Queer Officially Running for President

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You said that I did not accept your views as an evangelical , I showed you how wrong you were.

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You gave me a long list of chores you did for the church.

That's about it

They were not chores, they are service to God, that you cannot understand that speaks volumes about you.

It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.

'It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.'

reminds me of a lyric from 'eve of destruction'

'... hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace...'

In your average church about 10% of the people do all the work, most come for the sermon and leave.

Whatever makes you think I hate my next door neighbor? You Church Ladies are so good at judgment.

I didn't say you did, learn to follow a thread.
I don't care if the guy runs or not, his platform is more important than his sexual preferences.

My question is, will the LBGQT community consider other candidates and mostly vote for him, like the black community did when Obama ran. Even though Hillary Clinton ran, it doesn't seem like women voters flocked to her like the black community did for Obama.

Just curious on how it plays out.
The black community is 95% Democrat....you expected them to vote Republican? :71:

80% of the black community still believes in Christ, masculine virtue and thinks homos are disgusting yet they vote for the anti-christian, man-hating, sodomy loving democrats.

Go figure.

Catch up...


Ooh, a poll. Like the ones that predicted a Clinton landslide?

Even when you factor in the unreliable nature of polls, blacks still rank significantly lower approval of gay marriage than anyone else.
What poll predicted a landslide? Post it for us.
Something dimocrap scum, as well as many Patriots, forget --

WE didn't make Buttplug's sexuality an issue.....

He did.

I can think of NOTHING more boorish than someone making his or her sex life a talking point.

Even when it's a hetero guy or girl. And, oh yes, it DOES happen. A lot. Really a lot.

Those people are no more and no less of a bore than Mr Buttplug.

obama was/is gay or, at the very least, Bi. Anybody that doesn't realize that just needs to sit down and shut up. Stories of him and Rahmbo trolling the bath houses of Chicago are still floating in the air in that town.

Buttplug and dimocrap filth are the ones trying make his sexuality an issue.

Just shut the fuck up already.

But they won't. The Party of Perpetual Outrage always needs its victims front and center
So gay people aren't supposed to talk about it., They must remain hidden in the dark...in the closet.

I wish the fuck you racists & bigoted fucks would hide in the dark where you people belong.

Back in the day, people didn't publicly discuss their sexual preferences. If you want to do golden showers, or brown showers, or the even the ultimate in alternative sexuality, be a homo, you only discussed it on a "need to know" basis. A lot of people feel that involuntary discussions of alternative sexuality really encroach on their space and they are offended. Most reasonable homosexuals know that .
Well, I actually agree that ones sexuality or gender identity need not be disclosed or discussed. It should be largely a private matter. HOWEVER,...…...

You and I both know that if mayor Pete did not disclose his sexual orientation upfront, you fucking bigots would have surely made an issue of it just like you are doing now, only it would have been worse because you would have accused him of being dishonest.

Secondly, discussing or introducing ones spouse using the gender specific term such as "husband " is his right just like it is your right to introduce your wife.

Lastly, if reading or hearing in that media is encroach on their space and they are thus offended, they need to get the fuck over it and get some serious psychological help now. It would appear that to you "reasonable homosexuals " are those in the closet.
But strangely they did not save you, did they? All those chores, all those "services to God"

You don't buy it. You don't believe it. All that work for nothing.

You realize that's often the way it works I hope. Tragically

One is not saved by works, did your church not cover that yet?

We are saved by the Grace of God, our works are done to honor Him, not to win His approval.

You might think about going a bit more often, you seem very confused by what the bible has to say.

That is my point, actually. You listed all your work. I did not. YOU did. And when you want to point a barb at me....you tell me I should go to church more often.

More works. Sadly, this is YOUR paradigm, not mine. And just so you know, we are already regular attenders, but that proves nothing. What makes me evangelical is NOT "what I do" for God.
You gave me a long list of chores you did for the church.

That's about it

They were not chores, they are service to God, that you cannot understand that speaks volumes about you.

It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.

'It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.'

reminds me of a lyric from 'eve of destruction'

'... hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace...'

In your average church about 10% of the people do all the work, most come for the sermon and leave.

Whatever makes you think I hate my next door neighbor? You Church Ladies are so good at judgment.

I didn't say you did, learn to follow a thread.

Fair enough, maybe that wasn't meant for me
You said that I did not accept your views as an evangelical , I showed you how wrong you were.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You gave me a long list of chores you did for the church.

That's about it

They were not chores, they are service to God, that you cannot understand that speaks volumes about you.

It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.

'It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.'

reminds me of a lyric from 'eve of destruction'

'... hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace...'

In your average church about 10% of the people do all the work, most come for the sermon and leave.

