Quebec: Vaccine-free must be 'Accompanied at all times' by store escort upon entering walmart, costco to use pharmacy

I've been sayin' it for 20 damn years.....Were it not for surly Quebecers we would have annexed America's Hat long ago. ;)
Pft. Please. One could browse through the board and find postings consistent with endorsing that very thing.
Who cares what the posters of an Internet message board say. We are nobody. Find me a Democrat politician
saying anything of the sort. I'll wait. :)
Ever hear the phrase "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

Well, funny thing about that, nobody ever asks who precisely decides the needs?

I imagine the goings-on there in the op should suffice quite nicely in resolving that question. Why, it's the omniscient, benevolent government, of course.

Of course, just to reiterate, there's the instances where the omniscient, benevolent government's authoritarian decrees seem to outweigh the wants of the Individuals, much less his or her 'needs.''

"...sometimes they need a little push to get their vaccines," Dr. Karl Weiss, Chief of Infectious Diseases at Jewish General Hospital, told the CBC, endorsing the scheme....

So basically its coercion at the barrel of a government gun but gosh darnit, it's for your own good.

lol. These people are nuts....
Well heck. If nothing else, it's certainly a very revealing example of all of that so-called 'liberal democracy' that seems to be all the rave these days.

The policy requires vaccine-free Individuals to be followed around while buying groceries or medicines "to make sure they do not go and buy other products or other items that might be in the store.''

A vaccine-free Individual must be "accompanied at all times during his or her travels by an employee of the business, the pharmacy or any other person mandated by them for this purpose," the decree reads.

"Some people are scared, some people are reluctant for other reasons, so sometimes they need a little push to get their vaccines," Dr. Karl Weiss, Chief of Infectious Diseases at Jewish General Hospital, told the CBC, endorsing the scheme....

Wouldn't it be a lot better to just not allow them in the stores?

Even if I were vaxed I think that if I'm going to only there to pick up the essentials I'd tell them I'm unvaxed.



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