Queer Officially Running for President

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Can you imagine this homo talking to world leaders?? Lol omg no
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.

Let them keep going, it is good for people to show their true colors. They need to let their hate shine bright for all the world to see

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Just like gays keep attacking mike pence for his faith. Keep it up bigots
Pence's religion calls for discriminating against gays.

That ain't religion. That is using religion as an excuse to hate.
Really? When did mike pence call for discrimination?? He is the Vice President very powerful person you must have some evidence?? Maybe?

Pense believes it is OK for religious groups to ban homosexuals.

Pence believes Gays should nit marry. That is discrimination.
Can you imagine this homo talking to world leaders?? Lol omg no
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.
And gays aren’t bigoted?? Are you nuts ?? They should be labeled a hate group
So, wanting equality is being a bigot?

This is the excuse all you bigots & racist use. A minority fighting for equality is being bigoted against you fucking white supremacists.

I'll repeat: fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.
No place on earth do gays get treated better then America.. go away. Yes call anyone with a different opinion a bigot.. you sound real educated lol

You are for probably more Muslim and Latino immigrants , who kill hundreds of gays in their home country.. you hypocrites

It should be equal.
Can you imagine this homo talking to world leaders?? Lol omg no
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.
And gays aren’t bigoted?? Are you nuts ?? They should be labeled a hate group


Jitss617 (The Troll) thinks that all homosexuals should be labeled as a 'hate group'?
Talk about moronic.

One question? Are you over 21 (I am middle-aged, BTW)?

You talk like either a mentally-deficient, old fart or a stupid, racist kid.

Well..over 21 or not?
I’m 40 from the inner city of Boston and when I speak of race, gender issues it’s frok years of experience.. gays hate trump supporters. We can’t have a Chick-fil-A in Boston because of bigoted gays.
Because Chick-fil=A owners are bigots.

Most people don't want your ilk around.
Completely unqualified? What were your candidate's qualifications again?

Hating brown people doesn't count.
Successful businessman and capitalist tycoon.
Lol, no. Daddy little boy and litigious bully.

He failed to make money with a casino for goD's sake.

Yep! Neither did anyone else!
Your response makes no sense.

I suppose I should be used to that by now.

No one else made money on casinos, dumbass!

You really are dumber than a doorknob!
So you are saying Trump is stupid that he invested in a business where no one makes money.
The Democrats' first 100 days in power in the House:

Rampant anti-semitism

Supporting infanticide

Zero meaningful solutions & nothing but non-binding resolutions

Fought tooth & nail against border security

Failed to even propose a budget

And a $93T Socialist Green New Deal

First two+ years of Trump in office:

Broken Trump promises (just a few of them) - no Obamacare replacement, no infrastructure program, no deal with NK, no wall (and the wall he has had built is nothing but a fence), no trade deal with China, Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days

Trade and fiscal deficit are MUCH worse then when he took office.

BTW - see those red colored 'sentences'? They are called 'links' And they are linked to something called 'evidence'. I realize - you being a troll - that you do not believe in backing up your claims. But I just thought I would show you what 'backing up your words' looks like.
No need to thank me.

The DOW has been flat for over a year and the DOW for 2018 was down for the first year since the end of the GR.
.DJI: Dow Jones Industrial Average - Stock Quote and News - CNBC

Trump is facing huge concerns over his mental capacity
trump senility - Google Search

The Dems in the House are useless.

But Trump is demented and dangerous and is a lying, obese, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, whore marrying pile of uselessness.
Save you bias red color links for 2020 you will need them. Trump has done more in his first 6 months then Obama did in 8 years. No one disputes that

Perhaps more lying, more golfing, etc
A very intelligent, very articulate, very thoughtful, very calm and very respectful man.

A delightful contrast, for as long as it lasts.
He puts another guy’s penis in his anus. That’s a disqualification factor for this voter. I don’t want this man in charge of our nuclear arsenal.

right now we have a vile creature who put his dick into a porn star bareback then went home to his 3rd wife/baby mama who had just given birth to his 5th spawn - exposing himself, her, & their newborn son to all kinds of nasty kooties.... showing without a doubt he has no morals or critical thinking skills whatsoever.... & i certainly don't want that 'man' in charge of our nukes.
You sound jealous
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.

Let them keep going, it is good for people to show their true colors. They need to let their hate shine bright for all the world to see

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Just like gays keep attacking mike pence for his faith. Keep it up bigots
Pence's religion calls for discriminating against gays.

That ain't religion. That is using religion as an excuse to hate.
Really? When did mike pence call for discrimination?? He is the Vice President very powerful person you must have some evidence?? Maybe?

