Question for all "gun" control advocates.

AND to prove his point, the above idiot provides a link to a fellow idiot's opinion..LOL
here you go, nat. I'll do the reading for you:

"Our ultimate goal -- total control of handguns in the United States -- is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to 10 years. The first problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns being produced and sold in this country. The second problem is to get handguns registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition -- except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors -- totally illegal."
~Nelson Shields, founder of Handgun Control, Inc.,

"You will not feel safe, your children will not be safe, until there are almost no guns on the streets and in homes. No guns, period, except for those held by law enforcement officers and a few others, including qualified hunters and collectors. ... We must, as a nation, move toward a very different model, one that presumptively bars private citizens from owning a firearm unless they can demonstrate a special need and ability to do so. ... We think the time has come for Americans to tell the truth about guns. They are not for us; we cannot handle them. They kill people, our children included. It's time to get rid of them. Period."
LA Times Editorial, 1993

"Australia had a huge mass killing about 20, 25 years ago. Canada did as well, so did the UK. In reaction, they passed much stricter gun laws. ... The Australian government as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns and basically clamped down going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach -- more of a permitting approach."
~Hillary Rotten Clinton, 2016

Without realizing it, you just proved MY point.....You're citing an anti-gun nut....and an Editorial(look up what THAT means) and if you're reading comprehension was better than my parakeet's, you'd know that Clinton was not talking about BANNING ALL GUNS.

You're too fucking easy to mop the floor with.
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Its about holding the line, I get it. if I thought it was a rare event could live maybe with this new idiot breed of gun people. am afraid that maybe its not. don't want to get to the place that you have to look over your shoulder when your out in public. the % of take away your guns people is low, the % of people looking to better the odds against getting shot is growing.
We know you leftistd don't want to ban muzzle-loaded muskets. I guess rhe "complete" ban is hyperbole.


You fucking intellectually dishonest asshole. I hope you cry like a little girl when that last gun law takes the dirt nap and your neighbor starts mowing the lawn with a M60 strapped to his back, just to laugh at you when you piss your pants.
No one wants to ban all guns.

The problem is firepower, both speed and magazine size.

The other problem is that the NRA does not want background checks. The republicans claim they do, but never allocate the funds to get er done. This is how scumbags escape the background checks.

There are no background checks on so called gun shows or when a good guy with a gun needs to get rid of his old toys.

I am willing to bet every gun used in a crime came from a good guy with a gun who got rid of it.

Nothing will change until republicans start to love their children more than the NRA
Retard ALERT, EVERY single Licensed dealer MUST preform a background check even at Gun shows.
That sentiment echoes sincerely around Newtown, Connecticut. Sadly, it rings with despicable irony here.

Those poor, innocent children were not just killed, they were TORN APART in PIECES by that type of assault weapon.
Nothing will change until republicans start to love their children more than the NRA
Forgot about this comment.

That sentiment echoes sincerely around Newtown, Connecticut. Sadly, it rings with despicable irony here.
Think of all those kids who would have been saved if just ONE person in that school was armed.

THINK OF THE CHILDREN and repeal the school bans.
Retard ALERT, EVERY single Licensed dealer MUST preform a background check even at Gun shows.

Here for you fucking morons......

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws. Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks.
One must PURCHASE a booth at a gun show. Non licensed sellers are far and few between and there are Federal laws that require anyone selling over a certain number of firearms a year to have a license. Joe Bubba does NOT sell his one or two weapons at a gun show.
What I love is when a gun grabber laments "BUT it is for the children" " don't you care about the children?" And they support abortion.
Those poor, innocent children were not just killed, they were TORN APART in PIECES by that type of assault weapon
If only they had made the school a gun-free zone. :lol:

You mistake me for someone who gives a fuck when idiots pass stupid laws that criminals (surprisingly) ignore.
Nothing will change until republicans start to love their children more than the NRA
Forgot about this comment.

That sentiment echoes sincerely around Newtown, Connecticut. Sadly, it rings with despicable irony here.
Think of all those kids who would have been saved if just ONE person in that school was armed.

THINK OF THE CHILDREN and repeal the school bans.
I can't help but think of a school teacher packing heat. And how utterly ridiculous that is. Teachers are there to teach.

In March of 1981 four men were wounded on the streets of Washington D.C. in the middle of the day. Two of those men were armed. A third shuddered a head wound and was rendered paraplegic. The fourth was serving as President of the United States. Every one of them was surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. All those guns did not prevent the shooting.

How would your fourth grade teacher fare in a shooting situation compared to the Secret Service?
Nothing will change until republicans start to love their children more than the NRA
Forgot about this comment.

That sentiment echoes sincerely around Newtown, Connecticut. Sadly, it rings with despicable irony here.
Think of all those kids who would have been saved if just ONE person in that school was armed.

THINK OF THE CHILDREN and repeal the school bans.
I can't help but think of a school teacher packing heat. And how utterly ridiculous that is. Teachers are there to teach.

In March of 1981 four men were wounded on the streets of Washington D.C. in the middle of the day. Two of those men were armed. A third shuddered a head wound and was rendered paraplegic. The fourth was serving as President of the United States. Every one of them was surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. All those guns did not prevent the shooting.

How would your fourth grade teacher fare in a shooting situation compared to the Secret Service?
That is a completely different scenario, and does nothing but bolster the point. Imagine if nobody was armed but Hinkley.

An active shooter should never have time to calmly reload and systematically execute dozens of unarmed people. Someone must be allowed to shoot back.

Diane Frankenstein said it herself that there is no way to prevent mass shootings. The ONLY way to limit loss of life is armed resistance.

And, I would rather have a mildly competent teacher shooting back than NOBODY DOING A GODDAMN THING while the asshole calmly walks up to my kid with zero resistance, and aims point-blank a my kid's head. ANY resistance makes such a scenario less likely.
With this recent church shooting and 26 dead the controversy regarding "gun control" comes up.
As more information about the shooter comes out the more it appears "gun control" measures weren't suffice.
So given the rise especially from the MSM clamoring for more "gun control"... what is the mechanism that would entirely eliminate ONCE and for ALL theses kinds of incidents done with "guns"?
Do the advocates for "gun control" want ALL guns confiscated? No more "gun" sales?
Explain what the ultimate solution to 100% elimination of future events like what happened in Texas on Sunday, in Las Vegas, mass "shootings" would be.

I really honestly want a dialogue as to how to 100% eradicate future mass shootings.
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Why do we have to eliminate shootings "once and for all"?

Why can't we just reduce the frequency and severity of the shootings?
Nothing will change until republicans start to love their children more than the NRA
Forgot about this comment.

That sentiment echoes sincerely around Newtown, Connecticut. Sadly, it rings with despicable irony here.
Think of all those kids who would have been saved if just ONE person in that school was armed.

THINK OF THE CHILDREN and repeal the school bans.
One person was armed at Orlando. Didn't help.
You mistake me for someone who gives a fuck when idiots pass stupid laws that criminals (surprisingly) ignore.

Well, you PROVE that you're an idiot.....

Why pass speeding laws?
Why pass drug laws ?
(and, most importantly) Why pass money-laundering laws?............LOL

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