Quadraplegic Illegal Returned To Mexico Against His Will


Apr 20, 2010
[/QUOTFor almost four months, doctors and nurses at Advocate Christ Medical Center cared for the young Mexican laborer who had fallen from a roof and lost the ability to speak, breathe or move most parts of his body.

But Quelino Ojeda Jimenez was in the U.S. illegally, and just before Christmas he was taken from the Oak Lawn hospital, loaded on an air ambulance and flown to Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican state where he was born.

His abrupt departure, which Ojeda says was undertaken without his consent, outraged a group of Mexicans living in Chicago who had rallied to his aid, tending to him in the hospital and encouraging him not to give up.

Florinda Marcial, one of his frequent caregivers, said she pleaded with authorities to stop as Ojeda was rolled away on a gurney, dressed in a hospital gown, crying. Authorities at the Mexican Consulate in Chicago also said they tried to intervene.

"They threw him out like he was a piece of garbage," said Horacio Esparza, a disability rights advocate who runs the Progress Center for Independent Living in Forest Park.

Now, the 20-year-old man is in a Mexican hospital that is so resource-poor that it is reusing filters for the breathing machine needed to keep him alive. After an investigation completed late last week, Advocate Health Care — the largest hospital network in Illinois — acknowledged it never obtained Ojeda's permission to transfer him to Mexico.

Undocumented quadriplegic returned to Mexico from Chicago area - chicagotribune.com

Please read the linked article if you have time; I think the tone of it is worth discussing.

My reaction is, this should not have happened. The man was almost certainly working without legally-required safety equipment and the subcontractor who hired him should not have found it so easy to evade its workers' compensation obligations.

But it did happen. If the injured man has any legal remedies here, by all means I hope he pursues them. However, he was not here legally, his condition was stable and he was moved in a medically safe fashion. I think returning him to Mexico was not only permissible, it was obligatory.

What say you? Should a serious injury in the US result in some sort of ad hoc green card for the patient?

The illegal should be shipped back, the idiot who hired him should be prosecuted and fined into oblivion.
I'm sure all the medical care he got was at the expense of the american taxpayer and totaled thousands upon thousands. This country took good care of his medical needs - it did the human thing - but - he came here illegally so he belongs back in the country of his birth. Case closed.
BTW - it's high time those countries got their act together and did something for THEIR people - if not, then MAKE them practice birth control!!!! It's time they stopped looking to the north for their EVERY need! The fact that they have done NOT ONE thing to fix their broken system is unforgivable especially with all the BILLIONS the USA has GIVEN them. The american people have had enough.
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The linked article mentioned a law review article that evidentially takes the position that sending such a person back to his country is illegal. I'll see if I can track it down.

Amazes me, the lengths many go to to justify the extension of rights and benefits belonging to American citizens to illegal aliens. The article in the Chicago Tribune acknowledges that the uninsured American would not be getting more than emergency care....so why exactly, should a criminal from Mexico?

I also loved all the hand wringing over the fact that the Mexican hospital the man is in now has to reuse filters. Let's ask how many American parents of paralyzed kids whether they do as well, shall we? Not everyone can afford Cadillac health care -- not every American, nor every human on Planet Earth.

A very sad case indeed.

What say you? Should a serious injury in the US result in some sort of ad hoc green card for the patient?


That should not preclude receipt of workers compensation for injury on the job, not should the employer not be held liable if there were unsafe working conditions or if proper safety equipment were not available and required for use. Nor should it preclude an investigation into the hiring practices of the employer as to why they where employing an Illegal Alien in violation of the law and possible criminal charges in that regard.

The man is an Illegal Alien, he was and should have been returned to the country where he holds citizenship. Now I may disagree slightly with the hospital doing it directly and not through the authority of ICE.

The fact that he said being returned to his own country "against his will" meens nothing and is an emotional tear-tugging. I would hazard a guess that most Illegal Aliens are returned to their home country "against their will".

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This one I will agree with you let him stay.

That said this is the problem with illegals being hired onto construction sites. They don't get health coverage or workers comp rights! So when the get hurt they are SOL. If this illegal did it the RIGHT way and came here legally, then he would be covered by insurance and would have received full workers compensation and would have no fears of being deported! The Legal Way is the BETTER WAY!

[/QUOTFor almost four months, doctors and nurses at Advocate Christ Medical Center cared for the young Mexican laborer who had fallen from a roof and lost the ability to speak, breathe or move most parts of his body.

But Quelino Ojeda Jimenez was in the U.S. illegally, and just before Christmas he was taken from the Oak Lawn hospital, loaded on an air ambulance and flown to Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican state where he was born.

His abrupt departure, which Ojeda says was undertaken without his consent, outraged a group of Mexicans living in Chicago who had rallied to his aid, tending to him in the hospital and encouraging him not to give up.

