Question for all "gun" control advocates.

So this would mean a "mass killer" using a gun could only use a single shot rifle is that your point?
What would you suggest if instead of an AR-15 the Texas mass killer had drove his truck into the church killing the same # of people?

Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?
So this would mean a "mass killer" using a gun could only use a single shot rifle is that your point?
What would you suggest if instead of an AR-15 the Texas mass killer had drove his truck into the church killing the same # of people?

Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
So this would mean a "mass killer" using a gun could only use a single shot rifle is that your point?
What would you suggest if instead of an AR-15 the Texas mass killer had drove his truck into the church killing the same # of people?

Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
So this would mean a "mass killer" using a gun could only use a single shot rifle is that your point?
What would you suggest if instead of an AR-15 the Texas mass killer had drove his truck into the church killing the same # of people?

Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
IMO, when people say that, its because you will go after something else when something happens.
Ban all semi auto rifles, someone kills a bunch of people with a glock, then you bedwetters will go after hand guns.
Look at the bump stock FFS. 90% of you idiots didnt even know what it was before vegas. All it took is ONE TIME.
Nobody trusts reactionaries because they are ignorant.
So this would mean a "mass killer" using a gun could only use a single shot rifle is that your point?
What would you suggest if instead of an AR-15 the Texas mass killer had drove his truck into the church killing the same # of people?

Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.
a bolt action rifle.
So this would mean a "mass killer" using a gun could only use a single shot rifle is that your point?
What would you suggest if instead of an AR-15 the Texas mass killer had drove his truck into the church killing the same # of people?

Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.
A truck!
Look at the picture then imagine that truck in the picture driving in the front door, and smashing dozens of people at once!
Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 3.42.11 PM.png
Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.
A truck!
Look at the picture then imagine that truck in the picture driving in the front door, and smashing dozens of people at once!
View attachment 159346
sooooooooooooo many possibilities TBH
With this recent church shooting and 26 dead the controversy regarding "gun control" comes up.
As more information about the shooter comes out the more it appears "gun control" measures weren't suffice.
So given the rise especially from the MSM clamoring for more "gun control"... what is the mechanism that would entirely eliminate ONCE and for ALL theses kinds of incidents done with "guns"?
Do the advocates for "gun control" want ALL guns confiscated? No more "gun" sales?
Explain what the ultimate solution to 100% elimination of future events like what happened in Texas on Sunday, in Las Vegas, mass "shootings" would be.

I really honestly want a dialogue as to how to 100% eradicate future mass shootings.
View attachment 159282

View attachment 159283

I love that NRA nonsense that would require any measure get rid of ALL gun violence.

what BS. :cuckoo:
Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.
A truck!
Look at the picture then imagine that truck in the picture driving in the front door, and smashing dozens of people at once!
View attachment 159346

pure hackery

the intended purpose of a truck is not to kill.

the intended purpose of a gun IS to kill.

I don't want to get rid of all guns. I just want scum who shouldn't HAVE a gun not to be able to get one.

why are you idiots so dug in on this?
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.
A truck!
Look at the picture then imagine that truck in the picture driving in the front door, and smashing dozens of people at once!
View attachment 159346

pure hackery
[B said:
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us![/B]

The above IDIOT is trying to blame mass shootings on sane people's desire to have "more gun laws".........How fucked up these right wingers have become...

Yeah, the shooter could have found some other means as to best kill 26 people....BUT, its just a bit tougher with a knife or a broom and THANKS to idiots like you, you make the killer's life EASIER.....
Last edited:
Look at the bump stock FFS. 90% of you idiots didnt even know what it was before vegas. All it took is ONE TIME.

Yeah....we rely on fuck heads like you to "inform" us on the latest inventions to make you feel all manly inside......LOL
Tell you what GUN NUTS..........Your "rationale" resembles this.
How's about legalizing ALL current illegal drugs; after all, if someone wants to find a way to fuck up their heads, they can always boil in water some plastic bottles and drink away.
So this would mean a "mass killer" using a gun could only use a single shot rifle is that your point?
What would you suggest if instead of an AR-15 the Texas mass killer had drove his truck into the church killing the same # of people?

Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.

And they are illegal for good reason.
Look at the bump stock FFS. 90% of you idiots didnt even know what it was before vegas. All it took is ONE TIME.

Yeah....we rely on fuck heads like you to "inform" us on the latest inventions to make you feel all manly inside......LOL

I remember the gun nuts telling us how assault rifles aren't that dangerous and just look mean. I don't hear that after Orlando and Vegas and Texas...
Yeah.....what a "brilliant" defense of assault weapons.......comparing them to trucks is as moronic as trusting Trump to bring coal miners' jobs back to the U.S.....LOL
I wasn't for or against assault weapons. I am trying to reach a more fundamental solution rather then some archaic, cliched emotionally weak argument "ban all guns" or "ban assault weapons". Fundamentally I guess you still think the assault weapon fires itself. That this weapon has a mind of it's own and the trigger goes off. I guess what I'm pointing out which has gone over your head is that putting more gun laws on the books isn't the answer.
In this case it was a clerical error that the guy was able to acquire guns. But to simplistically as "gun ban" enthusiasts are wont to be, "ban all guns" doesn't solve the fundamental problem of the individual who pulls the trigger or drives the truck in NY killing 8 people... where are you on "banning all trucks"? After all the truck didn't drive itself.
You see how lubricous the argument for "banning all guns" becomes? It's not the guns it's the people and the 24 hour news cycle that blows the rare exception event out of proportion. Where is the similar angst about this fact?
Weekend Violence

Police have also emphasized that most guns used in Chicago crimes were bought outside of the city or state, where regulations are not as strict.
Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country?

Again with the straw-man bullshit argument about "BANNING ALL GUNS"????

Yes, the Founding fathers did NOT ban assault weapons with the 2nd amendment, and neither did they ban armed drones...
One has to wonder why???...LOL
You are missing the point entirely!!!! It has nothing to do with an inanimate object that by itself can not go off!
So why are people like you wanting to BAN an inanimate object? Again why not ban trucks? Knives? Etc... all used in mass killings. ONLY guns seem to bring out people like you that think just one more gun law, one more restriction yea that's the ticket! Bullshit! The existing LAWS are not being followed 100% as in this case!
The shooter was mentally defective, discharged from service assaulted 11 month old child and if he didn't have guns he would have used something else!
Don't you understand this is fundamental! There is a solution. You don't seem to comprehend that. You want more gun laws... and look where that has gotten us!
What could he have used to kill or maim the 40+ people in that church in a matter of a few minutes? Don't say a bomb; those are actually tricky to make and most homicidal maniacs don't know how and have no interest in learning.

And they are illegal for good reason.
federal explosive permit?
Look at the bump stock FFS. 90% of you idiots didnt even know what it was before vegas. All it took is ONE TIME.

Yeah....we rely on fuck heads like you to "inform" us on the latest inventions to make you feel all manly inside......LOL

I remember the gun nuts telling us how assault rifles aren't that dangerous and just look mean. I don't hear that after Orlando and Vegas and Texas...
They arent dangerous. Its an inanimate object..
We can lower the number of mass shootings with gun control. It is the only thing that works. We should have kept the magazine limits and assault weapons ban. We don't need to ban all guns to limit the killings.

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