QAnon devotees expect a military coup returning fat man to the WH

It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.
Same here. I never hear of any republicans mentioning qanon. Just democrats. Who are they trying to convince?
Too late to walk away. Q is now part of the GOPQ....they have taken the Fat Man's lies and run with them.
Why? Because you say so?
Q is your God....get used to it...
It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.
Same here. I never hear of any republicans mentioning qanon. Just democrats. Who are they trying to convince?
Too late to walk away. Q is now part of the GOPQ....they have taken the Fat Man's lies and run with them.
Why? Because you say so?
Here you go! The GOPQ in action!

It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.
Same here. I never hear of any republicans mentioning qanon. Just democrats. Who are they trying to convince?
Too late to walk away. Q is now part of the GOPQ....they have taken the Fat Man's lies and run with them.
Why? Because you say so?

CPAC chose the Q speaker that the Fat Man pardoned...from the link above.

King, who served two years in prison over an auto-theft ring and was pardoned by Trump in 2020, once stormed out of an interview after being confronted over her support for QAnon. A positive mention of QAnon from the CPAC stage marks another inroad into the GOP for the conspiracy theory, which has been linked to murders and other crimes. A number of QAnon believers took leading roles in the U.S. Capitol riot, breaking into the building and menacing police officers.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
Do you think that this so "QAnon" speaks for anyone that supported Trump?

Mac... You're a fuck'n idiot for upvoting this. You know exactly what you are doing. This guy may not.
Yes, Qanon speaks for many who support Trump, to varying degrees. The number or percentage? I don't know, but I am sure it is significant enough to take note of it.

Neither your agreement nor your approval is required for that opinion.
You aren't the man you were. Not even close.

TDS has severe side effects.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
How do you guys sleep with Trump, Qanon, and the Boogaloo Boys all swimming around in your brains at night?

How do you sleep with BLM and Antifa swimming around in your brains at night?

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
How do you guys sleep with Trump, Qanon, and the Boogaloo Boys all swimming around in your brains at night?

How do you sleep with BLM and Antifa swimming around in your brains at night?
Well, it helps them to sleep after they get off on a 8x10 of the Fat Man. It relaxes them....
TDS bullshit idiocy thread number 31,786. You love being a laughingstock don’t you? The ONLY people here mentioning this Q are you leftards.
TDS bullshit idiocy thread number 31,786. You love being a laughingstock don’t you? The ONLY people here mentioning this Q are you leftards.

Q is the new fear control weapon Nancy and friends told the media to spread to the leftists. As always it's working like a charm.
How do you sleep with BLM and Antifa swimming around in your brains at night?
I bet it's the same way QAnon lives in others. And those that know better don't say near enough. We're the majority... And yet... Some of turned their back on that. I don't know why.
It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.
The left are using it as a weapon, so they can't let it go. They must keep it fresh in everyone's mind. If they themselves didn't talk about it, Q would fade into obscurity, and the left can't have that.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
How do you guys sleep with Trump, Qanon, and the Boogaloo Boys all swimming around in your brains at night?

How do you sleep with BLM and Antifa swimming around in your brains at night?
He better make room for all the illegals Biden has unleashed. Democrats are destroying this country.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
Do you think that this so "QAnon" speaks for anyone that supported Trump?

Mac... You're a fuck'n idiot for upvoting this. You know exactly what you are doing. This guy may not.
Yes, Qanon speaks for many who support Trump, to varying degrees. The number or percentage? I don't know, but I am sure it is significant enough to take note of it.

Neither your agreement nor your approval is required for that opinion.
No, the left have manifested Q into this wide spread right wing thing, when the truth is, not many actually even keep up with Q. He'll, the phrase "QAnon", i think the left fabricated that, what even is QAnon? Is it a fusion of Q and Anonymous?

There has only ever been Q, the "anon" part was added, in guess by leftists as a way to make it look even more spooky.

And your last statement tells us all we need to know. You don't care about the truth,

Neither your agreement nor your approval is required for that opinion.

This tells me that you have already made up your mind, regardless of what the truth is. The truth is that only a fringe element of people follow Q, but that doesn't further your agenda, so you parrot the MSM version that "many trump followers are Q nutbags".
It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.
Same here. I never hear of any republicans mentioning qanon. Just democrats. Who are they trying to convince?
Too late to walk away. Q is now part of the GOPQ....they have taken the Fat Man's lies and run with them.
Lol, "we must keep the pressure on, we can't let our weapon be forgotten, so we must keep mentioning it. The more we bring it up, the more people will believe it"
It's only the Left I hear talking about Qanon.
I'm on Gab and I never hear about it. Ever.
Same here. I never hear of any republicans mentioning qanon. Just democrats. Who are they trying to convince?
Too late to walk away. Q is now part of the GOPQ....they have taken the Fat Man's lies and run with them.
Why? Because you say so?
Q is your God....get used to it...
...says the person who apparently has Q on the mind 24/7. Apparently the left is more interested in Q than the fringe right, since you are the ones who can't let it go.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....
And the conservities/Republican who buy into this crap will simultainiously bleat about how they love freedom are are the guardians of the Constitution
Are you Antifa? I mean you are obviously left... Maybe a democrat? Are you Antifa?

Retarded. Tribal. Monkeys.

I suggest you call them by name... Not suggest they are Conservative/Republicans. Because you would have to be a true fuck'n idiot to believe that's mainstream in either.

Just like Antifa and the left.
I am aniti fascist but not Antifa who I believe are somewhat over the top in terms of their confrontatioan and sometimes violent tactics
As far as Republicans go, what exactly is mainstream now. Most Republicans believe that the election was stolen so therefore conspiracy thinking is in fact mainstream . The Republican Party has in fact been hijacted by the QAnon cult. Deal with it. If you want to save the Republican Party you will disavow that crap and get back to basics
Another day, another moonbat starts a deranged Q thread.

Dude is living in your belfries rent free.

The GOPQ is taking their talking points from QAnon. They worship the fat man who lies like he breathes....

They better stock up on butt hurt cream.

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