Question for all "gun" control advocates.

With this recent church shooting and 26 dead the controversy regarding "gun control" comes up.
As more information about the shooter comes out the more it appears "gun control" measures weren't suffice.
So given the rise especially from the MSM clamoring for more "gun control"... what is the mechanism that would entirely eliminate ONCE and for ALL theses kinds of incidents done with "guns"?
Do the advocates for "gun control" want ALL guns confiscated? No more "gun" sales?
Explain what the ultimate solution to 100% elimination of future events like what happened in Texas on Sunday, in Las Vegas, mass "shootings" would be.

I really honestly want a dialogue as to how to 100% eradicate future mass shootings.
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View attachment 159283


What makes you believe it's possible to eradicate the nature of the human beast?


I can't help but think of a school teacher packing heat. And how utterly ridiculous that is. Teachers are there to teach.

In March of 1981 four men were wounded on the streets of Washington D.C. in the middle of the day. Two of those men were armed. A third shuddered a head wound and was rendered paraplegic. The fourth was serving as President of the United States. Every one of them was surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. All those guns did not prevent the shooting.

How would your fourth grade teacher fare in a shooting situation compared to the Secret Service?
That is a completely different scenario, and does nothing but bolster the point. Imagine if nobody was armed but Hinkley.

An active shooter should never have time to calmly reload and systematically execute dozens of unarmed people. Someone must be allowed to shoot back.

Diane Frankenstein said it herself that there is no way to prevent mass shootings. The ONLY way to limit loss of life is armed resistance.

And, I would rather have a mildly competent teacher shooting back than NOBODY DOING A GODDAMN THING while the asshole calmly walks up to my kid with zero resistance, and aims point-blank a my kid's head. ANY resistance makes such a scenario less likely.
People were unarmed in many mass shootings and yet they took down the assailant. Pouring more bullets into a classroom cannot be regarded as a responsible move.

Let me carry a gun in my classroom and I guarantee the shooter will not hurt anyone.

Orlando had an off duty cop for security. Didn't matter.

And of course, you lie by omission....the off duty guard ran away to call for help, leaving over 300 unarmed people in a gun free zone at the mercy of the shooter.......

In the Texas shooting, one man, armed with an AR-15 rifle stopped the killer and saved 26 lives......the other 26 died in the gun free zone....because they didn't have any guns to stop the killer.....

Ran away because he was outgunned obviously. In TX he stopped the shooter when he was leaving after already killing 26 people.
That is a completely different scenario, and does nothing but bolster the point. Imagine if nobody was armed but Hinkley.

An active shooter should never have time to calmly reload and systematically execute dozens of unarmed people. Someone must be allowed to shoot back.

Diane Frankenstein said it herself that there is no way to prevent mass shootings. The ONLY way to limit loss of life is armed resistance.

And, I would rather have a mildly competent teacher shooting back than NOBODY DOING A GODDAMN THING while the asshole calmly walks up to my kid with zero resistance, and aims point-blank a my kid's head. ANY resistance makes such a scenario less likely.
People were unarmed in many mass shootings and yet they took down the assailant. Pouring more bullets into a classroom cannot be regarded as a responsible move.

Let me carry a gun in my classroom and I guarantee the shooter will not hurt anyone.

Orlando had an off duty cop for security. Didn't matter.

And of course, you lie by omission....the off duty guard ran away to call for help, leaving over 300 unarmed people in a gun free zone at the mercy of the shooter.......

In the Texas shooting, one man, armed with an AR-15 rifle stopped the killer and saved 26 lives......the other 26 died in the gun free zone....because they didn't have any guns to stop the killer.....

Ran away because he was outgunned obviously. In TX he stopped the shooter when he was leaving after already killing 26 people.

Nope...he ran away to get help.....

And you know you are lying about Texas....there is video of the son of the survivor that you have seen that states the shooter stopped murdering the survivors and left because of the man armed with the AR-15 civilian rifle....saving the lives of the 26 wounded still in the church.....

People were unarmed in many mass shootings and yet they took down the assailant. Pouring more bullets into a classroom cannot be regarded as a responsible move.

Let me carry a gun in my classroom and I guarantee the shooter will not hurt anyone.

Orlando had an off duty cop for security. Didn't matter.

And of course, you lie by omission....the off duty guard ran away to call for help, leaving over 300 unarmed people in a gun free zone at the mercy of the shooter.......

In the Texas shooting, one man, armed with an AR-15 rifle stopped the killer and saved 26 lives......the other 26 died in the gun free zone....because they didn't have any guns to stop the killer.....

Ran away because he was outgunned obviously. In TX he stopped the shooter when he was leaving after already killing 26 people.

Nope...he ran away to get help.....

And you know you are lying about Texas....there is video of the son of the survivor that you have seen that states the shooter stopped murdering the survivors and left because of the man armed with the AR-15 civilian rifle....saving the lives of the 26 wounded still in the church.....


Yes he left when he was outgunned. Had he not been outgunned there would have been no need for help obviously.

