Question - Does the Constitution have any information/laws governing Invasion?

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
If we are invaded by another country, is there anything in the Constitution that covers this?

If so, what does it state? If not, then can an invasion be met with deadly force?

I've looked online, but everything comes up "invasion of privacy".
If we are invaded by another country, is there anything in the Constitution that covers this?

If so, what does it state? If not, then can an invasion be met with deadly force?

I've looked online, but everything comes up "invasion of privacy".
The Constitution is clear: Section IV Article 4 says the federal government “shall protect each of [the states] against Invasion,” said Rep. Arrington.Jun 8, 2021
The president is tasked with PREVENTING an invasion. IF he is derelict in his duties and it amounts to aiding and abetting the invasion, as Biden is doing, he should be tried for treason, impeached, removed from office, and summarily hung as a traitor in war time.
Yes. That is what is supposed to happen according to the constitution.
The president is tasked with PREVENTING an invasion. IF he is derelict in his duties and it amounts to aiding and abetting the invasion, as Biden is doing, he should be tried for treason, impeached, removed from office, and summarily hung as a traitor in war time.
If anything Biden and company should be impeached without a doubt. I can't believe how asleep or mesmerized the American people are, especially with the derelict of duty this administration is actually guilty of. Where are the checks and balances on our government at anymore ????

Have we gone of the deep end so bad, that there isn't anyone left that will truly uphold the laws and rules laid out in our constitution in which these individuals had to swear with their right hand to God that they would protect and then honor this constitution ???

Even in goodwill towards our constitution, they should be impeached, and actually be banned from ever holding a government office let alone a job in government for the rest of their days upon this earth. They should be reduced or stripped of their government pensions or retirement, otherwise be made to join the rest of the average everyday American struggling to survive under their corruption.
Democrats are locked into this all consuming inferno of getting Trump that the world could literally blow up and they wouldn't care. That's how blinded they are.
Democrats are locked into this all consuming inferno of getting Trump that the world could literally blow up and they wouldn't care. That's how blinded they are.
It's been obvious since day one what's been at play or going on with these Democrat's, and the best thing is how it has revealed their intent, and their agenda's now found in it all.

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