Qatar should be a model for America: We Need Democratic Control of the Alcohol Industry, my friends! Regulate it, tax it, why not eventually outlaw it

Do you have a reliable source for that claim?
And how many people died from drinking moonshine/ bath tub gin?

I gave a link to that in post #28 above.

It is a stat for a specific disease, regardless of whether it was contracted by legal or illegal booze.
There are places in the United states where alcohol sales are illegal ... so-called "dry counties" ... move there and see if you like it ... Salt Lake City is beautiful this time of year ...

Boozing is a personal choice ... just because you can't handle your liquor doesn't mean I have to start toddling tea ... let's be succinct: I'm not getting laid without alcohol in her belly ... see? ... women aren't sub-human where I live, Qatar's customs don't work ... I have to pay money to feed her and get her drunk ... or I'm in the barn with my favorite ewe ...

Sooooooooo ... access to booze prevents animal cruelty ...
I fully support Qatar’s ban on alcohol in stadiums. It’s time for the Western, allegedly “Christian world,” to face it’s disgraceful alcoholism.

That's the dumbest idea ever posted in this forum.
You don't take the medicine away before the ailment is cured. People drink because of their various 'ailments' .
I don’t buy the idea that these products have a legitimate non-prescription medicinal use.

I have several “ailments” for which I take a variety of prescribed medications. Among those illnesses are two (seizures and glaucoma) which could be treated with “medical marijuana”. I choose to use the more chemically-based treatments for those illnesses. Many people would use alcohol, tobacco or other drugs to treat my low level PTSD/Depression issues. I choose other, less disabling options.
This Dumbass writing this thread forgets America went through Prohibition and all it did was make Mobsters Rich because the people still wanted a drink and then had to obtain the drink through a speak easy and bootlegging.

BTW, Moohamad was a Heroin Dealer, a Caravan Thief, a Homosexual, and Pedophile, Not a Prophet.
This Dumbass writing this thread forgets America went through Prohibition and all it did was make Mobsters Rich because the people still wanted a drink and then had to obtain the drink through a speak easy and bootlegging
Those people should have been dragged out into the streets and shot. Their assets should have been seized as well.
Why don't you move to Qatar so they can throw you off of a tall building or cut your head off for hairy man ass loving?
Qatar is a brutal country, and people have little to no choices, and no freedom.

Jackass Troll.

You've never been to Qatar either. You're confused. You know there's many different countries in the Middle East. ISIS was born in Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004. Could you be any more stupid?
This Dumbass writing this thread forgets America went through Prohibition and all it did was make Mobsters Rich because the people still wanted a drink and then had to obtain the drink through a speak easy and bootlegging.

BTW, Moohamad was a Heroin Dealer, a Caravan Thief, a Homosexual, and Pedophile, Not a Prophet.

The amount of drinking in America really did decline during the Prohibition Era. The law increased the price enough that a lot of people cut down on their boozing or cut it out altogether.

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