Mac is Maddow. Now at any rate... Didn't used to be. Seems he jaded to the point he took the easy way out. Now he's just part of the problem he could clearly see in his younger days of only a couple years ago. Go figure.
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You aren't the man you were. Not even close.
For the thousandth time, I'll invite a Trumpster to list one (1) issue on which I have changed my position.

No takers so far. Go ahead.
You didn't used to try to make extremists. You actively TRIED to bridge the gap and not feed the bullshit red vs blue. Truth was more important...

There was plenty of shit we agree on, still do... But I'm not doing this alone. Fuck that. You do you. Sad that they jaded you this bad. I'll leave before it happens to me.
You guys celebrate how different unique Trump was and is, but when you're challenged, you pretend that reaction to him can't also be unusual.

The country has never seen something like this. My reaction is proportional to the magnitude of the times.

You're going to defend him no matter what -- the Fifth Avenue Rule -- and you're going to attack anyone who dares to criticize him. That's fine. But that doesn't mean I have changed. It just means you want to attack.
you trolls are the ones that want to attack,when you cant refute the massive evidence that vote fraud occured and evade the facts over and over,you all want to attack then. you prove you are liars who have no conscience of right and wrong.when challenged to refute the evidence,you all evade it and dont addrress it.

yeah this country has never seen anything like this because the dems have been inflitrated by terrorists who burn down buildings and cowardly attack trump supporters at night that are elderly and children, then run off and hide behind the corrupt police when men show up to defend them so yes you are right,the country has never seen anything like this from the corrupt dem party before. :uhoh3: you all evade that evidence when we show it to you. the great john kennedy is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party has become sense his time.,a fact you evade.:uhoh3:

you all cant come to grips with reality that there are thousands of dem supporters in america are fleeing the dem party left and right.:uhoh3:

I have proven too many times to remember how different and unique trump is,4 examples you trolls always evade that he is a refreshing change from the previous five corrupt administrations we had before him i have listed too many times to remember that just went ignored by you trolls everytime and evaded are ONE-unlike the past five corrupt administrations we have had before trump he did not start any wars with any countries,he is the first president sense carter to do that,TWO,he is different because he came out and told the truth that the lamestream media is fake news and lies all the time,that has gone on for decades now with the media, THREE -he is the first president to ever come out and have the balls and tell the truth that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit from them,a fact that our presidents should have said DECADES ago. FOUR,you keep evading facts that the warmonger republicans hate trump as much as the evil dems like obama and hitlery who the bushs and romneys are pals with is because unlike them,he is not a globalist warmonger.:uhoh3:

acknowledge those facts and put up or shut up about how evil and bad trump allegedly is and how he is so bad for the country.
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You aren't the man you were. Not even close.
For the thousandth time, I'll invite a Trumpster to list one (1) issue on which I have changed my position.

No takers so far. Go ahead.
You didn't used to try to make extremists. You actively TRIED to bridge the gap and not feed the bullshit red vs blue. Truth was more important...

There was plenty of shit we agree on, still do... But I'm not doing this alone. Fuck that. You do you. Sad that they jaded you this bad. I'll leave before it happens to me.
You guys celebrate how different unique Trump was and is, but when you're challenged, you pretend that reaction to him can't also be unusual.

The country has never seen something like this. My reaction is proportional to the magnitude of the times.

You're going to defend him no matter what -- the Fifth Avenue Rule -- and you're going to attack anyone who dares to criticize him. That's fine. But that doesn't mean I have changed. It just means you want to attack.
you trolls are the ones that want to attack,when you cant refute the massive evidence that vote fraud occured and evade the facts over and over,you all want to attack then. you prove you are liars who have no conscience of right and wrong.when challenged to refute the evidence,you all evade it and dont addrress it.

yeah this country has never seen anything like this because the dems have been inflitrated by terrorists who burn down buildings and cowardly attack trump supporters at night that are elderly and children, then run off and hide behind the corrupt police when men show up to defend them so yes you are right,the country has never seen anything like this from the corrupt dem party before. :uhoh3: you all evade that evidence when we show it to you.

you all cant come to grips with reality that there are thousands of dem supporters in america are fleeing the dem party left and right.:uhoh3:

