Queer Officially Running for President

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I don't care if the guy runs or not, his platform is more important than his sexual preferences.

My question is, will the LBGQT community consider other candidates and mostly vote for him, like the black community did when Obama ran. Even though Hillary Clinton ran, it doesn't seem like women voters flocked to her like the black community did for Obama.

Just curious on how it plays out.
The black community is 95% Democrat....you expected them to vote Republican? :71:

They used to be! The Democrats lost them with their pandering to feminists, abortionists, Muslims, and illegal aliens!

One things that most blacks do not tolerate well is gays of any color. Try getting a church-going middle-aged black or older woman to vote for Buttgieg! It is not happening!
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.

Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."

Um, what rock do you live under...or do you live in Alabama?

Poll: Approval of same-sex marriage in U.S. reaches new high

Why would you insult an entire state? Wow.

I insulted them by stating a fact about a state? (Alabama, according to SE Cupp, is the only state that does not have majority support for gay marriage)
I don't care if the guy runs or not, his platform is more important than his sexual preferences.

My question is, will the LBGQT community consider other candidates and mostly vote for him, like the black community did when Obama ran. Even though Hillary Clinton ran, it doesn't seem like women voters flocked to her like the black community did for Obama.

Just curious on how it plays out.
The black community is 95% Democrat....you expected them to vote Republican? :71:

They used to be! The Democrats lost them with their pandering to feminists, abortionists, Muslims, and illegal aliens!

One things that most blacks do not tolerate well is gays of any color. Try getting a church-going middle-aged black or older woman to vote for Buttgieg! It is not happening!

You know most blacks do you?

They got a lesbian elected mayor in Chicago. They also, by a majority, support gay marriage. So, no, you don't know most blacks.

A majority of black people (52 percent), Hispanics (61 percent) and white people (63 percent) back same-sex marriage. The majority of people in all but six states support it. And even in those six states — Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia — only in Alabama are opponents an outright majority.
You said earlier, "most of us are not grossed out by gay people nor do we think they are perverts."

That's fine. Many, many people--maybe a majority--are very happy to let gay people live their lives in absolute peace. Buy homes, have jobs, travel, do whatever. Live their American dream. But there is a big difference between tolerance, acceptance, and celebration and a very lot of us knew that it wasn't tolerance you DEMANDED, nor even acceptance, but celebration.

And no.

I'm going to guarantee you do not CELEBRATE nor, probably, even accept my evangelical Christian beliefs or lifestyle. Nor do you have to, nor do I expect you to. I do expect to live my life in peace. I do expect to be tolerated, in peace. That is exactly what YOU should expect from us regarding homosexuality, without calling us bigots, haters or other vile names.

Otherwise, THIS Christian does not cower, and will use the very same names on you for not CELEBRATING my evangelical Christian beliefs. You do not accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you find that wrong or offensive? Well you're a bigoted hater.

There's your little green apples for today

Well, SweetSue, you would be wrong. Until about 6.5 years ago I was Mr Evangelical Christian, one could not have been more involved with their church(s) than I was without being a paid employee. and some of them were not even.

For more than 3 decades I was a practicing evangelical Christian, I was the lay leader of my Boot camp platoon, I was awarded the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal by the Air Force for my work with the Chapels on Kadena AFB, I was the leader of a club called AWANA in Japan and two states, my wife and I stared the children's church at our last church where I was the outreach director and she was over the hospitality committee. My whole extended family on both sides are evangelicals, I am still friends with a few from my old church, but most shunned us when we left, they did not take it well.

My views on religion have changed since those days, I do not like what the Church in America has become, so I am no longer a part of it.

And you are wrong about me and Jesus as well, but then again I suspect you have a broken view of Jesus also.

What does this have one whit to do with what I said?

And what on earth does your "busy body Christian behavior" have to do with being a Christian? I see you were very BUSY. So?

You said that I did not accept your views as an evangelical , I showed you how wrong you were.

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You gave me a long list of chores you did for the church.

That's about it

First you denied he was a Christian, and then you belittled both his faith and his contributions to his church. Not very Christian of you, but certainly what I've come to expect from those who espouse their fundamentalist views on this forum.

I'm not sorry I don't play games. I will repeat that: I'm not sorry I don't play games. He meant to impress me by listing all the things he did for the church. He did impress me, that's for sure. I acknowledged that. He certainly worked very, very hard, and he berated me many times for being a pew-sitter, when he knows virtually nothing about my faith life--a fact you seemed to have missed. Of course because you love his politics, it's okay for him to belittle my faith and my church life. That's how this works.

In his list of church activities, he missed a lot. That's what I'm trying to get to here. But of course, in your self-righteousness, you had to horn in and point out and I'm not very Christian. Yeah yeah. That's how YOUR game works. It's not how I play
This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.
This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

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This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

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Sure I did. You are on this thread calling people vile names, one, sometimes for lambasting gays, sometimes simply for standing up for heterosexual marriage--which is really the only kind of marriage there is. Now, if you believe that there is such a thing as gay marriage, you better know I question your salvation. Do I think we should bully and abuse people who are gay or gay married? Nope. But do I think God approves of such things? Absolutely not. And if YOU think so, then yep, I'm not saying you don't "believe in Jesus". But I'm saying your Christianity is very, very far afield.

