Question about drinking and minors

You have no evidence that Kavanaugh abused women or that he's a drunk, so you embody my prediction that idiots will continue to accuse him even after being cleared.

Well, when you have an actual investigation on it, let me know. Not, "Let's not talk to the victim, the perpatrator or dozens of people who came forward."

All of whom will be on the air for the next five weeks.
I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted,

College has changed since I went ...

You have no evidence that Kavanaugh abused women or that he's a drunk, so you embody my prediction that idiots will continue to accuse him even after being cleared.

Well, when you have an actual investigation on it, let me know. Not, "Let's not talk to the victim, the perpatrator or dozens of people who came forward."

All of whom will be on the air for the next five weeks.

You demanded it, you got it, now you don't want it. Easiest prediction ever.
It is very easy for a young male to keep their hands off. If they can't then there is something wrong g with them.
I hate to remind (mostly) lefties that sexual assault never results in pregnancy even though amateur statistitions want to blur the concept to make a political point. What is the legal definition of "sexual assault"? My guess is that a pat on the ass witnessed by big brother can throw a heterosexual (white) male off campus these days. Everyone's crazy uncle Joe Biden might be guilty of sexual assault when he patted Hillary on the ass during a campaign tour.
I hate to remind (mostly) lefties that sexual assault never results in pregnancy even though amateur statistitions want to blur the concept to make a political point. What is the legal definition of "sexual assault"? My guess is that a pat on the ass witnessed by big brother can throw a heterosexual (white) male off campus these days. Everyone's crazy uncle Joe Biden might be guilty of sexual assault when he patted Hillary on the ass during a campaign tour.
You sound like an idiot. I personally know someone that is the result of a rape. Why would you say something that stupid without researching the definition of sexual assault?
You demanded it, you got it, now you don't want it. Easiest prediction ever.

Well, we actually wanted an investigation, not a whitewash.

Nobody can conclude an effective investigation in less than a week without talking to any of the key witnesses.

Again, it;s like you guys didn't learn a thing from 1991.

Chuck Schumer didn't think it would need more than a week. We predicted that you would call any investigation that didn't produce the results you wanted flawed, and we were right.
Chuck Schumer didn't think it would need more than a week. We predicted that you would call any investigation that didn't produce the results you wanted flawed, and we were right.

Um, yeah, when you use a flawed methodology, um, yeah... and you took about three days and didn't talk to anyone who knew anything.

What rape survivers were mocked?

Trump mocked Dr. Ford. Look, I know you Trump ass-lickers all live in an altered reality where he doesn't do all the awful stuff he does.
Chuck Schumer didn't think it would need more than a week. We predicted that you would call any investigation that didn't produce the results you wanted flawed, and we were right.

Um, yeah, when you use a flawed methodology, um, yeah... and you took about three days and didn't talk to anyone who knew anything.

What rape survivers were mocked?

Trump mocked Dr. Ford. Look, I know you Trump ass-lickers all live in an altered reality where he doesn't do all the awful stuff he does.

Dr Ford isn't a rape surviver. She never said she was raped. You are making another prediction of mine come true, the one where I said idiots will call Kavanaugh a rapist no matter what the results of the investigation.
Sorry, but your use of an outright falsehood, and your inability to admit it requires me to ignore the rest of your pathetic attempt to salvage your "point"

Point was made. They tried to get the death penalty against hte black kid, until they found out they couldn't.

The white kid who shot a lot more people... well, being white has it's privileges.

How about your fess up you posted bullshit?

Sorry, I stated the facts of the cases. They tried to impose the DP on the black kid... until it was litigated. The white kid, the DP was taken off the table day one.

You said Kavanaugh nearly raped someone. In the real world, that didn't happen, so naturally you'll keep yammering that it did and want to talk about race, as if that has anything to do with Kavanaugh. So no, didn't relate.

It has a lot to do with Kavanaugh.

White kid attempts to rape a girl, well, boys will be boys, let's put him on Scotus.

Black kid tries the same thing, toss his ass in jail and give him a lifetime criminal record.

Wow, that's how you are excusing your blatant lying, by pretending to know what they thought?

You got a link to back that shit up?
Chuck Schumer didn't think it would need more than a week. We predicted that you would call any investigation that didn't produce the results you wanted flawed, and we were right.

Um, yeah, when you use a flawed methodology, um, yeah... and you took about three days and didn't talk to anyone who knew anything.

What rape survivers were mocked?

Trump mocked Dr. Ford. Look, I know you Trump ass-lickers all live in an altered reality where he doesn't do all the awful stuff he does.

Awful stuff??

Oh you mean a booming economy.

UE the lowest its been since 1969.

A level playing field with tariffs.

The UN and NATO having to pay their fair share??

That awful Stuff??

Hell I'll take that all day every day. Go back to your basement with your coloring books and crayons. LOL
Dr Ford isn't a rape surviver. She never said she was raped. You are making another prediction of mine come true, the one where I said idiots will call Kavanaugh a rapist no matter what the results of the investigation.

So you want to call him a "failed" rapist instead?

Wow, that's how you are excusing your blatant lying, by pretending to know what they thought?

I know exactly what they thought. They tried to get the DP against the black kid, until his lawyers got him off the hook. The white kid got the DP taken off the table day one.

Awful stuff??

Oh you mean a booming economy.

UE the lowest its been since 1969.

A level playing field with tariffs.

The UN and NATO having to pay their fair share??

Okay, if you think alienating our allies and sucking up to our enemies is cool, you go with that.

Trump had nothing to do with the good economy he inherited.
Dr Ford isn't a rape surviver. She never said she was raped. You are making another prediction of mine come true, the one where I said idiots will call Kavanaugh a rapist no matter what the results of the investigation.

So you want to call him a "failed" rapist instead?

Wow, that's how you are excusing your blatant lying, by pretending to know what they thought?

I know exactly what they thought. They tried to get the DP against the black kid, until his lawyers got him off the hook. The white kid got the DP taken off the table day one.

Awful stuff??

Oh you mean a booming economy.

UE the lowest its been since 1969.

A level playing field with tariffs.

The UN and NATO having to pay their fair share??

Okay, if you think alienating our allies and sucking up to our enemies is cool, you go with that.

Trump had nothing to do with the good economy he inherited.

And you have documentation proving that sequence of events?

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