Whatever makes you think I hate my next door neighbor? You Church Ladies are so good at judgment.

lol! are you kidding me? wow wow wow....you just spent the last few posts judging...
by the way here's the word of the day:

noun: metaphor; plural noun: metaphors
  1. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
    synonyms: figure of speech, figurative expression, image, trope, allegory, parable, analogy, comparison, symbol, emblem, word painting, word picture;
    • a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract.
      "the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it a metaphor for an industry that was teetering"
That is my point, actually. You listed all your work. I did not. YOU did. And when you want to point a barb at me....you tell me I should go to church more often.

More works. Sadly, this is YOUR paradigm, not mine. And just so you know, we are already regular attenders, but that proves nothing. What makes me evangelical is NOT "what I do" for God.

you are confused by what your bible says, so yes you should maybe go more or find a church that preaches the bible, they are rare these days in this country.

What "you do for God' is what makes you a good and faithful servant. God has given us talents that He wants us to use to further His kingdom.

You seem to be the servant that hid his talent in the ground
They were not chores, they are service to God, that you cannot understand that speaks volumes about you.

It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.

'It seems you are just a pew sitter, come in, hear the sermon, eat some bead and drink some wine and then head home to be yourself for the other 166 hours. Maybe throw a couple bucks in the offering plate if you have some change in your purse.'

reminds me of a lyric from 'eve of destruction'

'... hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace...'

In your average church about 10% of the people do all the work, most come for the sermon and leave.

Whatever makes you think I hate my next door neighbor? You Church Ladies are so good at judgment.

I didn't say you did, learn to follow a thread.

Fair enough, maybe that wasn't meant for me

maybe, maybe not....
Don't vote for another member of a minority....our government is too PC to criticize minorities...and they get away with running a deep state....
I don't care if the guy runs or not, his platform is more important than his sexual preferences.

My question is, will the LBGQT community consider other candidates and mostly vote for him, like the black community did when Obama ran. Even though Hillary Clinton ran, it doesn't seem like women voters flocked to her like the black community did for Obama.

Just curious on how it plays out.
The black community is 95% Democrat....you expected them to vote Republican? :71:

80% of the black community still believes in Christ, masculine virtue and thinks homos are disgusting yet they vote for the anti-christian, man-hating, sodomy loving democrats.

Go figure.

And nothing. I was just making an observation about the unfortunate allegiance black americans have made with the democrat party. Despite it's racist history, despite it's modern day hostility towards traditional values. The left exploits racial grievances and blacks just eat it up. Sad.
That is my point, actually. You listed all your work. I did not. YOU did. And when you want to point a barb at me....you tell me I should go to church more often.

More works. Sadly, this is YOUR paradigm, not mine. And just so you know, we are already regular attenders, but that proves nothing. What makes me evangelical is NOT "what I do" for God.

you are confused by what your bible says, so yes you should maybe go more or find a church that preaches the bible, they are rare these days in this country.

What "you do for God' is what makes you a good and faithful servant. God has given us talents that He wants us to use to further His kingdom.

You seem to be the servant that hid his talent in the ground

This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it
You said earlier, "most of us are not grossed out by gay people nor do we think they are perverts."

That's fine. Many, many people--maybe a majority--are very happy to let gay people live their lives in absolute peace. Buy homes, have jobs, travel, do whatever. Live their American dream. But there is a big difference between tolerance, acceptance, and celebration and a very lot of us knew that it wasn't tolerance you DEMANDED, nor even acceptance, but celebration.

And no.

I'm going to guarantee you do not CELEBRATE nor, probably, even accept my evangelical Christian beliefs or lifestyle. Nor do you have to, nor do I expect you to. I do expect to live my life in peace. I do expect to be tolerated, in peace. That is exactly what YOU should expect from us regarding homosexuality, without calling us bigots, haters or other vile names.

Otherwise, THIS Christian does not cower, and will use the very same names on you for not CELEBRATING my evangelical Christian beliefs. You do not accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you find that wrong or offensive? Well you're a bigoted hater.

There's your little green apples for today

Well, SweetSue, you would be wrong. Until about 6.5 years ago I was Mr Evangelical Christian, one could not have been more involved with their church(s) than I was without being a paid employee. and some of them were not even.

For more than 3 decades I was a practicing evangelical Christian, I was the lay leader of my Boot camp platoon, I was awarded the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal by the Air Force for my work with the Chapels on Kadena AFB, I was the leader of a club called AWANA in Japan and two states, my wife and I stared the children's church at our last church where I was the outreach director and she was over the hospitality committee. My whole extended family on both sides are evangelicals, I am still friends with a few from my old church, but most shunned us when we left, they did not take it well.

My views on religion have changed since those days, I do not like what the Church in America has become, so I am no longer a part of it.

And you are wrong about me and Jesus as well, but then again I suspect you have a broken view of Jesus also.

What does this have one whit to do with what I said?

And what on earth does your "busy body Christian behavior" have to do with being a Christian? I see you were very BUSY. So?

