Question About Ex-Californians

Yeah, I will admit NM is a rather backwards state. We always seem to be #1 on just about every bad statistical list and near the bottom of every good one.
Still, we have our charms that you just can't find anyplace else.
And I'm only (sorta) kidding y'all about the Great Republic of Tejas.
The state has a good deal of scenic beauty.
How about we keep Austin and all the hill country....and maybe San Antone....and of course the piney wood country....I really like that.
And we can give all the rest back to it's rightful owner?

The entire Planet has been conquered and taken over at one time or another. There are no rightful owners of any of it. Takeover (hostile or economic or stealth) is still going on.
All true, cult boi.
I do understand. You're conservative, so you want unpleasant truths hidden, even censored, and you get very upset when truth is highlighted.
LOL! Read the entire article pussycat. CA is LOSING people to red states, not just FL. Most people from CA are moving closer to CA than FL.

"But there’s debate on whether the difference is statistically significant. According to the Harvard Business Review, this means whether we can be confident the result is not purely by chance."
Been to SF lately? There are some areas that stink of piss and shit and are unsafe. I think it's the city folks that live there that are moving.
Hey, just read this today. I thought you would appreciate it.

I'm an "ex-Californian"......lived in the Bay Area & Sacramento, and worked in LA & San Diego a lot. Both my bride and I loved our time in California. She'd move back tomorrow. And when we lived there 30+ years ago the media was always yakking about people fleeing California for cheaper environs. Thus we heard ad nauseum from Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, etc. ....."don't come here and Californicate our state." Yadda, yadda, yadda.

But truth be told, we have liked every place we have lived......7 states, 10 homes we both climbed our career responsibility ladders. We met and worked with good and fine people in every assignment. And had fine neighbors that we remain friends with in all those locales. (Had a couple from the Bay Area stay with us for several days just last week.) So all of this snowflakery about 'America-is-going-hell' is unintelligible to us. We think such people who engage in that whining are life-long complainers and dead-beats in the first place. IMHO

We are in the Midwest now. With a farm we love and on which we play farmer on. Life is good. Life has always been good. We made it that way.

For those whining snowflakes.....well, we extend our heartfelt sympathy that you have been dealt a bad hand....... or the hand you were dealt was played badly.

Good luck in your future endeavors though.
Well, the truth is, California is leaking residents - fast.
The entire Planet has been conquered and taken over at one time or another. There are no rightful owners of any of it. Takeover (hostile or economic or stealth) is still going on.
But but but surely we owe reparations to someone.
Ummmm, no it isn't. Why are house prices high in Hawaii?

Are house prices high in Hawaii because people are willing to pay more to live there or because of "leftist politics"?
You're going to have to ask me tougher questions than that. Leftist politics. Surely you can ask me a harder question than that.
You're going to have to ask me tougher questions than that. Leftist politics. Surely you can ask me a harder question than that.
You think house prices are the highest in Hawaii because of leftist politics? lmao

Ok so you're just stupid and you don't understand that the market of buyers is what determines the price. It's not like people are willing to spend more to live in Hawaii or anything. Got it.
Leftist policies increase income inequality, which drives up all costs, including housing.
Which has little to do with the market. If people are willing to pay more for a house in a certain location, that is the driving factor for the price. Location, location, location. People are willing to spend a hell of a lot more to live in Hawaii compared to Alabama, and it has nothing to do with politics.

Post a link to your stupid nonsense.
Which has little to do with the market. If people are willing to pay more for a house in a certain location, that is the driving factor for the price. Location, location, location. People are willing to spend a hell of a lot more to live in Hawaii compared to Alabama, and it has nothing to do with politics.

Post a link to your stupid nonsense.
So, you are saying that the higher the income inequality, the better.
After living in Northern CA for many years I left mainly because I saw the influx of the left moving in and changing things from the GOP policies I adhered to. I moved to Oregon and of course, remained a conservative. Now, I want to move to a RED state because of Oregons' leftist policies which have changed dramatically since I moved here years ago. I'm sure you've all read the news and seen the pictures. I'll miss the spectacular coast and lush forests but that is all. I will always remain grateful I moved here when I did but look forward to moving on if I can persuade my hubby who is also politically conservative.

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