Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe After Death


Silver Member
Oct 23, 2015
So much for heaven and hell. "This account of quantum consciousness explains things like near-death experiences, astral projection, out of body experiences, and even reincarnation without needing to appeal to religious ideology. The energy of your consciousness potentially gets recycled back into a different body at some point, and in the mean time it exists outside of the physical body on some other level of reality, and possibly in another universe."

Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe After Death
Where does consciousness go after the universe it's in collapses, or otherwise terminates?

...This account of quantum consciousness explains things like near-death experiences...
imho it missed the mark. The big problem is whether we're talking about what's fact and what do we know, or are we just spitting out lot's of neat words to back up what we've already decided.

Let's go for what is.
  1. The old quantum thot experiment Schrodinger did w/ his cat shows that we already experience multiple universes in this life.
  2. Each of our eyes can give us a view of what's ahead in two dimensions, both together show 3 dimensions, but it's our brain that shows us possibilities that exist in other dimensions beyond what we see.
  3. The fact that not everyone sees the possibilities does not mean they don't exist, and once we actually are in one of the possible universes it's a lot easier to reach a consensus that the possibility did in fact exist. .
  4. Our bodies exist in our simple shared space/time, and our souls (AKA ids, minds, beings) spend most of the time outside our simple shared space/time.
  5. We can observe how souls existed before most of our body did, and we can see that our body disintegrates w/o the mind. While we can't find clear evidence of the mind/soul's existance w/o the body in some form, this does not prove that it does not exist and continues in some other form.
Are we all still together here?
So much for heaven and hell. "This account of quantum consciousness explains things like near-death experiences, astral projection, out of body experiences, and even reincarnation without needing to appeal to religious ideology. The energy of your consciousness potentially gets recycled back into a different body at some point, and in the mean time it exists outside of the physical body on some other level of reality, and possibly in another universe."

Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe After Death
Tinseltown Tinfoil

Have you sold that script to Hollywood yet? Quantum theory has no rational justification. It is Popcorn Science.
QT is just a theory, and does't prove anything. Not even itself. ... :cool:
Wolfgang Science

It is authoritarian irrationalism. Like Warmalarmists, the Quantum Quacks tolerate no dissent. John Nash (A Beautiful Mind) was advised against investigating it. It was such fixed science that it would bring his career to a dead end. Disciples were only allowed to come up with even sillier elaborations on it, such as string theory.

Postclassical Physics originated in Germany. One of its chief perpetrators, Heisenberg, became a Nazi. Naturally, the dishonest snakes in Postmodern Physics are in denial about that having anything to do with his science.

In German universities, students were never allowed to think for themselves. Then, when finally getting a PhD after a decade of goosestepping, they were allowed to but they didn't know how to. Anything that popped into their damaged brains was considered to be genius. Straitjacketed minds come up with wild theories when finally allowed to think freely.
  1. The old quantum thot experiment Schrodinger did w/ his cat shows that we already experience multiple universes in this life.
No it doesn't ..... :cool:
Thank you so much for your scientific insght!!!!

For everyone else, this is what we're talking about:

Schrö·ding·er's cat
ˌSHrōdiNGərz ˈkat,ˌSHrā-/
  1. a cat imagined as being enclosed in a box with a radioactive source and a poison that will be released when the source (unpredictably) emits radiation, the cat being considered (according to quantum mechanics) to be simultaneously both dead and alive until the box is opened and the cat observed.
    "the talk promises to demystify all the secrets of quantum physics, including Schrödinger's cat, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and parallel universes"
  1. a cat imagined as being enclosed in a box with a radioactive source and a poison that will be released when the source (unpredictably) emits radiation, the cat being considered (according to quantum mechanics) to be simultaneously both dead and alive until the box is opened and the cat observed.
    "the talk promises to demystify all the secrets of quantum physics, including Schrödinger's cat, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and parallel universes"
  1. Which has zero to do with your bogus claim of experiencing multiple universes. .... :cool:
  1. The old quantum thot experiment Schrodinger did w/ his cat shows that we already experience multiple universes in this life.
No it doesn't ..... :cool:
So what happened dirtbag, were you trying to make a bomb and it blew your fucking beard off? :lmao:
Some how I don't thing Sunni Man's working with us on this.
It's cuz I read where Sunni the Fake Mooslim can't grow a beard. :lol:
Consciousness resides, according to Stuart and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, in the microtubules of the brain cells, which are the primary sites of quantum processing.

Each of our eyes can give us a view of what's ahead in two dimensions, both together show 3 dimensions, but it's our brain that shows us possibilities that exist in other dimensions beyond what we see.


there they go again, it's like Flora does not even exist, Garden Earth - Flora has no CNS (central nervous system) that's when they claim Flora has no consciousness, end of conversation ... endless repetition of illiterate humanity.

if ever the sciences are able to detach themselves from our consciousness being a function of the Brain - CNS they might have at least a chance to discover the actual dimension consciousness and the genome of Life actually reside. the free Spirit.

Flora is our friend, stop kicking them around as though they do not even exist. the same for all Living beings.

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