Queensland’s floods have cost grain farmers an estimated $400 million

Since this is "science," I want to know how long before the floods stop.

Or is this where "faith" kicks in?
I see. They happen every year at the rate that they have been happening in the last two or three years?

Yes they do. Sometimes there are more and sometimes there are less. This is nothing new and to try and gin up support for the alarmism is just dumb.
Grains edge up due to drought in Argentina; oil soars above $90 a barrel | StarTribune.com

NEW YORK - Grain prices rose Wednesday as investors worried that a drought in Argentina might damage soybeans and corn growing in that country.

Argentina is the world's second-largest exporter of corn and the third-largest exporter of soybeans. The country has had dry weather for the past seven weeks. If that keeps up, it could reduce the size of the country's harvest.

"The fear is the pattern is going to continue," said Tim Hannagan, senior grain analyst for brokerage PFG Best in Chicago. "They don't see rain coming."
If "science" can tell us why it started, why can't it tell is when it will stop?
Drought stricken-Uruguay praises Argentina?s ?formidable gesture? — MercoPress

We want to make a public acknowledgement to the Argentine government for this formidable gesture, for which it had no obligation”, said Mujica during his daily radio program “The president speaks”.

“Argentina is ready to supply us with thousands of tons of grains and food for cattle suffering the consequences of the drought”, said Mujica.

To facilitate the dispatch of grains and fodder for thousands of head of cattle, the government of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner “will be making a fiscal sacrifice, which is a great solidarity gesture” explained the Uruguayan president in direct reference to the controversial Argentine export taxes that will not be applied to sales to Uruguay
Scientists can stop floods in Australia?

No scientists can do that...maybe a few hundred years from now, but not yet. :eek: Crazy weather becomes more possibe and happens more often as you put energy into the weather system of the earth.

Untrue, the warmer the climate becomes the LESS unstable the weather becomes. Take a look at the weather of the equator someday.
Grains edge up due to drought in Argentina; oil soars above $90 a barrel | StarTribune.com

NEW YORK - Grain prices rose Wednesday as investors worried that a drought in Argentina might damage soybeans and corn growing in that country.

Argentina is the world's second-largest exporter of corn and the third-largest exporter of soybeans. The country has had dry weather for the past seven weeks. If that keeps up, it could reduce the size of the country's harvest.

"The fear is the pattern is going to continue," said Tim Hannagan, senior grain analyst for brokerage PFG Best in Chicago. "They don't see rain coming."

damn...Prices going up very soon. Of great concern to anyone that dont have much money to go around. If things keep up at this rate then the word economy could crash and burn. How hard can we be kicked before our friends start wondering wtf is going on?
Grains edge up due to drought in Argentina; oil soars above $90 a barrel | StarTribune.com

NEW YORK - Grain prices rose Wednesday as investors worried that a drought in Argentina might damage soybeans and corn growing in that country.

Argentina is the world's second-largest exporter of corn and the third-largest exporter of soybeans. The country has had dry weather for the past seven weeks. If that keeps up, it could reduce the size of the country's harvest.

"The fear is the pattern is going to continue," said Tim Hannagan, senior grain analyst for brokerage PFG Best in Chicago. "They don't see rain coming."

Fear, fear, fear. Notice a pattern? Commodities traders just love disasters and war and pestilence it gives them an excuse to play with the numbers. I knew one SOB who bought milk from the Chernobyl region after the meltdown. He sent the milk to Kenya figuring they couldn't figure out what they were buying. Well in point of fact they could and the only thing that happened was he had to pay a bigger bribe to the officials and send it to the hinterlands to infect the people the boys in charge didn't like.
Grains edge up due to drought in Argentina; oil soars above $90 a barrel | StarTribune.com

NEW YORK - Grain prices rose Wednesday as investors worried that a drought in Argentina might damage soybeans and corn growing in that country.

Argentina is the world's second-largest exporter of corn and the third-largest exporter of soybeans. The country has had dry weather for the past seven weeks. If that keeps up, it could reduce the size of the country's harvest.

"The fear is the pattern is going to continue," said Tim Hannagan, senior grain analyst for brokerage PFG Best in Chicago. "They don't see rain coming."

damn...Prices going up very soon. Of great concern to anyone that dont have much money to go around. If things keep up at this rate then the word economy could crash and burn. How hard can we be kicked before our friends start wondering wtf is going on?

If your "solutions" take hundreds of years, what does it matter?
Isn't it neat that the "scientists" who say the fix is hundreds of years away won't be around then, to be called liars if and when it doesn't happen?
Scientists can stop floods in Australia?

No scientists can do that...maybe a few hundred years from now, but not yet. :eek: Crazy weather becomes more possibe and happens more often as you put energy into the weather system of the earth.

Untrue, the warmer the climate becomes the LESS unstable the weather becomes. Take a look at the weather of the equator someday.

warm air=much more moisture and heavier rains. The tropics gets extreme heavy rains. A warmer earth would be a one of swamps and heavy down pours.:tongue: Just picture 85-200 mya and 400-600 mya.
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Grains edge up due to drought in Argentina; oil soars above $90 a barrel | StarTribune.com

NEW YORK - Grain prices rose Wednesday as investors worried that a drought in Argentina might damage soybeans and corn growing in that country.