The civilian was outside. The shooting was inside. The shooter left inside and was leaving when he got shot at by the civilian.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

Indeed!!!.......This whole pro-gun argument is "supported" on a relatively small number of right wingers' paranoia based on ignorance.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

Indeed!!!.......This whole pro-gun argument is "supported" on a relatively small number of right wingers' paranoia based on ignorance.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
Right wing morons keep on bringing up a woman's right to choose what should go on within her womb (so much for their "libertarian" proclivities) as an EXCUSE to manufacture more assault weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill people....quickly and in large numbers......

Here's the question:

Would gun-nuts fuck heads be willing to ban ALL guns if abortions were outlawed?
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
There are no protections beyond those found in natural rights for gun lovers. natural rights work fine in Nature.

We have a Republic and a Constitution.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
Now that is a good point about cars...THAT is totally applicable to GUNS!
See it's not the car, nor the gun. Its the USER!!!!!
My point regarding the news though is the MSM takes these EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time when in reality:
307 people mass shootings.. 40,000 car deaths and 908,000 abortions...ALL DEATHS but which one makes the evening news for several nights?
WHY? When all three are education issues as YOU point out with cars, so too with guns AND abortions!
Right wing morons keep on bringing up a woman's right to choose what should go on within her womb (so much for their "libertarian" proclivities) as an EXCUSE to manufacture more assault weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill people....quickly and in large numbers......

Here's the question:

Would gun-nuts fuck heads be willing to ban ALL guns if abortions were outlawed?
Well lets go further with that...
Would all pro abortionists be OK with all females that want their tubes tied be OK with that IF after the 3rd abortion that option is offered?
See the issue again is NOT guns, but gun owners nor is it abortion but women's "rights".....
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
Now that is a good point about cars...THAT is totally applicable to GUNS!
See it's not the car, nor the gun. Its the USER!!!!!
My point regarding the news though is the MSM takes these EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time when in reality:
307 people mass shootings.. 40,000 car deaths and 908,000 abortions...ALL DEATHS but which one makes the evening news for several nights?
WHY? When all three are education issues as YOU point out with cars, so too with guns AND abortions!
Correct it’s the users.
Which is why dems push for gun control laws and regulations. No one is trying to get rid of gun. We are just trying to make sure guns are in safe hands.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
There are no protections beyond those found in natural rights for gun lovers. natural rights work fine in Nature.

We have a Republic and a Constitution.
and freedom isn't free.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
Now that is a good point about cars...THAT is totally applicable to GUNS!
See it's not the car, nor the gun. Its the USER!!!!!
My point regarding the news though is the MSM takes these EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time when in reality:
307 people mass shootings.. 40,000 car deaths and 908,000 abortions...ALL DEATHS but which one makes the evening news for several nights?
WHY? When all three are education issues as YOU point out with cars, so too with guns AND abortions!
Correct it’s the users.
Which is why dems push for gun control laws and regulations. No one is trying to get rid of gun. We are just trying to make sure guns are in safe hands.
why not make an offense with a gun more strict. A crime with a gun is life in prison. Why are you against that?
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
Now that is a good point about cars...THAT is totally applicable to GUNS!
See it's not the car, nor the gun. Its the USER!!!!!
My point regarding the news though is the MSM takes these EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time when in reality:
307 people mass shootings.. 40,000 car deaths and 908,000 abortions...ALL DEATHS but which one makes the evening news for several nights?
WHY? When all three are education issues as YOU point out with cars, so too with guns AND abortions!
Correct it’s the users.
Which is why dems push for gun control laws and regulations. No one is trying to get rid of gun. We are just trying to make sure guns are in safe hands.
why not make an offense with a gun more strict. A crime with a gun is life in prison. Why are you against that?
I never stated I was against that. In fact I’m not. My city is very strict on guns. But it has to be nation wide. Places like Chicago has extremely strict gun laws and most of their gun violence is from guns smuggled in from states with barely any gun laws.
NO ONE is advocating "banning all guns"......It is simply a fucking stupid straw man argument by right wingers.....

Rather, we cannot allow the easy sale of assault, military-style weapons and huge ammunition clips whose ONLY purpose is to slaughter as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....
I agree. Guns should be for protection and hunting. Neither of which require 800 rounds per second.

So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
Now that is a good point about cars...THAT is totally applicable to GUNS!
See it's not the car, nor the gun. Its the USER!!!!!
My point regarding the news though is the MSM takes these EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time when in reality:
307 people mass shootings.. 40,000 car deaths and 908,000 abortions...ALL DEATHS but which one makes the evening news for several nights?
WHY? When all three are education issues as YOU point out with cars, so too with guns AND abortions!
Correct it’s the users.
Which is why dems push for gun control laws and regulations. No one is trying to get rid of gun. We are just trying to make sure guns are in safe hands.

