Question About Ex-Californians

Poor Mexico.
So far from God....and so close to Texas.

You deadbeats out there couldn't even figure out how to drill holes in the ground. Texans had to do that for you.

In fact, based on the data below New Mexico’s rate of welfare receipt is 23% higher than the next highest state. Rarely do such massive differences exist when comparing the 50 states, let alone on a critical issue like welfare.
Okay, so it's no secret that Californians have been moving away from California in record numbers over the past several years. For the most part they have been moving to the red states of Texas and Florida,
Per capita, more move from Florida to California than the other way.

If someone in California wants sun and cheaper living, they go to Arizona. The hellholes of Florida and Texas aren't seen as attractive.
You deadbeats out there couldn't even figure out how to drill holes in the ground. Texans had to do that for you.

In fact, based on the data below New Mexico’s rate of welfare receipt is 23% higher than the next highest state. Rarely do such massive differences exist when comparing the 50 states, let alone on a critical issue like welfare.
Yeah, I will admit NM is a rather backwards state. We always seem to be #1 on just about every bad statistical list and near the bottom of every good one.
Still, we have our charms that you just can't find anyplace else.
And I'm only (sorta) kidding y'all about the Great Republic of Tejas.
The state has a good deal of scenic beauty.
How about we keep Austin and all the hill country....and maybe San Antone....and of course the piney wood country....I really like that.
And we can give all the rest back to it's rightful owner?
And we can give all the rest back to it's rightful owner?

What is Spain going to do with it? Even Barcelona doesn't want to be Spanish any more.

We used to live in Las Cruces. I stop at the Railroad Museum every time we pass by. I liked Santa Fe a lot, until all the trust fund hippies and (con) Artists moved in and squeezed out the real food places and artists.
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What is Spain going to do with it? Even Barcelona doesn't want to be Spanish any more.

We used to live in Las Cruces. I stop at the Railroad Museum every time we pass by. I liked Santa Fe a lot, until all the trust fund hippies and (con) Artists moved in and squeezed out the real food places and artists.
I am in agreement on Santa Fe.
Too Califonicated now.
Beautiful mountains though.
Las Cruces is my home.
Close enough to El Paso that it is easy enough to zip down there if I find myself in need of anything that can't be found here.
Okay, so it's no secret that Californians have been moving away from California in record numbers over the past several years. For the most part they have been moving to the red states of Texas and Florida, along with purple Arizona and some other red states in the West and Oregon and Washington. So, my question is this: will ex-Californians in these other states they moved to keep on voting for the very same shit they just moved away from? Or, are they smart enough to realize that if they vote for the very same crap that caused them to move away they will eventually turn their new location into the very same place they wanted to move away from so badly? I really don't know the answer. I suspect there will be a mix of the smart and stupid but sometimes stupid is forever.
I was born and raised in California. When I went in the army it was January1970. You could still strap your .22 on the handlebars of your bike and ride out to shoot and hunt. Sometime in the three years I was away it changed and not for the better.After a couple weeks of being home I rounded a corner and a butt load of California Highway Patrol cars forced me to pull over for a 'SAFETY INSPECTION'. Forget your car or truck has to pass a safety inspection every year at registration and having the sticker you placed in the lower left and side of the windsheild after passing that inspection. Having the sticker did nothing the safety inspection included my trunk, glove compartment, and under my seats. I left California less than a month latter. The only way I would return to that shit hole that has taken the Bill of Rights from the people is as a liberator and even then believing the people of Calif deserve everything those tyrants throw at them. They had their chance to recall Newsome so it showed these slaves are happy to have tyrants dictate their life. It's a wonder someone hasn't made California honor the Bill of Rights and Constitution meaning the bulk of these elected officals believe they are smarter than us and should dictate our life.

I have lived in Arizona sense finding a trade that allowed me to own a home and raise a family. We now have a democrat running the show. We forget Karie Lake was favored by at least 10% against a person that didn't talk about any issue, refused to debate on any issue but ran the election that gave biden the win when no one voted for him and ran the election that got her elected. There are no honest elections and I could count on one hand the politicans not deserving of a rope and a strong limbed tree.

When Shiff with 12 republicans voting not to prosacute him finds him following the norm you know we have a big problem that started in Calif and New York. Just remember we are all at blame.
Okay, so it's no secret that Californians have been moving away from California in record numbers over the past several years. For the most part they have been moving to the red states of Texas and Florida, along with purple Arizona and some other red states in the West and Oregon and Washington. So, my question is this: will ex-Californians in these other states they moved to keep on voting for the very same shit they just moved away from? Or, are they smart enough to realize that if they vote for the very same crap that caused them to move away they will eventually turn their new location into the very same place they wanted to move away from so badly? I really don't know the answer. I suspect there will be a mix of the smart and stupid but sometimes stupid is forever.
The urban invaders to the central Colorado Rockies and western slope weren't that smart...They've turned those once hip and funky towns into nuveaux riche liberiodal neo-suburbs.
I lived in California for 34 or so years, cast my first vote there. I still vote the way I always have... my conscience.

To be fair, I only voted for one Democrat for state office while living there. Tom Bradley. For governor. He was a good man and the best choice for the job.

Until Rodney king showed up, then dear old Tom was inciting riots.
Per capita, more move from Florida to California than the other way.
If someone in California wants sun and cheaper living, they go to Arizona. The hellholes of Florida and Texas aren't seen as attractive.
LIAR. Stop typing lies.
Texas ranked as top in the pre-pandemic years, most notably 2016-18, falling to Florida in 2019 and Tennessee in 2020, but the Lone Star State has now reclaimed its top spot.
Per capita, more move from Florida to California than the other way.

If someone in California wants sun and cheaper living, they go to Arizona. The hellholes of Florida and Texas aren't seen as attractive.
LOL. Spin city. Are you denying that California is losing population at a high rate?
I'm an "ex-Californian"......lived in the Bay Area & Sacramento, and worked in LA & San Diego a lot. Both my bride and I loved our time in California. She'd move back tomorrow. And when we lived there 30+ years ago the media was always yakking about people fleeing California for cheaper environs. Thus we heard ad nauseum from Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, etc. ....."don't come here and Californicate our state." Yadda, yadda, yadda.

But truth be told, we have liked every place we have lived......7 states, 10 homes we both climbed our career responsibility ladders. We met and worked with good and fine people in every assignment. And had fine neighbors that we remain friends with in all those locales. (Had a couple from the Bay Area stay with us for several days just last week.) So all of this snowflakery about 'America-is-going-hell' is unintelligible to us. We think such people who engage in that whining are life-long complainers and dead-beats in the first place. IMHO

We are in the Midwest now. With a farm we love and on which we play farmer on. Life is good. Life has always been good. We made it that way.

For those whining snowflakes.....well, we extend our heartfelt sympathy that you have been dealt a bad hand....... or the hand you were dealt was played badly.

Good luck in your future endeavors though.
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