Argentina is the world's second-largest exporter of corn and the third-largest exporter of soybeans. The country has had dry weather for the past seven weeks. If that keeps up, it could reduce the size of the country's harvest.

"The fear is the pattern is going to continue," said Tim Hannagan, senior grain analyst for brokerage PFG Best in Chicago. "They don't see rain coming."

damn...Prices going up very soon. Of great concern to anyone that dont have much money to go around. If things keep up at this rate then the word economy could crash and burn. How hard can we be kicked before our friends start wondering wtf is going on?

If your "solutions" take hundreds of years, what does it matter?

I dont care if we do anything...We watch and see and if the skeptics are right then we made the right choice...I be dead...Your grand children if the warmers are right are screwed.
Earth Snapshot • Drought Continues to Afflict Amazon, Brazil

In a one-year period the Amazon region has gone through the biggest flood and now the worst drought. Scientists have expressed surprise, saying that they were expecting these extremes would only happen every 50 years.

This FAPAR image focuses on the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. Here, the vegetation index is highest to the west (rusty red), and good to the east (green), with some areas of low photosynthetic activity (yellow).

The fact that these extreme events are so close may indicate changes in the climate, not only here in Amazonas region of Brazil visible here, but also in the south of Brazil, since the Amazon influences the rains there as well. Deforestation, therefore, affects this entire system.
These flood have been occurring since the first week of December.

Australia PM urges help for 'unprecedented' floods - Yahoo! News

SYDNEY (AFP) – Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday warned "unprecedented" flooding would worsen after entire towns were cut off and soldiers airlifted hundreds of people from northeastern towns.

Drenching rains unleashed by a tropical cyclone have left vast tracts of the state of Queensland under water, with 1,000 evacuations and 38 regions declared natural disaster areas.

Gillard launched a public appeal for relief funds, pledging one million dollars (one million US) of government money to help those hit by the "particularly devastating" deluge.

"Some communities are seeing floodwaters higher than they've seen in decades, and for some communities floodwaters have never reached these levels before (in) the time that we have been recording floods," Gillard told reporters.

"For many communities we haven't even seen the peak of the floodwaters yet, that's a number of days away."
These flood have been occurring since the first week of December.

Australia PM urges help for 'unprecedented' floods - Yahoo! News

SYDNEY (AFP) – Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday warned "unprecedented" flooding would worsen after entire towns were cut off and soldiers airlifted hundreds of people from northeastern towns.

Drenching rains unleashed by a tropical cyclone have left vast tracts of the state of Queensland under water, with 1,000 evacuations and 38 regions declared natural disaster areas.

Gillard launched a public appeal for relief funds, pledging one million dollars (one million US) of government money to help those hit by the "particularly devastating" deluge.

"Some communities are seeing floodwaters higher than they've seen in decades, and for some communities floodwaters have never reached these levels before (in) the time that we have been recording floods," Gillard told reporters.

"For many communities we haven't even seen the peak of the floodwaters yet, that's a number of days away."

When entire nations see floods that happen maybe once every 10, 20, 50 years over and over again that my friends is a increase. Does the entire food chain need to break down before someone on the other side says this is bad?:(
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Grains edge up due to drought in Argentina; oil soars above $90 a barrel | StarTribune.com

NEW YORK - Grain prices rose Wednesday as investors worried that a drought in Argentina might damage soybeans and corn growing in that country.

Argentina is the world's second-largest exporter of corn and the third-largest exporter of soybeans. The country has had dry weather for the past seven weeks. If that keeps up, it could reduce the size of the country's harvest.

"The fear is the pattern is going to continue," said Tim Hannagan, senior grain analyst for brokerage PFG Best in Chicago. "They don't see rain coming."

damn...Prices going up very soon. Of great concern to anyone that dont have much money to go around. If things keep up at this rate then the word economy could crash and burn. How hard can we be kicked before our friends start wondering wtf is going on?

Matthew take a look at the grain prices in the 1920's. They were orders of magnitude greater than today. The fear mongers rely on the fact that people have no memory and for the most part don't read history. If you should bother to do so, you will find that everything that is happening now has happened many, many times in the past and often far worse.
No scientists can do that...maybe a few hundred years from now, but not yet. :eek: Crazy weather becomes more possibe and happens more often as you put energy into the weather system of the earth.

Untrue, the warmer the climate becomes the LESS unstable the weather becomes. Take a look at the weather of the equator someday.

warm air=much more moisture and heavier rains. The tropics gets extreme heavy rains. A warmer earth would be a one of swamps and heavy down pours.:tongue: Just picture 85-200 mya and 400-600 mya.

Wrong again boyo. The equator has a continuous low pressure gradient due to the warm air. The air rises and comes back down to Earth at around the 30 degree lattitude both north and south. Those areas are known as the Horse latitudes and the trade winds generated flow towards the equator where they die out in the doldrums. Calm light winds is the norm with lots of gentle rain showers all day long all over the place. If you're sailing through the area it sucks but if you're cruising having a good time it is simply wonderful.

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