Actually you and the Dems should spend MORE time on less spectacular TV rating events like MASS shootings which result in less then 307 deaths and a little more
time on education of Drivers that kill 40,000 people and abortions that kill 900,000 babies.
Explain to me why this occurs:

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control continue to act as pre-meditated murders at that point.
U.S. Abortion Statistics
Please tell me that the above women are NOT capable of learning birth control while having sex or is it they ARE the weaker sex?
Nearly 300,000 abortions due to "IGNORANCE"???? Where is the education system on this?
NO the truth is the MSM has taken these spectacular events i.e. mass shootings and MADE them the topic de jour. And in doing so created copy cat killings!
Why does the MSM do this? Ratings. And then we have these discussions while thousands per day die from abortions and car accidents.
So you claim "easy sale of assault"...
OK what about stolen assault weapons?
Point is should there BE any assault weapons manufactured period?
Because people like the Texas shooter got the weapons due to simple clerical errors.
  • So let's not allow ANY assault weapons to be manufactured because in the last year 307 people have been killed. Makes total sense. BAN ALL weapons.
  • So while we are at it... let's ban all automobiles also. These totally evil autos have killed 40,000 people!
  • While we are at it let's also ban ALL abortions as abortions killed an estimated 908,000 U.S. abortions took place in 2015.
Hmmm... seems a bit odd. All this angst over 300 deaths while nearly a million lives wiped out in 2015 by people that didn't want their baby.

Just doesn't make any common sense. WAIT here's the reason!!!
MSM once again blowing the exception into the rule and lemmings following these biased ignorant MSM believe everything the news anchors put out!
Truth in advertising is a law. Where is the same law regarding Truth in the NEWS????
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
Now that is a good point about cars...THAT is totally applicable to GUNS!
See it's not the car, nor the gun. Its the USER!!!!!
My point regarding the news though is the MSM takes these EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time when in reality:
307 people mass shootings.. 40,000 car deaths and 908,000 abortions...ALL DEATHS but which one makes the evening news for several nights?
WHY? When all three are education issues as YOU point out with cars, so too with guns AND abortions!
Correct it’s the users.
Which is why dems push for gun control laws and regulations. No one is trying to get rid of gun. We are just trying to make sure guns are in safe hands.
why not make an offense with a gun more strict. A crime with a gun is life in prison. Why are you against that?
I never stated I was against that. In fact I’m not. My city is very strict on guns. But it has to be nation wide. Places like Chicago has extremely strict gun laws and most of their gun violence is from guns smuggled in from states with barely any gun laws.
so instead of promoting gun laws that are already in place, promote stricter sentencing for crimes committed with a gun, rather than what Jerry Brown has done in California which is to lighten sentences? Is the gun on trial or the person? that is the ultimate question. so good, you're for a Federal punishment of crime with a gun is life in prison and killing someone with a gun is death sentence. ok? You think that would deter use of guns? I do.
You jumped from A to Z with everything in between jumbled incoherently.
For civilians, guns are for protection and hunting. They don’t need automatic weapons. That’s not to say automatic weapons aren’t necessary. I would assume they come in very handy to soldiers at war who need to shoot as many attackers they can as quickly as they can.
Banning cars? You have a good point cars kill a lot of people. Why not raise the driving age and require more training classes and experience behind the wheel before a license is issued.
Now that is a good point about cars...THAT is totally applicable to GUNS!
See it's not the car, nor the gun. Its the USER!!!!!
My point regarding the news though is the MSM takes these EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time when in reality:
307 people mass shootings.. 40,000 car deaths and 908,000 abortions...ALL DEATHS but which one makes the evening news for several nights?
WHY? When all three are education issues as YOU point out with cars, so too with guns AND abortions!
Correct it’s the users.
Which is why dems push for gun control laws and regulations. No one is trying to get rid of gun. We are just trying to make sure guns are in safe hands.
why not make an offense with a gun more strict. A crime with a gun is life in prison. Why are you against that?
I never stated I was against that. In fact I’m not. My city is very strict on guns. But it has to be nation wide. Places like Chicago has extremely strict gun laws and most of their gun violence is from guns smuggled in from states with barely any gun laws.
so instead of promoting gun laws that are already in place, promote stricter sentencing for crimes committed with a gun, rather than what Jerry Brown has done in California which is to lighten sentences? Is the gun on trial or the person? that is the ultimate question. so good, you're for a Federal punishment of crime with a gun is life in prison and killing someone with a gun is death sentence. ok? You think that would deter use of guns? I do.

Go ahead have a death sentence but if you remember almost all the mass shooters are dead already!
And the laws are strict enough. This guy slipped through the cracks. Data entry error.
BUT people are so blown out of proportion of 26 deaths while ignoring that during that same time period Sunday:
26 people shot
109 people died on Sunday in car accidents and
2,464 babies killed by abortion

But which event had 24 hour 5 days or more coverage? WHY are guns and not the shooters the target of MSM?
Why not car accidents that kill 109 people EVERY DAY not the 24/5 day topic? or 2,464 babies?
People your priorities are so screwed up by the extremely BIASED and truly ignorant MSM!

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