Pense believes it is OK for religious groups to ban homosexuals.

Pence believes Gays should nit marry. That is discrimination.
Lol he is responsible to put forth legalization.. where have you seen him say this?
Can you imagine this homo talking to world leaders?? Lol omg no
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.
And gays aren’t bigoted?? Are you nuts ?? They should be labeled a hate group
So, wanting equality is being a bigot?

This is the excuse all you bigots & racist use. A minority fighting for equality is being bigoted against you fucking white supremacists.

I'll repeat: fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.
No place on earth do gays get treated better then America.. go away. Yes call anyone with a different opinion a bigot.. you sound real educated lol

You are for probably more Muslim and Latino immigrants , who kill hundreds of gays in their home country.. you hypocrites

It should be equal.
Whos not equal under the law??
Can you imagine this homo talking to world leaders?? Lol omg no
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.
And gays aren’t bigoted?? Are you nuts ?? They should be labeled a hate group


Jitss617 (The Troll) thinks that all homosexuals should be labeled as a 'hate group'?
Talk about moronic.

One question? Are you over 21 (I am middle-aged, BTW)?

You talk like either a mentally-deficient, old fart or a stupid, racist kid.

Well..over 21 or not?
I’m 40 from the inner city of Boston and when I speak of race, gender issues it’s frok years of experience.. gays hate trump supporters. We can’t have a Chick-fil-A in Boston because of bigoted gays.
Because Chick-fil=A owners are bigots.

Most people don't want your ilk around.
More ad hominem...
The Democrats' first 100 days in power in the House:

Rampant anti-semitism

Supporting infanticide

Zero meaningful solutions & nothing but non-binding resolutions

Fought tooth & nail against border security

Failed to even propose a budget

And a $93T Socialist Green New Deal

First two+ years of Trump in office:

Broken Trump promises (just a few of them) - no Obamacare replacement, no infrastructure program, no deal with NK, no wall (and the wall he has had built is nothing but a fence), no trade deal with China, Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days

Trade and fiscal deficit are MUCH worse then when he took office.

BTW - see those red colored 'sentences'? They are called 'links' And they are linked to something called 'evidence'. I realize - you being a troll - that you do not believe in backing up your claims. But I just thought I would show you what 'backing up your words' looks like.
No need to thank me.

The DOW has been flat for over a year and the DOW for 2018 was down for the first year since the end of the GR.
.DJI: Dow Jones Industrial Average - Stock Quote and News - CNBC

Trump is facing huge concerns over his mental capacity
trump senility - Google Search

The Dems in the House are useless.

But Trump is demented and dangerous and is a lying, obese, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, whore marrying pile of uselessness.
Save you bias red color links for 2020 you will need them. Trump has done more in his first 6 months then Obama did in 8 years. No one disputes that

Perhaps more lying, more golfing, etc
Ask the African American communities.. they are moving towards him
Peter Buttplug is a hard left socialist in the manner of the Frankfurt Group. If anything he is hiding behind his perversion to keep people from examining his policies.
I'd like to know why all the conservatives who INSIST that conservatives do NOT hate gays NEVER respond to anti-gay comments by conservatives?


where are you?

tell this guy off......
hate the sin--not the sinner

or....mind your own business.....

The thing about hating the sin is it eventually ends up bad for the sinner....

If you truly believe that homosexuality is a "sin" wouldn't you vote do criminalize it?
It is deviant behavior.

hating decent people for no rational reason is deviant behavior
Sorry if I don’t want a President who fantasizes about being tea bagged by the President of France.

But I must chuckle considering all those CRCs who were teabaggers back in 2008.
Trump was the CEO of a major worldwide corporation that had to navigate complicated politics everywhere to get his stuff built.

Obama was a community organizer.
he accomplished all of that without taking another guy’s tool in his posterior. Democrats seem to think it’s a preferred qualification.
Definitely a homo-voyeur.
Fuck off you bigoted piece of shit.

Let them keep going, it is good for people to show their true colors. They need to let their hate shine bright for all the world to see

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Just like gays keep attacking mike pence for his faith. Keep it up bigots
Pence's religion calls for discriminating against gays.

That ain't religion. That is using religion as an excuse to hate.
Really? When did mike pence call for discrimination?? He is the Vice President very powerful person you must have some evidence?? Maybe?

Pense believes it is OK for religious groups to ban homosexuals.

Pence believes Gays should nit marry. That is discrimination.
Well, if CRCs aren't allowed to discriminate against gays and other religions, they are being persecuted.
I doubt he can be nominated because of the black vote in the South, but he may beat Harris in CA, and I think he's probably the best they have for the top of the ticket to contrast to Trump.
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