Question about quoting posts...


Feb 3, 2019
The automatic nested quotes make a thread virtually unreadable...

Is it possible to use the "Quote" function without including ALL prior quotes. aside from manually editing the quote?
The automatic nested quotes make a thread virtually unreadable...

Is it possible to use the "Quote" function without including ALL prior quotes. aside from manually editing the quote?

so you still using a flip phone?
she died 10 years ago and what does that have to do with my question?
My condolences. Flip phones have nothing to do with forums, so I thought we were trading silly questions.

Or was that your sophomoric attempt at condescension?
Just delete all the stuff except the poster you're responding to, is all. If that's too difficult or inconvenient then find a Snowflake Friendly board where everyone uses twitter type shorthand, emoticons, and 4th grade one liners to post on.
The automatic nested quotes make a thread virtually unreadable...

Is it possible to use the "Quote" function without including ALL prior quotes. aside from manually editing the quote?

No, but if all you want is the one you're quoting, strip out all the others. I do it all the time.

I prefer to have, and be able to cut, than not to have.
so you still using a flip phone?
No. Now it's my turn. Have you stopped beating your wife?

1 thing is taboo around here: Mentioning Family.

Have you stopped torturing small animals yet? <<This is legal.

I like this board. Do I agree with the "Family Rules"? No.

However, this board grants a lot of freedom and nothing is perfect, so whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Family attacks are verboten here.
The automatic nested quotes make a thread virtually unreadable...

Is it possible to use the "Quote" function without including ALL prior quotes. aside from manually editing the quote?

The nested quotes give a quick context of what the reply is about.. But if you want to avoid that, there are several ways.. In addition to some of the other good suggestions, you can easily partial quote multiple sentences or ideas and respond to each individually in the same quote.

You do that by selecting a portion of the post you are replying to.. When it's highlighted, there should be a "reply" bubble that pops up.. Hit that -- post a response underneath in the editing box.. Then repeat that process for as many points as you'd like to make..

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