Qanon shaman...likely to get a new trial considering the government withheld video evidence from the defense....

So if a couple of peaceful civil disobedience types get swept up, so much the better right?

11 years for laying in front of the door?

It didn't stop the certification.

Political hackery, defended by a political hack. You and Faun should circle jerk each other.
No one is getting 11 years for laying in front of a door. Stop using false emotional arguments.

They did stop the certification. Just because it started again later in the day, doesn't mean it didn't stop. Congress had to evacuate the building. That was the result of the rioters breaking into the Capitol. That's exactly what 18 USC 1512(c)(2) indicates is illegal. Notice, they don't even use the word "stop" in the statute. It says this:
otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so

Obstructing, influence or impeding is a great description of people storming the Capitol.

Conservatives love talking about following the letter of the law, except when it applies to themselves. You're demanding special treatment for conservatives.
No one is getting 11 years for laying in front of a door. Stop using false emotional arguments.

They did stop the certification. Just because it started again later in the day, doesn't mean it didn't stop. Congress had to evacuate the building. That was the result of the rioters breaking into the Capitol. That's exactly what 18 USC 1512(c)(2) indicates is illegal. Notice, they don't even use the word "stop" in the statute. It says this:
otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so

Obstructing, influence or impeding is a great description of people storming the Capitol.

Conservatives love talking about following the letter of the law, except when it applies to themselves. You're demanding special treatment for conservatives.

Someone just got 4 years for walking around a hallway, so it's not emotional, it's referred.

They delayed it, not stopped it.

They never got into the chamber to stop anything.

The letter of this law is intentionally vague, just like the FACE act about clinic access.
Someone just got 4 years for walking around a hallway, so it's not emotional, it's referred.

They delayed it, not stopped it.

They never got into the chamber to stop anything.

The letter of this law is intentionally vague, just like the FACE act about clinic access.
Delay is synonymous for impede which is consistent with the law he was prosecuted under.

He didn't just walk around a hallway, he entered the building illegally with a mob of people causing the Congress to be evacuated while they were in the process of certifying the vote. Moreover, that was his purpose. He wasn't just there to see the Capitol. He was there to try to stop Congress for certifying the election.

There's nothing vague about this law unless you're a complete fucking moron.

Storming the Capitol would impede Congress. There's nothing vague about that.

The FACE act says you can't obstruct people from getting into a clinic for reproductive services. What the hell is ambiguous about that? You think the law was too ambiguous that a bunch of fringe Christians can't figure out that they're violating the law by laying down in front of the doors of an abortion clinic?

Pathetic, Marty. You just get weaker and weaker.
Planning an inciting something that could never actually happen.


You lose yet again as that is not actually a required element of that law.

Someone just got 4 years for walking around a hallway, so it's not emotional, it's referred.

They delayed it, not stopped it.

They never got into the chamber to stop anything.

The letter of this law is intentionally vague, just like the FACE act about clinic access.

3½ years is getting off easy given he was facing 20 years.
Delay is synonymous for impede which is consistent with the law he was prosecuted under.

He didn't just walk around a hallway, he entered the building illegally with a mob of people causing the Congress to be evacuated while they were in the process of certifying the vote. Moreover, that was his purpose. He wasn't just there to see the Capitol. He was there to try to stop Congress for certifying the election.

There's nothing vague about this law unless you're a complete fucking moron.

Storming the Capitol would impede Congress. There's nothing vague about that.

The FACE act says you can't obstruct people from getting into a clinic for reproductive services. What the hell is ambiguous about that? You think the law was too ambiguous that a bunch of fringe Christians can't figure out that they're violating the law by laying down in front of the doors of an abortion clinic?

Pathetic, Marty. You just get weaker and weaker.

Same tired extrapolation from a protest that went bad to the WORST EVENT IN US HISTORY EVAH!!!!!
Same tired extrapolation from a protest that went bad to the WORST EVENT IN US HISTORY EVAH!!!!!
Yet another strawman.

The riot at the Capitol was a unique event, specifically how it was tied so immediately to the sitting president. It's a big deal even if you don't want to acknowledge it.

For fucks sake, when was the last time we had casualties during the certification of electoral votes?
Yet another strawman.

The riot at the Capitol was a unique event, specifically how it was tied so immediately to the sitting president. It's a big deal even if you don't want to acknowledge it.

For fucks sake, when was the last time we had casualties during the certification of electoral votes?

The only direct casualty was an unarmed protester being shot by a cop.
I hope the mother fucker sues the shit out of the feds and gets rich.

Same for anyone else who has been sitting in a political prison since then, who didn't do shit wrong.
The only direct casualty was an unarmed protester being shot by a cop.
You’re leaving a few details out Marty.

When was the last time we needed the national guard to certify the election?

You can’t ignore the context of the riot and how we for there. It wasn’t spontaneous.
You’re leaving a few details out Marty.

When was the last time we needed the national guard to certify the election?

You can’t ignore the context of the riot and how we for there. It wasn’t spontaneous.

That's the fault of the police who should have had far more officers available once they knew a protest was going to be in DC.
he should have gotten a slap on the wrist like those two idiot NYC lawyers who actually firebombed an NYPD Police van.

Imbecile, he ends up serving 30 months. He was facing 20 years on this one charge alone. Decades more on the charges they dropped. That is a slap on the wrist.
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That's the fault of the police who should have had far more officers available once they knew a protest was going to be in DC.
Police aren’t needed for a protest.

Police are needed for a riot.

Did you know there was going to be a riot?

By the way, this position is too pathetic to fit all the criticism in one post. I could go on about this response for a lot longer than this.
Imbecile, he ends up serving 30 months. He was facing 30 years on this one charge alone. Decades more on the charges they dropped. That is a slap on the wrist.

Just shows how made up the whole thing is, they wanted a show trial, they got a show plea bargain.

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