Florinda Marcial, one of his frequent caregivers, said she pleaded with authorities to stop as Ojeda was rolled away on a gurney, dressed in a hospital gown, crying. Authorities at the Mexican Consulate in Chicago also said they tried to intervene.

"They threw him out like he was a piece of garbage," said Horacio Esparza, a disability rights advocate who runs the Progress Center for Independent Living in Forest Park.

Now, the 20-year-old man is in a Mexican hospital that is so resource-poor that it is reusing filters for the breathing machine needed to keep him alive. After an investigation completed late last week, Advocate Health Care — the largest hospital network in Illinois — acknowledged it never obtained Ojeda's permission to transfer him to Mexico.

Undocumented quadriplegic returned to Mexico from Chicago area - chicagotribune.com

Please read the linked article if you have time; I think the tone of it is worth discussing.

My reaction is, this should not have happened. The man was almost certainly working without legally-required safety equipment and the subcontractor who hired him should not have found it so easy to evade its workers' compensation obligations.

But it did happen. If the injured man has any legal remedies here, by all means I hope he pursues them. However, he was not here legally, his condition was stable and he was moved in a medically safe fashion. I think returning him to Mexico was not only permissible, it was obligatory.

What say you? Should a serious injury in the US result in some sort of ad hoc green card for the patient?

Originally posted by Ghook93
The Legal Way is the BETTER WAY!

The "better way" for those who want to die in Mexico City at the age of 110 still waiting for their green card. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Angelhair
BTW - it's high time those countries got their act together and did something for THEIR people -

It's high time the US did something to turn the shithole countries under its control (Iraq and Afghanistan) into decent places to live.

THEN AND ONLY THEN the country will have any MORAL AUTHORITY to demand economic development from its neighbors.

[/QUOTFor almost four months, doctors and nurses at Advocate Christ Medical Center cared for the young Mexican laborer who had fallen from a roof and lost the ability to speak, breathe or move most parts of his body.

But Quelino Ojeda Jimenez was in the U.S. illegally, and just before Christmas he was taken from the Oak Lawn hospital, loaded on an air ambulance and flown to Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican state where he was born.

His abrupt departure, which Ojeda says was undertaken without his consent, outraged a group of Mexicans living in Chicago who had rallied to his aid, tending to him in the hospital and encouraging him not to give up.

Florinda Marcial, one of his frequent caregivers, said she pleaded with authorities to stop as Ojeda was rolled away on a gurney, dressed in a hospital gown, crying. Authorities at the Mexican Consulate in Chicago also said they tried to intervene.

"They threw him out like he was a piece of garbage," said Horacio Esparza, a disability rights advocate who runs the Progress Center for Independent Living in Forest Park.

Now, the 20-year-old man is in a Mexican hospital that is so resource-poor that it is reusing filters for the breathing machine needed to keep him alive. After an investigation completed late last week, Advocate Health Care — the largest hospital network in Illinois — acknowledged it never obtained Ojeda's permission to transfer him to Mexico.

Undocumented quadriplegic returned to Mexico from Chicago area - chicagotribune.com

Please read the linked article if you have time; I think the tone of it is worth discussing.

My reaction is, this should not have happened. The man was almost certainly working without legally-required safety equipment and the subcontractor who hired him should not have found it so easy to evade its workers' compensation obligations.

But it did happen. If the injured man has any legal remedies here, by all means I hope he pursues them. However, he was not here legally, his condition was stable and he was moved in a medically safe fashion. I think returning him to Mexico was not only permissible, it was obligatory.

What say you? Should a serious injury in the US result in some sort of ad hoc green card for the patient?

One more good reason not to allow illegals to work within the borders of the continental United States.
I was working in a nursing home once where one of our patients was an illegal. This guy was convicted of a brutal rape and murder of a girl in Mexico. He ran to the US, where he was picked up and was waiting in the jail to be shipped back to Mexico to serve his life sentence.

He twisted his sheet around his neck and tried to strangle himself by tying one end to his bunk and twisting.

Well he didn't die officially, but he killed his brain. Unfortunately, he continued to breathe on his own.

So we got him. He weighed about 200 lbs, fed through a stomach tube, wore diapers, had to be turned and changed (and he was like a board)...and that was going to go on forever. They wouldn't extradite him like that, so he became our problem.

What a scum bag.
José;3294597 said:
Originally posted by Ghook93
The Legal Way is the BETTER WAY!

The "better way" for those who want to die in Mexico City at the age of 110 still waiting for their green card. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

we don't owe anyone a green card do we? or American citizenship? Wanting ain't always gettin.
Originally posted by WillowTree
we don't owe anyone a green card do we? or American citizenship? Wanting ain't always gettin.

Couldn't have said it better myself... As a sovereign nation, America is totally free to put a 100 year freeze on any kind of immigration if the american people deems this measure to be appropriate.

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