And if you grew up evangelical, you probably know I am right, deep down, to question such things.

Buttigieg is probably the biggest political talent Democrats can field these days. He has a good story to tell, and he tells it exceedingly well. Harvard, Rhodes Scholar, finished Oxford at the top of his class, with talent and smarts off the scale. With that resume, you have to swat away head hunters and decline job offers us lesser lights can only dream of.

Now, given all that, what did Buttigieg do? He chose to work for McKinsey, that ultra-neo-liberal hyena in service of corporate vultures and odious, cleptocratic autocrats around the world, enabling them to become even more ravenous predators.

Now, that would be an angle to pursue in order to squeeze liberals. But then, all you retarded goofs have on offer is putrid fantasies about butt plug and claims as to who is the most self-righteous of believers.

This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

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Sure I did. You are on this thread calling people vile names, one, sometimes for lambasting gays, sometimes simply for standing up for heterosexual marriage--which is really the only kind of marriage there is. Now, if you believe that there is such a thing as gay marriage, you better know I question your salvation. Do I think we should bully and abuse people who are gay or gay married? Nope. But do I think God approves of such things? Absolutely not. And if YOU think so, then yep, I'm not saying you don't "believe in Jesus". But I'm saying your Christianity is very, very far afield.

And if you grew up evangelical, you probably know I am right, deep down, to question such things.

Gay people are called some pretty vile things in this thread and you have no problem with that, more of that double standard.

We do not base our laws on what God approves, we are not a theocracy. As such when discussing the civil contract that is marriage, what God thinks is irrelevant. God does not approve of remarriage after divorce except for unfaithfulness and then only by the one that was cheated on. Should disallow such marriages in our country?

God does not approve of greed, should we outlaw such things in this country?

The thing you might have noticed about Jesus when you read your Bible, He is not big on forcing people to act a certain way, He is a big fan of free will. Yet His followers are not so much into that.

I support heterosexual marriage, been in one for 26 years. I also work with a lady that is married to another lady and yet never once felt my marriage is threatened. They are a loving happy couple who just want the same rights as the rest of us. Why would you deny them this?

Marriage to the government is just a civil contract, there is nothing religious about it. Which is the way it should be

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There are a lot of threads about the Dem party being gone in the future, but this sort of thing shows if any party ceases to exist, it will be the Repubs.

The vast majority of the country does not give a fuck whom fucks whom, most of us are not grossed out by gay people nor do we think they are perverts. But it seems that a majority the Repubs are proud homophobes. So, either they will die off as most of them are likely 50 or older, or they will lose more and more people that just do not give a rats ass about such things.
Stupid people don't care about perverse freaks. They are the same.

The vast, vast majority of the country does not care about gay people, only fucking bigots like you and your fellow Trumpians. But please, keep being vocal with your hate
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
I saw worse at my gym,, guy had tight shorts on stretching and had his colon hole pointing out and a sexual manner... for a good 10 mins... absolutely no respect.
You saw what??:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: What the fuck ?
Stupid people don't care about perverse freaks. They are the same.

The vast, vast majority of the country does not care about gay people, only fucking bigots like you and your fellow Trumpians. But please, keep being vocal with your hate
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
I saw worse at my gym,, guy had tight shorts on stretching and had his colon hole pointing out and a sexual manner... for a good 10 mins... absolutely no respect.
You saw what??:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: What the fuck ?
The real question is why was this guy staring at someone's "colon hole" for ten long minutes...

That'a a LONG time
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

There are a lot of threads about the Dem party being gone in the future, but this sort of thing shows if any party ceases to exist, it will be the Repubs.

The vast majority of the country does not give a fuck whom fucks whom, most of us are not grossed out by gay people nor do we think they are perverts. But it seems that a majority the Repubs are proud homophobes. So, either they will die off as most of them are likely 50 or older, or they will lose more and more people that just do not give a rats ass about such things.
Stupid people don't care about perverse freaks. They are the same.

The vast, vast majority of the country does not care about gay people, only fucking bigots like you and your fellow Trumpians. But please, keep being vocal with your hate
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
When I was worked in prison I saw a convict sucking off his buddy in the library, filled with convicts. Most troubling disciplinary report I ever had to write. "I observed offender Wilson place his mouth on offender Smith's penis and begin to move his mouth up and down making a slurping sound in a very progressive manner."
There are a lot of threads about the Dem party being gone in the future, but this sort of thing shows if any party ceases to exist, it will be the Repubs.

The vast majority of the country does not give a fuck whom fucks whom, most of us are not grossed out by gay people nor do we think they are perverts. But it seems that a majority the Repubs are proud homophobes. So, either they will die off as most of them are likely 50 or older, or they will lose more and more people that just do not give a rats ass about such things.
Stupid people don't care about perverse freaks. They are the same.