You said that I did not accept your views as an evangelical , I showed you how wrong you were.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You gave me a long list of chores you did for the church.

That's about it

First you denied he was a Christian, and then you belittled both his faith and his contributions to his church. Not very Christian of you, but certainly what I've come to expect from those who espouse their fundamentalist views on this forum.
This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?
I am more concerned with his Communist, hate America views than him being Gay, but you have a point. I doubt he, or many other Gays would be able to exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country and not let their sexuality rule their thinking.

He'd have more of a shot if he were a female, Black, Lesbian. He only checks ONE Democrat box, and is a White male, so...…..
He's a communist who hates America? Seriously? You have to stop listening to Fox and Friends and Alex Jones.

Gays cant exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country? I guess Trump must be gay then.

Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.

Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."
You said earlier, "most of us are not grossed out by gay people nor do we think they are perverts."

That's fine. Many, many people--maybe a majority--are very happy to let gay people live their lives in absolute peace. Buy homes, have jobs, travel, do whatever. Live their American dream. But there is a big difference between tolerance, acceptance, and celebration and a very lot of us knew that it wasn't tolerance you DEMANDED, nor even acceptance, but celebration.

And no.

I'm going to guarantee you do not CELEBRATE nor, probably, even accept my evangelical Christian beliefs or lifestyle. Nor do you have to, nor do I expect you to. I do expect to live my life in peace. I do expect to be tolerated, in peace. That is exactly what YOU should expect from us regarding homosexuality, without calling us bigots, haters or other vile names.

Otherwise, THIS Christian does not cower, and will use the very same names on you for not CELEBRATING my evangelical Christian beliefs. You do not accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you find that wrong or offensive? Well you're a bigoted hater.

There's your little green apples for today

Well, SweetSue, you would be wrong. Until about 6.5 years ago I was Mr Evangelical Christian, one could not have been more involved with their church(s) than I was without being a paid employee. and some of them were not even.

For more than 3 decades I was a practicing evangelical Christian, I was the lay leader of my Boot camp platoon, I was awarded the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal by the Air Force for my work with the Chapels on Kadena AFB, I was the leader of a club called AWANA in Japan and two states, my wife and I stared the children's church at our last church where I was the outreach director and she was over the hospitality committee. My whole extended family on both sides are evangelicals, I am still friends with a few from my old church, but most shunned us when we left, they did not take it well.

My views on religion have changed since those days, I do not like what the Church in America has become, so I am no longer a part of it.

And you are wrong about me and Jesus as well, but then again I suspect you have a broken view of Jesus also.

What does this have one whit to do with what I said?

And what on earth does your "busy body Christian behavior" have to do with being a Christian? I see you were very BUSY. So?

You said that I did not accept your views as an evangelical , I showed you how wrong you were.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You gave me a long list of chores you did for the church.

That's about it

First you denied he was a Christian, and then you belittled both his faith and his contributions to his church. Not very Christian of you, but certainly what I've come to expect from those who espouse their fundamentalist views on this forum.

She is a pew sitter. Goes to church once or twice a week and then goes home and thinks they are a Christian. Churches are filled with them, they except everyone to do the things that need done while never offering to help, but bitching when things are not perfect.
Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."

Nope, the vast majority of Americans have no issue with gay people, only hate filled bigots like you.
God will protect the White House and America from these two disciples of Satan!

God would do no such thing.

God loves ALL his children equally regardless of color, sexual preference, nationality, political preference, or anything else.

The God you believe in does not exist.

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Just not true. We are all MADE in the image of God, that is true, and it is true whether we are black or white, gay or straight, or whatever. But we are not all children of God.

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.--Romans 8:4

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,--John 1:12

Two cherry picked out of context quotes from a book written by men proves nothing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Here's the deal bucko. You don't get to tell us what God thinks and then tell us not to TELL YOU WHAT GOD THINKS, from the Word of God.

Unless you are crazy?

Do YOU think you are God or something, or have a direct line to what God thinks?
Let's see. I was raised Catholic. Went to church every Sunday. I was an altar boy. I went to a catholic grammer school (8 years), a Catholic High school (4 years) I had 4 aunts and uncles who were nuns/priests. I have read the Bible cover to cover. I think I have a pretty good grasp of the Catholic faith.
Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."

Nope, the vast majority of Americans have no issue with gay people, only hate filled bigots like you.

You want a hate filled bigot, look in the mirror mister "anybody who disagrees with me is a Trump supporting racist, bigot, homophobe, etc.". You're a joke.
A very intelligent, very articulate, very thoughtful, very calm and very respectful man.

A delightful contrast, for as long as it lasts.
He stands about as much a chance of winning as cortez saying something smart
Joe is probally the best they have dont rule out clinton running at the last moment.
Harris or warren run next on the list and thats not saying much.
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