I have proven too many times to remember how different and unique trump is,4 examples you trolls always evade that he is a refreshing change from the previous five corrupt administrations we had before him i have listed too many times to remember that just went ignored by you trolls everytime and evaded are ONE-unlike the past five corrupt administrations we have had before trump he did not start any wars with any countries,he is the first president sense carter to do that,TWO,he is different because he came out and told the truth that the lamestream media is fake news and lies all the time,that has gone on for decades now with the media, THREE -he is the first president to ever come out and have the balls and tell the truth that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit from them,a fact that our presidents should have said DECADES ago. FOUR,you keep evading facts that the warmonger republicans hate trump as much as the evil dems like obama and hitlery who the bushs and romneys are pals with is because unlike them,he is not a globalist warmonger.:uhoh3:

acknowledge those facts and put up or shit up about how evil and bad trump allegedly is and how he is so bad for the country.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
And the conservities/Republican who buy into this crap will simultainiously bleat about how they love freedom are are the guardians of the Constitution

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
You seem to be the only one who gives this group who ever they are any publicity.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
And the conservities/Republican who buy into this crap will simultainiously bleat about how they love freedom are are the guardians of the Constitution
Are you Antifa? I mean you are obviously left... Maybe a democrat? Are you Antifa?

Retarded. Tribal. Monkeys.

I suggest you call them by name... Not suggest they are Conservative/Republicans. Because you would have to be a true fuck'n idiot to believe that's mainstream in either.

Just like Antifa and the left.
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It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.

There are threads on here talking about military action to put Trump back in office. They eve go so far as to claim Biden (and others) will be tried by a military tribunal, found guilty and executed by firing squad.
If you people allowed free speech online, you'd have known that even the likes of Alex Jones was outing Qanon as a psy op as early as December. Alex had one of them on the show and he tore him apart.
It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.

There are threads on here talking about military action to put Trump back in office. They eve go so far as to claim Biden (and others) will be tried by a military tribunal, found guilty and executed by firing squad.
Anecdotal evidence.

No, it was a direct response to a post. Someone said "It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon". I pointed out that there are threads on this very forum that claim it (and other wacko conspiracy theories) to be true.
It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.

There are threads on here talking about military action to put Trump back in office. They eve go so far as to claim Biden (and others) will be tried by a military tribunal, found guilty and executed by firing squad.
If you people allowed free speech online, you'd have known that even the likes of Alex Jones was outing Qanon as a psy op as early as December. Alex had one of them on the show and he tore him apart.

Who here has stopped anyone from either agreeing with or condemning these conspiracy theories?

Apparently the conservatives or republicans who believe that there will be a coup, military tribunals, and that Trump will be back in office on March 4th did not see that episode of Alex Jones. Or they do not believe that evidence.

Personally, I consider them the same as flat-earthers.
You guys celebrate how different unique Trump was and is, but when you're challenged, you pretend that reaction to him can't also be unusual.
You guys? Identity politics? Really? From you?

You're going to defend him no matter what -- the Fifth Avenue Rule --
That's already been proven false. Identity politics again. That's not what you were about. Remember? You haven't changed? After arguing FOR me through identity politics?

and you're going to attack anyone who dares to criticize him. That's fine. But that doesn't mean I have changed. It just means you want to attack.
It means you no longer use good faith. You already know what I'm going to do regardless of the evidence.
Identity politics?

Okay, never mind. I should know better than to bother.

Have a great day.
Hey... Read what you wrote. Read your own fucking sig from a couple years ago.

1. >>> It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".
2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/non-partisan/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter:
3. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing
4. >>> From Maddow to Hannity: How the Division Pimps operate and win
5. >>> My views on RACE:
6. >>> American Radicalization:
Do you speak English?

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....

QAnon is the Democrat Party’s Boogie Man.

Most Republicans have no idea who QAnon is and really couldn’t care less. Non establishment Republicans like Trump because he fights for them unlike previous presidents and he tries his best to keep his campaign promises also unlike previous presidents.

Trump can also deliver a long speech and not put everybody asleep while Sleepy Joe can’t even deliver a State of the Union Address.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
And the conservities/Republican who buy into this crap will simultainiously bleat about how they love freedom are are the guardians of the Constitution
Are you Antifa? I mean you are obviously left... Maybe a democrat? Are you Antifa?

Retarded. Tribal. Monkeys.

I suggest you call them by name... Not suggest they are Conservative/Republicans. Because you would have to be a true fuck'n idiot to believe that's mainstream in either.

Just like Antifa and the left.

That is a broken record after the Fat Man that used to be in the WH kept blaming them for everything. The mob that invaded the Capitol were carrying the Fat Man's flags and wearing the Fat Man's hats. No ANTIA. Right there is another QAnon claim. The GOPQ cannot survive without the lies of QAnon.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
Isn't this old news? Your obsession with QAnon is exactly what makes you an idiot. You know more than the Conservatives here about it.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
How do you guys sleep with Trump, Qanon, and the Boogaloo Boys all swimming around in your brains at night?

I like Trump slightly less than I like Biden, couldn't vote for either of them, but this is a good question...

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