The vast, vast majority of the country does not care about gay people, only fucking bigots like you and your fellow Trumpians. But please, keep being vocal with your hate
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
When I was worked in prison I saw a convict sucking off his buddy in the library, filled with convicts. Most troubling disciplinary report I ever had to write. "I observed offender Wilson place his mouth on offender Smith's penis and begin to move his mouth up and down making a slurping sound in a very progressive manner."

It's truly amazing that you were able to write such a detailed report. You must have watched for a while..
Lol, no. Daddy little boy and litigious bully.

He failed to make money with a casino for goD's sake.

Yep! Neither did anyone else!
Your response makes no sense.

I suppose I should be used to that by now.

No one else made money on casinos, dumbass!

You really are dumber than a doorknob!

Everyone else makes money on casinos!!!!


You apparently are not familiar with the history of the Atlantic city casinos, dumbass!
"Can't make money on a casino" ranks right up there with "can't get laid in a whorehouse".
Stupid people don't care about perverse freaks. They are the same.

The vast, vast majority of the country does not care about gay people, only fucking bigots like you and your fellow Trumpians. But please, keep being vocal with your hate
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
When I was worked in prison I saw a convict sucking off his buddy in the library, filled with convicts. Most troubling disciplinary report I ever had to write. "I observed offender Wilson place his mouth on offender Smith's penis and begin to move his mouth up and down making a slurping sound in a very progressive manner."

It's truly amazing that you were able to write such a detailed report. You must have watched for a while..
Ha ha, classic libtard remark. You were prolly the bitch caught having sex with a con the next week.
This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Sure I did. You are on this thread calling people vile names, one, sometimes for lambasting gays, sometimes simply for standing up for heterosexual marriage--which is really the only kind of marriage there is. Now, if you believe that there is such a thing as gay marriage, you better know I question your salvation. Do I think we should bully and abuse people who are gay or gay married? Nope. But do I think God approves of such things? Absolutely not. And if YOU think so, then yep, I'm not saying you don't "believe in Jesus". But I'm saying your Christianity is very, very far afield.

And if you grew up evangelical, you probably know I am right, deep down, to question such things.

Yeah, and some people thought you couldn't be a good Christian if you let blacks marry whites. They were wrong too...
The vast, vast majority of the country does not care about gay people, only fucking bigots like you and your fellow Trumpians. But please, keep being vocal with your hate
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
When I was worked in prison I saw a convict sucking off his buddy in the library, filled with convicts. Most troubling disciplinary report I ever had to write. "I observed offender Wilson place his mouth on offender Smith's penis and begin to move his mouth up and down making a slurping sound in a very progressive manner."

It's truly amazing that you were able to write such a detailed report. You must have watched for a while..
Ha ha, classic libtard remark. You were prolly the bitch caught having sex with a con the next week.
Sorry cupcake...unlike you I've never been in prison.
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
When I was worked in prison I saw a convict sucking off his buddy in the library, filled with convicts. Most troubling disciplinary report I ever had to write. "I observed offender Wilson place his mouth on offender Smith's penis and begin to move his mouth up and down making a slurping sound in a very progressive manner."

It's truly amazing that you were able to write such a detailed report. You must have watched for a while..
Ha ha, classic libtard remark. You were prolly the bitch caught having sex with a con the next week.
Sorry cupcake...unlike you I've never been in prison.
I worked in prison skank. We caught many low life women having convict sausage. Just like you.
There are a lot of threads about the Dem party being gone in the future, but this sort of thing shows if any party ceases to exist, it will be the Repubs.

The vast majority of the country does not give a fuck whom fucks whom, most of us are not grossed out by gay people nor do we think they are perverts. But it seems that a majority the Repubs are proud homophobes. So, either they will die off as most of them are likely 50 or older, or they will lose more and more people that just do not give a rats ass about such things.
Stupid people don't care about perverse freaks. They are the same.

The vast, vast majority of the country does not care about gay people, only fucking bigots like you and your fellow Trumpians. But please, keep being vocal with your hate
We do care for them,, we are trying to tell them to stop sucking dick in public or bad things will happen
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
When I was worked in prison I saw a convict sucking off his buddy in the library, filled with convicts. Most troubling disciplinary report I ever had to write. "I observed offender Wilson place his mouth on offender Smith's penis and begin to move his mouth up and down making a slurping sound in a very progressive manner."
I'm not sure that prison counts as "in public"
When was the last time you saw someone getting his dick sucked in public.....by anyone?
When I was worked in prison I saw a convict sucking off his buddy in the library, filled with convicts. Most troubling disciplinary report I ever had to write. "I observed offender Wilson place his mouth on offender Smith's penis and begin to move his mouth up and down making a slurping sound in a very progressive manner."

It's truly amazing that you were able to write such a detailed report. You must have watched for a while..
Ha ha, classic libtard remark. You were prolly the bitch caught having sex with a con the next week.
Sorry cupcake...unlike you I've never been in prison.
I worked in prison skank. We caught many low life women having convict sausage. Just like you.

Nice cover story :lol:
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